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Featured Blast reported at seminary in Peshawar's Dir Colony - 7 Martyred, many injured

This is very sad.. another failure of security ... All these terrorist attacks were quite finished off in general raheel era.. don't know what's happening around ..first quetta and now Peshawar ..may Allah save us from the same bad days we have seen in time of musharaf
Such people are there everywhere...I am pretfy sure there will be some pakistanis who rejoice and make inhuman comments if something of this sort hapens in india.

Not as a rule...maybe there are some exceptions.

Even at the LOC Kashmir, there are hundreds of news of India targeting civilians, and there are reports of Pakistan targets the Indian soldiers.

Same here, this is a message to Pakistan govt....don't mess with India, for the Pak govt. establishment, Army, everyone.
Until Pakistan wakes up, this would continue.
Only yesterday Doval's statement was made public and today this.

Where are the proofs Pakistan says it has against India , for its involvement in training and funding the terrorists in AFghanistan!!

Why Pakistan is not going to UN with those proofs and calling a security council meeting!!
We know that France/America/UK may veto it, but so be it. At least the world would be put on a notice about Indians involvement in Terrorism.

Why Pakistan is not raising the issue in FATF!! Pakistan should share the proofs with Turkey, China, Malaysia etc. and move its motion in FATF. Lets expose this body too.
It cannot be one way traffic. We got to do something.

People should understand how much damage the policies of PMLN and PPP before them have caused Pakistan.
We will just waste our time in U.N we need to answer both afghan nds and Indian raw in kind.
internal weakness exploited by enemies!! and it seems there is no rectification in sight!! our leaders both civilians and military are not serving Pakistan but are serving their greed!!! this is sad!

Rip to all those who lost their lives! may Allah bless all with Jannah!
Pakistan internal security is sliding badly in the last 3 months with repeated casualties of securitymen and civilians.
I detect a total lack of urgency in tackling the repeated attacks.
You cant stop movement of personnel but you can stop influx of arms and explosives.
Why are arms and explosives so readily available after the fencing of the Afghan border has been completed ? I don't think the iran border has a major issue.
No serious technical discussion here , just the normal blame 'raw' , Afghans , etc.
Eventually imran khan has to take responsibility, just being active on Twitter is not enough.
He should worry more about Pakistan than of Europe.
Sad news. Places of worship and children being targeted. No sane enemy can attempt this. RIP.

Dear Admin team, please wake up. Your forum is being taken over by Indian trolls.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM @waz @LeGenD

Whose responsibility was to stop this attack?? Can we question them?? Where is Ehsan U Ehsan, the mastermind of previous attack?? Why we are suffering for negligence of the institutions which are more interested in economy, foreign policy and politics but security is their primary job??
تئیس سوارب میں محکمے نے دہشتگردی کے متعلق صرف سکیورٹی الرٹ جاری کرنا ہوتا ہے جان کی حفاظت شہریوں کے اپنے ذمے ہے گھر سے نہ نکلیں ، سکول کالج مدرسے نہ جائیں ، شاپنگ کے لیے بازار نہ جائیں ، سیاسی جلسے جلوسوں میں شرکت نہ کریں ورنہ محکمہ کسی کی جان کی حفاظت کاذمہ دار نہیں
TTP have denied any involvement in this attack and have offered their "condolences"
We will just waste our time in U.N we need to answer both afghan nds and Indian raw in kind.

That too. But first put these two institutions on notice, expose them for what they are.
I know nothing would come out of it, because we know who is really behind all this.
India is a small poodle. There are bigger forces behind it, who would veto it in UN.

But we need to expose India, no matter whatever the result could be.
After that take the gloves off and strike back at their bases in Afghanistan and answer India in India too.
Pakistan internal security is sliding badly in the last 3 months with repeated casualties of securitymen and civilians.
I detect a total lack of urgency in tackling the repeated attacks.
You cant stop movement of personnel but you can stop influx of arms and explosives.
Why are arms and explosives so readily available after the fencing of the Afghan border has been completed ? I don't think the iran border has a major issue.
No serious technical discussion here , just the normal blame 'raw' , Afghans , etc.
Eventually imran khan has to take responsibility, just being active on Twitter is not enough.
He should worry more about Pakistan than of Europe.
Absolutely agree with every word you said. Even if India was behind it, Bajwa should be sacked immediately because it is his responsibility to make sure that these attacks don't happen, and if they do, that Pakistan retaliates with similar attacks on Indian soil. Right now Bajwa is doing neither. Definitely one of the worst army chiefs I have seen in my lifetime.
Guys, i have pictures of the casualties of our dead.

Enough is enough. Shame on India and Indians.

I request Admin to ban all Indians who are mocking our dead or insinuating that India is not behind this.

They are 100% behind it. They are the no. 1 supporter of TTP.

We should day it loud and clear.

They are trying to distract us from Kashmir Black Day by trying to make us mourn these dead.

We will mourn both Kashmiris and our Peshawar kids.

Shame on India and Indians.
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