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Blast reported in North Waziristan while a convoy was passing through. | Aug 2022 .

Point is, IED jammers might be able to jam RCIEDs, but of course nothing can jam an IED connected with a physical electrical wire to its remote....that requires troops lining up along all the routes, like it used to happen years ago....but that requires more troops, means new surge levels, which will have its own implications.
jamming a wire, now that could be challenging. That brings back to detection of IED itself.
What's happening in Swat again?

P.S. a refresh of memory that under the nose of Musharraf, when Soba Sarhad was under MMA, criminals built tunnels in mountainous areas of Swat.

This is probably Meran Shah NW (?)

More than a mile long tunnel in NW, all under Musharraf
156 caves, all under Musharraf

Similar questions asked by Murad Saeed & Arshad Sharif

What possible spectrum of IED mechanisms these jammers can block, and what mechanisms they cannot block or are less likely to block?

A few I have seen on media are remote controlled, mobile SIM based, timer based, etc. mercury tubing for suicide attackers that raise arm as a trigger etc. (not IED though)
What other mechanisms are used?

Another thing I'm curious about is that when jammers block mobile signals, how does the crew make any necessary phone calls?


I did a post but mods deleted it
jamming a wire, now that could be challenging. That brings back to detection of IED itself.
..Which means the BD and protection party itself gets targeted once the militants see that their IED is about to be detected.
You mean on Swat issue?
May be I should delete that part too then if something is unacceptable about that

Yes apparently there was a hostage situation in swat and police was dealing with it.
Runs 11 miles per gallon ...consume more gas when driving slow ...
Their is will where is way ,,that is lame excuse not worth in font of lives of jawan .make a hybrid solution with help of 🇨🇳.
Their is will where is way ,,that is lame excuse not worth in font of lives of jawan .make a hybrid solution with help of 🇨🇳.
There is no solution when locals provide shelter to terrorists. Pak-Afghan border can not be guarded ..porous terrain of 11 hundred miles ,,, if I am not wrong ........ we paying a big price for participating First Afghan war. Promote the power of the vote and listen to the voices of the people, fixed the judicial system, and forced the constitution of Pakistan.
These weapons are only temporary solutions.
Op Zarb e Azab by Gen RS was focused mainly in in KPK and FATA region through displacing civilians (IDPs) and clearing those areas. Op Radd ul Fassad is country wide, the whole population cannot be shifted to a neighboring country till the completion of Ops. There have been 1,50,000 IBOs conducted in the first 3 years (17-20). the numbers would be averaging similar in 21 and 22. IBOs are conducted based on intel and surveillance teams and their reports, but the ISI is busy toppling Governments. Unfortunately, COAS Bajwa has taken Military, Paramilitary and CTD towards a bigger Ops than Gen RS as envisioned before start of the Ops RuF.

Was it a need of time or a blunder, you should be able to tell. If it was a need time, even then COAS Bajwas is wrong, and if it was a blunder to start the Ops, then again COAS Bajwa is wrong, since in your books Bajwa is the bad guy. Also, the brigadiers and colonels who were conducting commands in Ops Zarb e Azab are now Generals, I am sure Bajwa's incompetency trickled into them too. They at once turned from successful Brigadiers to greedy lusty Generals, haina. Has to be Bajwa instructions. Drop command files, pick up land and DHA files. But its alright, most of the members here have just not already made up their minds, they also don't understand an officers career (academics, OEI, ACR etc) and the conduct of a military Ops.

So Generals are sitting in their offices, infact WFH (working from Home), while the Brigadiers and colonels under them are leading troops. These Brigadiers and Colonels were majors and captains back then in Op zarb eAzab, they also didnt learn anything. They turned from successfully trained and accomplished military officers to property agents with in 1 year (16 to 17). Incredible officers, they can be turned into anything in a blink of an eye. One must salute PMA Kakul for providing programmable humanoids to Army.

But lets continue with your narrative, Bajwa is wrong, was wrong, will be wrong and no way in hell has he ever made a correct decision. In Ops Zarb e Azab, it was bit easy to send reserve formations from 1st and 2nd Strike Corps to target areas for Ops. Now, the the target areas is whole Pakistan so police (CTD) has to be involved along with FC and Rangers. The whole security set up of Pakistan is being tested. Bad decision by Bajwa as usual.

And by the way, terrorists are striking Pakistan repeatedly because they are being hit continuously where it hurts. You should come out of anti-Army Generals mentality to look at situation in an un-biased manner.
You want a solution or not it is that simple .hit them where they are sheltering,bring fight into their homes make a buffer zone between afghanistan and Pakistan …the question is are you competent or not
There is no way to entirely “end terrorism” We can only do our best to defend against terrorist attacks. We can arrest and expel all we want, but if the terrorists are sneaking right back through our borders. We are wasting our time , rip brothers.

we Should have never got ourselves involved in a war 9/11 nothing to do with us !
Four Pakistan Army soldiers Embraced Martyrdom in a suicide attack on their military convoy in Mir Ali area of North Waziristan District.

Details of the Four soldiers who Embraced shahadat in a suicide bombing

▪️Lance Naik Shahzaib (22, r/o Mansehra)

▪️Lance Naik Sajjad (26, r/o District Ghizer),

▪️Sepoy Umair (25, r/o Kohat)

▪️Sepoy Khurram (30, r/o Narowal)

FIA ISI can figure out location of every PTI troll but can’t take out this TTP terrorist on Twitter? Was this hilux death bix
The suicide bomber was in a rickshaw which exploded beside an army troop carrying truck which was part of a military convoy. Some years back, normal traffic used to be stopped once military movement was going on. However, once normal traffic is allowed along side military traffic, probability of such events increases.

Condolences to the bereaved friends and family.

Has anyone claimed responsibility for the attack?
The suicide bomber was in a rickshaw which exploded beside an army troop carrying truck which was part of a military convoy. Some years back, normal traffic used to be stopped once military movement was going on. However, once normal traffic is allowed along side military traffic, probability of such events increases.

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Sir, why is it that the comparatively light-weight rickshaw is still standing on the road while the explosion has literally thrown the heavy truck off the road?
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