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Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

But blaming Imran Khan and his policies, stupid as they were, alone is unfair. Pakistan has supported Taliban in Afghanistan for over 30 years.

Imran Khan is a good guy he’s honest not a thief nor corrupt and has the most love for he’s people then any other leader I’ve seen he just loves Pakistanis , but personally I think he’s wife’s no good and he’s under a spell now & was the worst thing to happen to him , when I seen him grave worshipping and she sitting in the tomb room surrounded by petals I knew then right away she’s going to destroy all his good work .
My opinion .
Imran Khan is a good guy he’s honest not a thief nor corrupt and has the most love for he’s people then any other leader I’ve seen he just loves Pakistanis , but personally I think he’s wife’s no good and he’s under a spell now & was the worst thing to happen to him , when I seen him grave worshipping and she sitting in the tomb room surrounded by petals I knew then right away she’s going to destroy all his good work .
My opinion .

90s Imran was his best version. He should never have left Jemima, she was good for him. Now he is involved with them some jahil backwater types. The Pakistani underclasses are rotten in every way. Seeking validation of their vote bank is a ticket to self destruction. That''s why Zardari and Sharif treat them like dirt and fix every election.
Hopefully Pashtuns discover Jesus and learn to control their violent instincts. A megadose of a moral awakening is needed.

A large part of Pakistan is still too feudal except for a few urban areas in Sindh and Punjab; they are a different world from most of other parts of Pakistan. Only if some Stalin and Ataturk can rise and clean up the religious obscurantism in Pakistan. As they say, 'drastic situation requires equally drastic measures'. Short of that or a total subjugation to the Indian hegemony, which would allow to divert attention and resources to domestic issues, I don't see what's the fix? Educating the population is helpful but this is a race against time. The previous political leaders were/are discredited. Even Imran Khan is discredited, at least in my eyes now.
They have been doing this for centuries, what use is a BBC documentary?
To prove that Afghans/Pashtuns are not some brutal species like some want to portray them as.
Imran Khan is a good guy he’s honest not a thief nor corrupt and has the most love for he’s people then any other leader I’ve seen he just loves Pakistanis , but personally I think he’s wife’s no good and he’s under a spell now & was the worst thing to happen to him , when I seen him grave worshipping and she sitting in the tomb room surrounded by petals I knew then right away she’s going to destroy all his good work .
My opinion .
Unfortunately, Pakistan can't work with a good enough nice guy at present. It really needs a capable statesman, thinker and leader who can bring both hope and competence. If at age 70, he is so easily bowled over by feminine charm and can be misled to do stupid things, that is not a good sign.
To prove that Afghans/Pashtuns are not some brutal species like some want to portray them as.

Unfortunately, Pakistan can't work with a good enough nice guy at present. It really needs a capable statesman, thinker and leader who can bring both hope and competence. If at age 70, he is so easily bowled over by feminine charm and can be misled to do stupid things, that is not a good sign.

No bruv

Denial isn't going to help us, denial isn't going to help the pashtuns

The pashtuns used to be respected, look at them now, look how low they have fallen. Because they are so battered and bruised rather then accept responsibility they have fallen for the victim mentality

There is a cancer within the pashtuns and it is destructive

Just because the majority of them are normal people doesn't excuse the big chunk of them who are just animals

Every one of these major massacres will be carried out by a pashtun

These attacks can not be sustained without local support

Local support is facilitated not just by religious extremism but by pashtun nationalism, constantly playing the victim


and we can do nothing unless we throw afghans out like the trash people that they are,
air strikes in Afghanistan is not the complete solution to the issue.
Time for complete solution has been wasted few times already.

Now threat assessment and perception needs to guide the actions, and I am sure, with your expertise you would understand that, under present circumstances without disabling command and control structure with training facilities, cutting in flow. we will never get the time needed for long term or permanent solution.

I hope, above is enough, bcoz I am sure you have the ability to expand and comprehend what is said in 2 lines.
The pashtuns used to be respected, look at them now, look how low they have fallen. Because they are so battered and bruised rather then accept responsibility they have fallen for the victim mentality

They haven't fallen, its just the others have progressed and they have stayed the same. Moral, ethical and intellectual standards have all gone up and they have not been able to keep pace.

It use to be trendy in the past, muh martial race but now its just one dimensional. The Pakistanis ones are okay however much room for improvement. Does KPK have a Karachi or a Islamabad? Are they even capable? Their Afghan cousins are the ones letting them down and this will all stop when the Pakistani Pasthuns reach a higher level of self awareness and seek a total disconnect from the Afghan Pashtuns.

Do Indian Punjabis have the same influence on Pakistani Punjabis? No they don't, as time has progressed both have become independent cultures. There is a solid divide.
Pakistan nor Afghanistan has the funding for the rehabilitation you talk about, even the refugee funding was barely anything to provide any tangible help.

Secondly Pashtuns were not used as a pawn in any capacity, this is a cringe victim complex trope that is used by PTM separatist types.

The Pashtuns themselves wanted to fight against the Soviets because they considered it their brotherly duty for the Pashtuns on the other side. Lar O Bar isn't a statement created by the state. And many non-Pashtuns also fought in the name of Islam.

The first ever suicide bomber against the Americans, was a Waziri Pashtun from Waziristan. No one asked them to house Al-Q, Taliban, etc, they did it because they saw them as brothers.

Pashtuns were never radicalised, this should be made clear, by saying they were "radicalised" to fight Soviets denies their long history and the links they themselves admit to sharing with people on the other side, "lar o bar".

What you say is true--and bitter truth. We need to face our demons head on and call a spade a spade! I, as an Urdu Speaker, initially (1985 onwards) supported the MQM but within a 2-3 years I realized it was ruled by a moron fascist deranged Altaf Hussein and I stopped supporting MQM. Actually, I wasn't very political then nor am I even now but one can voice their opinion about supporting either MQM or PPP or Republican or Democratic parties.

The Pashtun regions of Pakistan (and Afghanistan) for whatever reasons have a deep, pervasive culture of guns. It is a tribal culture!! The landscape perhaps makes people tribal unlike the plains of Sindh and Punjab which are mainly flat, agrarian, and not a war-like region. And most Pakistanis reside in Sindh and Punjab.
What is presented as 'Islam' by the Pasthuns may well be their tribal customs, with basis in geographical isolation. But unfortunately, their impact is too magnified.
To prove that Afghans/Pashtuns are not some brutal species like some want to portray them as.

Unfortunately, Pakistan can't work with a good enough nice guy at present. It really needs a capable statesman, thinker and leader who can bring both hope and competence. If at age 70, he is so easily bowled over by feminine charm and can be misled to do stupid things, that is not a good sign.

Rest of the leaders are crooks the thing going for Imran Khan is he’s not corrupt nor a thief as the rest are & has opened the whole of Pakistanis eyes to the real menaces who are bleeding the country dry for personal gain .

He just fell into the clutches of an occult .
It happens in sub continent black magic ,witchcraft spells . Again my opinion .
They haven't fallen, its just the others have progressed and they have stayed the same. Moral, ethical and intellectual standards have all gone up and they have not been able to keep pace.

It use to be trendy in the past, muh martial race but now its just one dimensional. The Pakistanis ones are okay however much room for improvement. Does KPK have a Karachi or a Islamabad? Are they even capable? Their Afghan cousins are the ones letting them down and this will all stop when the Pakistani Pasthuns reach a higher level of self awareness and seek a total disconnect from the Afghan Pashtuns.

Do Indian Punjabis have the same influence on Pakistani Punjabis? No they don't, as time has progressed both have become independent cultures. There is a solid divide.

The thing I really find mind boggling is that there are about 60 million pashtuns inside Pakistan

The entire population of Afghanistan is about 35 million and many of them are not even pashtuns, yet so many of these idiots let the Afghan pashtuns lead the way and set the narrative

It's like the tail wagging the dog

If these people had been sensible pashtun areas of Afghanistan could have been incorporated into Pakistan decades ago

Hell uzbeks, Tajiks and hazaras would have thanked us for saving them

PTI can take the lead but as long as ANP, PTM, NDS exists there will be trouble
We all are equally responsible for this we never take things seriously and correct them for once it all pak has cancer of terrorism corruption but our leaders give it a silent medicine but not curing it once it for all
Local support is facilitated not just by religious extremism but by pashtun nationalism, constantly playing the victim
What do you mean by 'Pashtun nationalism'? The way I understand it (very imperfectly, from afar), the name TTP seems to indicate a firm faith in the ways of (Afghan) Taliban and a desire to replicate it in Pakistan. It is somewhat similar to the desires of Communism to expand and make the whole world Communist (or Socialist as they sometimes soft-pedalled it). So, it appears to me as a (may be misguided) evangelizing zeal than any sort of nationalism. They are not saying we are 'freedom fighters' 'occupied lands' etc.,

What is weird is that Pakistan has been a steadfast supporter of Taliban in Afghanistan (insofar as to support them much to the chagrin of the western nations battling there, and, I might add, ignoring which side of the bread is buttered too) but seems to have great resistance to its spread within Pakistan. This hypocrisy of what is good for the goose is not good for the gander must be galling to TTP (and may be even Afghan Taliban).
Any analysis on the blast?
Sure peshawar police will come with analysis but you may also have insight.

Can we know how big the blast was?
How much explosive material, weight, blast radius, and magnitude of shock wave produced?

If it was rather a big bomb, how a person could carry that without being noticed. Peshwar police must find the killers of their kins.
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