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Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

TTP is a proxy, a mercenary group with different factions that can be hired as rentier terrorists, a lone suicide bomber to any other activity to the highest bidder.

This is to seek the locals approval for any attack on Afghanistan from Pakistan soil, and that would lead to the Afghan Talibans revenge attacks on Pak, this is what US wants.

And could be a precursor for an attack on IK life, as people minds would be indoctrinated thereby this is not an internal wing plan.
دھماکے کروائو
ڈالر لائو
الیکشن ختم کروائو
فوجی جنتا کو آگے بڑہائو

Military Inc is moving to extreme inhuman business to destroy Pakistan to keep their hold and serve Lord Clive.
not just words
Not just words? I don't remember even words of criticism about Afghanistan. I may have missed. Point out the news article. I have only noticed silence as official Pakistani response to Afghan activities.
If 3 words are replaced, then I would like to see the comments of the same people on that thread.
1. TTP = Jaish/ Lashkar
2. Pak = India
3. Afgan/ Taliban = Pakistan

India is dealing with these dolts since 1986.
What the fk


This is literally facism and dictatorship

Priorities are missing.

Even go on the finance minister’s page twitter page this guy is posing Hadiths and Duas constantly and no plan at all for any economics or finance.
What I dont understand is people bashing Afghanistan here.
Its clear as day that the security agencies failed to avert the attack.
Blame those who are responsible of doing their jobs not right.
how can the bomber penetrate what’s considered one of the most secure locations.
Thats failure on security, not on some afghans.
Fail to see logic here. On one can identify the lapses.
What I dont understand is people bashing Afghanistan here.
Its clear as day that the security agencies failed to avert the attack.
Blame those who are responsible of doing their jobs not right.
how can the bomber penetrate what’s considered one of the most secure locations.
Thats failure on security, not on some afghans.
Fail to see logic here. On one can identify the lapses.
Both are to blame, they are responsible for our security yes, but that benamus country has been steady supplying terrorists for war against the dalkhors but it basically hurt everyone

Just like when India ràpes Pakistan, you blame both, enemy and failed security mechanisms

You are gullible
Chup Pajeet
Both are to blame, they are responsible for our security yes, but that benamus country has been steady supplying terrorists for war against the dalkhors but it basically hurt everyone

Just like when India ràpes Pakistan, you blame both, enemy and failed security mechanisms

Chup Pajeet
No its the security agencies to blame only. They are failing in doing their jobs while feeding on tax money.
Why would i cry what my enemy is doing to me while i am here with my own D!ck in my a$$ and saying hes doing me wrong.
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