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Blast in Peshawar Qissa Khani Bazar

Hey there - long time no see. :) How did you know who was whom? :lol:
There is fear, I think dear. You need to be a Christian to sense it. But your intentions are good. May such things not happen again. Stay safe.

Because we have interviewed them and we also know the local Muslim persons and their occupations who are leading the protests along with Christians.
. . . .
Because we have interviewed them and we also know the local Muslim persons and their occupations who are leading the protests along with Christians.

Please tell me on which channel is it to be showed and which time :D :devil:
In any case - good job and be safe :)

did i say something offensive grand ma :woot:

She aint a Grandma - right? :what:
These pictures should be hanged all over islamabad so every time Nawaz or his minister go any where they can see how the other half lives.

Do they will bother to watch them or they have a human heart to feel the pain .. ?? :disagree:

People should please refrain from posting images of dead people and then furthering their political point scoring.

Have some respect for the dead at least.

This isn't a political thread.
I mean the general, literate population of Pakistan are already against these militants and are not their support base anyways. But what about those Pakistanis who rely on Madrassas for their education, a fatwa would surely have an impact on them. Its these madrasas that TTP and other militant groups get their recruits from anyways, so declaring the TTP takfiri or murtad should definitely work.

And whats the harm in giving a fatwa anyways, even if it can turn couple of thousand people against TTP, thats a job well done. All the top clerics who command some sort of respect and following should come together and give a fatwa specifically against the TTP. Just calling suicide bombing haram is not enough, they should declare the organization and its members and its supporters as unislamic, and providing them any kind of support as haram.

Even if you find a odd maulvi or caretaker of such an institution that would disagree with what happened, he would be more afraid of being killed than be afraid of god when he knows he has an obligation to say whats right.

Its funny how if you ask a muslim if those 80 people who died yesterday will make their way to heaven, the answer would be overwhelmingly a "no". But if you ask the same people if the suicide bomber would go to hell permanently, they would not know the answer to that and will answer "god knows best". One answer they can give from their own conscious and the other they leave it to go. Thats how ingrained hypocrisy has become with religion.
Allah is the best judge and he already said in Quran.. So don't bring your non-sense into action. Quran has pretty clear rules even more clear then your traffic rules.. If you don't know then there is no difference between them & You!!

If Quran was so clear then TTP would not be fighting to establish an Islamic Shariah with such wide spread support in Pakistan. My traffic rules don't kill but save lives and punish the guilty and they apply to all religions. A big Difference.

Pakistani people are funding for their murder :cuckoo:

You are not neutral but you racist against Pakistanis ... Anyhow you are barking baseless so plz don't quote me again .....

How can I be racist when Pakistanis support TTP and LET & Janduallah and what other nonsense. These Groups are Pakistan specific and need Pakistani people's support to survive.
Interesting comment/suggestion on express tribune website:

Why doesn't the Government of Pakistan or even better yet the top Ulemas of Pakistan give a fatwa and declare these militants as kaffir or takfiri or something?

In a deeply religious country like Pakistan, a fatwa coming from the top religious clerics can cause a big dent in the support base of these groups.

the people who have made up their mind to back the terrorists will dismiss such fatwas saying that they are issued by state owned people so they dont hold value.

if 13 years of carnage has not made up the mind of the people then no amount of fatwas will turn the hearts of the "faithful" to come out in the streets and say that taliban are not Muslims or even human and must be eradicated.

I am not discouraging your point. there are religious scholars and Ullemah who have paid with their lives or are living with the price on their lives for speaking up against the taliban. in sawat these terrorists even dig up the graves of Beralvi sunni saints and Ullemah and desecrated them. this is the amount of savagery these taliban show and if still people need a fatwa to make up their mind then its a waste of time
I thought you had a bit of grey matter. I guess, I was wrong.

My perceived lack of grey matter is not blowing my Country up? Yours is. Next time condemn the Good Taliban and nuke Haqqani and forget the Ummah and think only of your country.
How can I be racist when Pakistan's support TTP and LET & Janduallah and what other nonsense. These Groups are Pakistan specific and need Pakistani people's support to survive.

according to Uncle Sam's CIA our Saudi and UAE Arab brothers are also funding the sectarian terrorists in Southern Punjab and the TTP but I agree in general that majority of support in terms of personnel, hideouts in urban areas and legal support is offered by Pakistanis.
First and foremost we strongly condemn the suicide terrorists attack on innocent Pakistanis. And send our heartfelt condolences to the families of the people who lost their lives in this heinous crime. We stand by the people of Pakistan in their time of grief. It is sad to see the terrorist’s apologist trying to turn this tragedy into a blame game. This is nothing but the evil design of the terrorists who have no interest in any negotiations. All they want is to enforce their evil will on the people of Pakistan. The United States has always desired a peaceful and stable Pakistan. We know that Pakistan is a nuclear state with its strategic importance in the region. And that is one of the reasons we desire a good working relationship with Pakistani people and it’s Government. It is ridiculous to even think that The United States have anything to do with this or any attacks in Pakistan when a Taliban-related extremist group has already claimed responsibility for the atrocity. Ahmed Marwat, the spokesman for the TTP Judullah, a militant Muslim group, said the church was targeted because “they are enemies of Islam, therefore we target them.” Marwat added that the attacks may not be the last of its kind. “We will continue our attacks on non-Muslims on Pakistani land.” The overwhelming majority of Pakistanis have already rejected the terrorism, and terrorists openly claim responsibility of their coward actions, so why are still some who think it is not the terrorists who do these evil acts! It is time for all to unite against this evil and wipe it out once and for all.

Abdul Quddus
DET- United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
according to Uncle Sam's CIA our Saudi and UAE Arab brothers are also funding the sectarian terrorists in Southern Punjab and the TTP but I agree in general that majority of support in terms of personnel, hideouts in urban areas and legal support is offered by Pakistanis.

I can happily receive as much money as uncle Sam wishes to give me. Will I plant a bomb NO. Bottom line. Will my family keep quiet if they knew I had such tendencies NO. Bottomline
I can happily receive as much money as uncle Sam wishes to give me. Will I plant a bomb NO. Bottom line. Will my family keep quiet if they knew I had such tendencies NO. Bottomline

sadly there are some families who think totally opposite
one guy told off Shekh Rashid who went to grieve his son who was a suicide bomber. but the father was very much proud and party to the cause of his dead terrorist son and said that he didnt recognize the condolence from him nor he recognised the state of Pakistan and that guy was in Rawalpindi

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