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Blast in Charsadda


Jul 19, 2010
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juSt heard a Blast in Charsadda hopefully no casualties ...

Destroying School i guess BRB let me Go !!
Blast damages health unit in Charsadda

PESHAWAR: A Basic Health Unit (BHU) was partially destroyed in the Shabqadar area of Charsadda district, when a bomb set up on the outer walls of the building went off late Wednesday night, the police said.

Station House Officer (SHO) Janzada confirmed the incident and added that it took place in the Jan Banda village.

SHO Janzada said, “The militants had placed the bomb near the gate which exploded around 2:10 am.”

The area of Shabqadar is near the Mohmand Tribal belt and has been the centre of militant activity after a military operation was carried out in the agency.

The BHU was blown up two years back, but this time the remaining rooms and the walls were destroyed, said Janzada. He said that there were no casualties in the incident.

Last week a policeman was killed and another injured when a remote control bomb exploded at a police check point in Shabqadar.

The areas close to the tribal region have often been the target of violence. More than 90 people were killed in twin suicide attacks on the Frontier Constabulary, previously in Shabqadar, most of whom were fresh recruits.

Blast damages health unit in Charsadda – The Express Tribune
Thanks to ALLAH no one hurt.

Those basterds planted the bomb to a Govt High School .Building is damage a little !!

And on other hand i saw on News Channel court release Sufi Muhammad Three Sons WTH is going on here !!
Thanks to ALLAH no one hurt.

Those basterds planted the bomb to a Govt High School .Building is damage a little !!

And on other hand i saw on News Channel court release Sufi Muhammad Three Sons WTH is going on here !!

Sufi`s sons acquitted in terrorism caseFrom the Newspaper | Peshawar | (9 hours ago) TodayMINGORA, Nov 17: A special anti-terrorism court acquitted here on Thursday three sons of Maulana Sufi Mohammad, chief of outlawed Tehrik Nifaz-i-Shariat-i-Muhammadi, for lack of evidence.

A case regarding acts of terrorism and killings was registered against Sufi Mohammad`s three sons, Abdullah, Abdur Rehman and Fazlullah, at Saidu Sharif police station on Feb 16, 2008 under anti-terrorism act. The case was under process at ATC Gul Kadda. Prominent advocate, Sajjad Anwar, represented the accused before the court.

ATC judge Asim Imam after hearing the arguments acquitted Sufi Mohammad`s sons on the grounds that the government had failed to produce sufficient evidence against the accused. The accused are still in police custody and facing some others cases. — Correspondent

Sufi`s sons acquitted in terrorism case | Provinces | DAWN.COM
A few days ago it was a school, and today a medical health care unit was targeted. The terrorists will not even think twice before destroying the infrastructure of the country. Their agenda has always been destruction and anarchy. They would not even allow people to have basic human rights such as healthcare and education. Although according to a recent PEW poll, Taliban support in Pakistan has fallen by 12 %, we see that has not deterred them in any way. They are continuing their mission of death and destruction from the North to the South and east to west. Yesterday, we witnessed a foiled suicide bombing attempt in Karachi, and today, we see the bombing of the healthcare unit in Charsadda. Is it not in the common interest of both our countries, who have suffered enough, to go after and eradicate these terrorists out of their safehavens? We need to neutralize them so the people of the region can flourish without fearing for their lives each day.

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Intel needs to get more effective & powerful. This $h1ts must be stopped now, it too many years of disturbance.
Intel needs to get more effective & powerful. This $h1ts must be stopped now, it too many years of disturbance.
we can not afford more incidents like this ...... innocents people are dying everyday and because of poor law and order situation our economy is getting worse
these american bastards are at it again, sending all the world mercenaris and black water here
I can sympathies with your feelings and understand the way you react. I have a question for individuals like you. What are you doing on your personal level to help the authorities in combatting this never ending violence against innocent people?
Blast damages health unit in Charsadda

PESHAWAR: A Basic Health Unit (BHU) was partially destroyed in the Shabqadar area of Charsadda district, when a bomb set up on the outer walls of the building went off late Wednesday night, the police said.

Station House Officer (SHO) Janzada confirmed the incident and added that it took place in the Jan Banda village.

SHO Janzada said, “The militants had placed the bomb near the gate which exploded around 2:10 am.”

The area of Shabqadar is near the Mohmand Tribal belt and has been the centre of militant activity after a military operation was carried out in the agency.

The BHU was blown up two years back, but this time the remaining rooms and the walls were destroyed, said Janzada. He said that there were no casualties in the incident.

Last week a policeman was killed and another injured when a remote control bomb exploded at a police check point in Shabqadar.

The areas close to the tribal region have often been the target of violence. More than 90 people were killed in twin suicide attacks on the Frontier Constabulary, previously in Shabqadar, most of whom were fresh recruits.

Blast damages health unit in Charsadda – The Express Tribune

A few days ago it was a school, and today a medical health care unit was targeted. The terrorists will not even think twice before destroying the infrastructure of the country. Their agenda has always been destruction and anarchy. They would not even allow people to have basic human rights such as healthcare and education. Although according to a recent PEW poll, Taliban support in Pakistan has fallen by 12 %, we see that has not deterred them in any way. They are continuing their mission of death and destruction from the North to the South and east to west. Yesterday, we witnessed a foiled suicide bombing attempt in Karachi, and today, we see the bombing of the healthcare unit in Charsadda. Is it not in the common interest of both our countries, who have suffered enough, to go after and eradicate these terrorists out of their safehavens? We need to neutralize them so the people of the region can flourish without fearing for their lives each day.

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Orignal News is this one !!

Bomb blast destroys school’s boundary wall
Published: November 18, 2011

CHARSADDA - The boundary wall of a government high school was completely destroyed when explosives, planted by unknown miscreants, exploded in Charsadda on Thursday night.
Police said a three-kg bomb was planted by miscreants near the boundary wall of Government High School No-1, Charsadda, in the limits of Prango Police Station. They said the bomb exploded with a big bang, razing the wall to ground. Watchman of the school opened fire in the air soon after the blast, they said. They said police rushed to the site and cordoned off the area. They said the police launched a search operation, however no arrest was made till filing this report.

Bomb blast destroys school’s boundary wall | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
A few days ago it was a school, and today a medical health care unit was targeted. The terrorists will not even think twice before destroying the infrastructure of the country. Their agenda has always been destruction and anarchy. They would not even allow people to have basic human rights such as healthcare and education. Although according to a recent PEW poll, Taliban support in Pakistan has fallen by 12 %, we see that has not deterred them in any way. They are continuing their mission of death and destruction from the North to the South and east to west. Yesterday, we witnessed a foiled suicide bombing attempt in Karachi, and today, we see the bombing of the healthcare unit in Charsadda. Is it not in the common interest of both our countries, who have suffered enough, to go after and eradicate these terrorists out of their safehavens? We need to neutralize them so the people of the region can flourish without fearing for their lives each day.

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Yes, and you thought twice about carpet bombing afghanistan and iraq to stone age? If you hadn't invaded foreign lands, there would have been no "terrorists" in OUR country.
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