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Featured Blast reported at seminary in Peshawar's Dir Colony - 7 Martyred, many injured

If you are so sure that he is "hell bent on destroying Pakistan", prosecute him or hang him. Don't hide behind him. It is easy to blame anyone and sleep again. Where is Ehsan Ulaah Ehsan??
Quoting a media presstitute isnt going to add credibility to your post. Hamid Mir is known for alot of things however being loyal to Pakistan isnt one of that.
and nobody is hiding behind anything. Do you think this was the only threat? There are countless threats that our institutions make unsuccessful however with so many conspiracies hatching at the same time, it is only natural that one or two will succeed. On top of that the entire opposition is acting on India's behalf. Waisa to kahta hain vote ko izzat do but bus wohi kaam khud nahi kerta. Kya vote ko sirf tab izzat milti ha jab Nawaz khud power main hota hain?
Our poor children Allah bless their innocent souls.
At the end of he day we have plenty of crazies who call other sects kaffirs at a whim, no need for India here (they are given far too much credit here). The fact remains just what will the higher ups in the security apparatus do?
I sadly say this we are seeing a slow return to the horrible casualty counts of the 0 years.
Sorry to say but I don't agree with you even for the argument sake it's all our fault and raw cia nds are all doodh Kay dhoolay and want to give us Afghanistan on a platter still we need a scapegoat to put all of our sins on as India has pakistan and USA has China etc for our own unity and strength where India/modi/rss would be without pakistan ?
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Quoting a media presstitute isnt going to add credibility to your post. Hamid Mir is known for alot of things however being loyal to Pakistan isnt one of that.
and nobody is hiding behind anything. Do you think this was the only threat? There are countless threats that our institutions make unsuccessful however with so many conspiracies hatching at the same time, it is only natural that one or two will succeed. On top of that the entire opposition is acting on India's behalf. Waisa to kahta hain vote ko izzat do but bus wohi kaam khud nahi kerta. Kya vote ko sirf tab izzat milti ha jab Nawaz khud power main hota hain?

How can you put FATWA of loyalty or disloyalty on anyone??
some of these politicians and journalists are enemy agents so how can they loose site of them enemy hides behind their smoke screen.

Enemy agent?? Whoever raise a question is enemy or enemy agent?? If they are enemy agent why are they sill operating??
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8 pages of confusion

I will say it again


the seminary is loosely connected to Gulbudin Hek

He was in Pakistan only a week or so ago

And now a seminary connected to his wider group is targeted

AFGHANISTAN is falling down a hole and the Taliban is winning

This is why this happened

I keep saying this, the Indians are loudmouths but they are largely dickless people
They may have the desire but it's the afghanis pulling the trigger and doing the dirty work

We must target our enemies alongside nullifying the sharifs, Bhutto's etc
You have posed a relevant and an important question...and for that you are given a negative rating.
Pakistani army and govt have been making claims that india is behind all this...then why are they not doing anything to stop these attacks?
I find it even more strange that even after these many attacks nobody in pakistan demands pak govt and army to take action.
If the same thing happens in india ,you can see how all the people and media channels hound the govt...and India almost every time gave pakistan a proportionate response.
It was the pressure from the.people that saw to it we did a surgical strike and air strikes in Balkot.
There are no more big attacks on our Army after Feb 26th...we also saw to it that pakistan is placed in FATF...India did everything it could to hurt pakistan economically and most of the times it was successful.
All this would not have happened had our people not questioned our govt everytime there is an attack on Indian soil.
Pakistanis on the other hand dont question army at all(as it is the one which has real power)..and generals and higher ups in the army just brush off the entire matter blaming everything on india and everything is back to square one.
It's not enough to blame someone and forget everything..it is very important to deal with the source...to give real security to the people of your country.

I don't want appreciation from an indian. I am not against my Army. I am proud of my Army.
You have posed a relevant and an important question...and for that you are given a negative rating.
Pakistani army and govt have been making claims that india is behind all this...then why are they not doing anything to stop these attacks?
I find it even more strange that even after these many attacks nobody in pakistan demands pak govt and army to take action.
If the same thing happens in india ,you can see how all the people and media channels hound the govt...and India almost every time gave pakistan a proportionate response.
It was the pressure from the.people that saw to it we did a surgical strike and air strikes in Balkot.
There are no more big attacks on our Army after Feb 26th...we also saw to it that pakistan is placed in FATF...India did everything it could to hurt pakistan economically and most of the times it was successful.
All this would not have happened had our people not questioned our govt everytime there is an attack on Indian soil.
Pakistanis on the other hand dont question army at all(as it is the one which has real power)..and generals and higher ups in the army just brush off the entire matter blaming everything on india and everything is back to square one.
It's not enough to blame someone and forget everything..it is very important to deal with the source...to give real security to the people of your country.

Our targeting of India is different

China killing your soldiers, taking 1000sq km of territory and setting up in the LOC and wider Indian border

The use of hindutva extremism internally within India as a tool of division and chaos alongside multiple riots

Our plans against India alongside China are in motion

This explosion however is all Afghanistan, but our historical enemy is always Indua hence they get blamed for everything
I don't want appreciation from an indian. I am not against my Army. I am proud of my Army.
You wouldn't support sharifs and Bhutto's if you were
No personal targeting please. And please don't make it PTI vs opposition or govt vs PDM.

Let's talk with civility and with a united narrative. The martyrs and injures won't benefit if the discussion continues to be a mess.

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