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Blackwater/Xe cells conducting false flag terrorist attacks in Pakistan


Mar 24, 2010
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Blackwater/Xe cells conducting false flag terrorist attacks in Pakistan

Blackwater/Xe cells conducting false flag terrorist attacks in Pakistan
By Wayne Madsen

Sep 16, 2010, 00:22

(WMR) -- WMR has learned from a deep background source that Xe Services, the company formerly known as Blackwater, has been conducting false flag terrorist attacks in Pakistan that are later blamed on the entity called “Pakistani Taliban.”

Only recently did the US State Department designate the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), also known as the Pakistani Taliban, a terrorist group. The group is said by the State Department to be an off-shoot of the Afghan Taliban, which had links to “Al Qaeda” before the 9/11 attacks on the United States. TTP’s leader is Hakimullah Mehsud, said to be 30-years old and operating from Pakistan’s remote tribal region with an accomplice named Wali Ur Rehman. In essence, this new team of Mehsud and Rehman appears to be the designated replacement for Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Zawahiri as the new leaders of the so-called “Global Jihad” against the West.

However, it is Xe cells operating in Karachi, Peshawar, Islamabad and other cities and towns that have, according to our source who witnessed the U.S.-led false flag terrorist operations in Pakistan. Bombings of civilians is the favored false flag event for the Xe team and are being carried out under the orders of the CIA.

However, the source is now under threat from the FBI and CIA for revealing the nature of the false flag operations in Pakistan. If the source does not agree to cooperate with the CIA and FBI, with an offer of a salary, the threat of false criminal charges being brought for aiding and abetting terrorism looms over the source.

The Blackwater/Xe involvement in terrorist attacks in Pakistan have been confirmed by the former head of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), General Hamid Gul, according to another source familiar with the current Xe covert operations. In addition, Pakistani ex-Army Chief of Staff, General Mirza Aslam Beg, reportedly claimed that while serving as president, General Pervez Musharraf approved Blackwater carrying out terrorist operations in Pakistan. Blackwater has been accused of smuggling weapons and munitions into Pakistan.

Earlier this year WMR reported that ”intelligence sources in Asia and Europe are reporting that the CIA contractor firm XE Services, formerly Blackwater, has been carrying out ‘false flag’ terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, Somalia, the Sinkiang region of China, Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq, in some cases with the assistance of Israeli Mossad and Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) personnel . . . A number of terrorist bombings in Pakistan have been blamed by Pakistani Islamic leaders on Blackwater, Mossad, and RAW. Blackwater has been accused of hiring young Pakistanis in Peshawar to carry out false flag bombings that are later blamed on the Pakistani Taliban, also known as Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan. One such bombing took place during the Ashura procession in Karachi last month. The terrorist attacks allegedly are carried out by a secret Blackwater-XE/CIA/Joint Special Operations Command forward operating base in Karachi. The XE Services component was formerly known as Blackwater Select, yet another subsidiary in a byzantine network of shell and linked companies run by Blackwater/Xe on behalf of the CIA and the Pentagon. On December 3, 2009, the Pakistani newspaper Nawa-i-Waqtreported: ‘Vast land near the Tarbela dam has also been given to the Americans where they have established bases for their army and air forces. There, the Indian RAW [Research and Analysis Wing] and Israeli Mossad are working in collaboration with the CIA to carry out extremist activities in Pakistan.’”

The bombing of a CIA base in Khost, Afghanistan last December was blamed on the TTP but may have actually involved the covert Xe/CIA program to stage false flag attacks and something went drastically wrong with the operation that resulted in the deaths of seven CIA personnel, including the Khost station chief. The TTP was also linked to the failed Times Square “bombing” last May.

Responsibility for the recent bomb attack of a pro-Palestine Shi’a rally in Quetta that killed 54 people was claimed by the Pakistan Taliban, but it was actually carried out by one of the Xe covert cells in the country, acting in concert with the CIA, Israeli Mossad, and Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). The ultimate goal is to destabilize Pakistan to the point where it has no choice but to allow the Western powers to secure its nuclear weapons and remove them from the country in a manner similar to the procurement by the West of South Africa’s nuclear weapons prior to the stepping down of the white minority government in the early 1990s.

WMR has been informed that any American, whether or not he or she holds a security clearance, is subject to U.S. national security prohibitions from discussing the U.S.- sponsored terrorist attacks in Pakistan. In one case, a threat was made against an individual who personally witnessed the Xe/CIA terrorist operations but is now threatened, along with family members.
Blackwater/Xe cells conducting false flag terrorist attacks in Pakistan

Blackwater/Xe cells conducting false flag terrorist attacks in Pakistan
By Wayne Madsen

Sep 16, 2010, 00:22

(WMR) -- WMR has learned from a deep background source that Xe Services, the company formerly known as Blackwater, has been conducting false flag terrorist attacks in Pakistan that are later blamed on the entity called “Pakistani Taliban.”

However, it is Xe cells operating in Karachi, Peshawar, Islamabad and other cities and towns that have, according to our source who witnessed the U.S.-led false flag terrorist operations in Pakistan. Bombings of civilians is the favored false flag event for the Xe team and are being carried out under the orders of the CIA.

However, the source is now under threat from the FBI and CIA for revealing the nature of the false flag operations in Pakistan. If the source does not agree to cooperate with the CIA and FBI, with an offer of a salary, the threat of false criminal charges being brought for aiding and abetting terrorism looms over the source.

The Blackwater/Xe involvement in terrorist attacks in Pakistan have been confirmed by the former head of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), General Hamid Gul, according to another source familiar with the current Xe covert operations. In addition, Pakistani ex-Army Chief of Staff, General Mirza Aslam Beg, reportedly claimed that while serving as president, General Pervez Musharraf approved Blackwater carrying out terrorist operations in Pakistan. Blackwater has been accused of smuggling weapons and munitions into Pakistan.

Earlier this year WMR reported that ”intelligence sources in Asia and Europe are reporting that the CIA contractor firm XE Services, formerly Blackwater, has been carrying out ‘false flag’ terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, Somalia, the Sinkiang region of China, Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq, in some cases with the assistance of Israeli Mossad and Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) personnel . . . A number of terrorist bombings in Pakistan have been blamed by Pakistani Islamic leaders on Blackwater, Mossad, and RAW. Blackwater has been accused of hiring young Pakistanis in Peshawar to carry out false flag bombings that are later blamed on the Pakistani Taliban, also known as Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan. One such bombing took place during the Ashura procession in Karachi last month. The terrorist attacks allegedly are carried out by a secret Blackwater-XE/CIA/Joint Special Operations Command forward operating base in Karachi. The XE Services component was formerly known as Blackwater Select, yet another subsidiary in a byzantine network of shell and linked companies run by Blackwater/Xe on behalf of the CIA and the Pentagon. On December 3, 2009, the Pakistani newspaper Nawa-i-Waqtreported: ‘Vast land near the Tarbela dam has also been given to the Americans where they have established bases for their army and air forces. There, the Indian RAW [Research and Analysis Wing] and Israeli Mossad are working in collaboration with the CIA to carry out extremist activities in Pakistan.’”

Responsibility for the recent bomb attack of a pro-Palestine Shi’a rally in Quetta that killed 54 people was claimed by the Pakistan Taliban, but it was actually carried out by one of the Xe covert cells in the country, acting in concert with the CIA, Israeli Mossad, and Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). The ultimate goal is to destabilize Pakistan to the point where it has no choice but to allow the Western powers to secure its nuclear weapons and remove them from the country in a manner similar to the procurement by the West of South Africa’s nuclear weapons prior to the stepping down of the white minority government in the early 1990s.

WMR has been informed that any American, whether or not he or she holds a security clearance, is subject to U.S. national security prohibitions from discussing the U.S. sponsored terrorist attacks in Pakistan. In one case, a threat was made against an individual who personally witnessed the Xe/CIA terrorist operations but is now threatened, along with family members.
Some of these lines really get me cracking ; deep underground source(sounds more like deepsh1t), according to our source who has witnessed nada-nada, source is now under threat from the FBI and CIA, any American jabber-jabber, is subject to US national security prohibitions, a threat was made against an individual who personally witnessed the Xe/CIA terrorist operations but is now threatened, along with family members and FINALLY i see pigs ballet-dancing in the sky singing the Star-spangled Banner.

What can he do to convince us : Provide Hard, Rock-Solid Evidence ; (Wikileaks, anyone ?). Anything else will be dismissed as imaginative drivel and lacking of integrity at the best.
The ultimate goal is to destabilize Pakistan to the point where it has no choice but to allow the Western powers to secure its nuclear weapons and remove them from the country in a manner similar to the procurement by the West of South Africa’s nuclear weapons prior to the stepping down of the white minority government in the early 1990s.
This hollywood script is really getting tiresome. I wonder when these rumours and gossip (in the absence of evidence, that's what they are), will stop.

Would make a huge difference if we focused our energies on improving our own lives, rather than constantly blaming the ills on others.
Some of these lines really get me cracking ; deep underground source(sounds more like deepsh1t), according to our source who has witnessed nada-nada, source is now under threat from the FBI and CIA, any American jabber-jabber, is subject to US national security prohibitions, a threat was made against an individual who personally witnessed the Xe/CIA terrorist operations but is now threatened, along with family members and FINALLY i see pigs ballet-dancing in the sky singing the Star-spangled Banner.

What can he do to convince us : Provide Hard, Rock-Solid Evidence ; (Wikileaks, anyone ?). Anything else will be dismissed as imaginative drivel and lacking of integrity at the best.

I myself is the personal witness of all this game...:woot:
any questions then come see me I will give you the evidence...:lol:
hmm, my source told me it was the Martian cells carrying out these attacks in allegiance with the werewolves and that giant bird from Sesame Street. Understandably my source is being hunted by the Martians, and cannot be revealed. They have established a base in North West Pakistan where UFOs, shape changing humans and giant birds walking on two legs are seen.

any martian who reveals info about the attacks will be vaporised, along with their families! :sniper:


An American Journalist and a US national has conducted this reserach... this time no fairytale get airborned from PK so this is no propaganda from PK
A related report...

Official: CIA-trained force targeting militants in PakistanBy the CNN Wire StaffSeptember 22, 2010 -- Updated 2221 GMT (0621 HKT)
According to the official the paramilitary force is targeting Taliban fighters such as these, pictured earlier this year.STORY HIGHLIGHTS
NEW: The teams stay in contact with "our allies in both Pakistan and Afghanistan," official says
The paramilitary force is made up of 3,000 Afghans
The Counterterrorism Pursuit Teams were first revealed Bob Woodward's new book
Pakistan denies the presence of foreign forces
Central Intelligence Agency
The Taliban
Washington (CNN) -- The CIA created and controls a paramilitary force of 3,000 Afghans that conducts clandestine missions targeting al Qaeda and Taliban fighters in Pakistan, a U.S. official told CNN on Wednesday.

The official described the force as "well-trained" and "effective."

"You're talking about one of the finest Afghan fighting forces, which has made major contributions to security and stability," the official said.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the topic.

The Counterterrorism Pursuit Teams were first revealed in a new book by Bob Woodward, associate editor at the Washington Post. "Obama's Wars," which lays out deep divisions in the Obama administration over Afghanistan strategy, will be released Monday.

According to that book, by the end of a 2009 strategy review, Obama concluded that the task in Afghanistan could not succeed without wiping out al Qaeda and Afghan Taliban havens operating with impunity in the border tribal areas of Pakistan, the Washington Post reported Wednesday.

"We need to make clear to people that the cancer is in Pakistan," Obama is quoted as saying in Woodward's book, the Post said.

A CIA spokesman would not comment on the paramilitary force.

The counterterrorism teams were first formed around 2002 and operated only within Afghanistan, current and former U.S. officials told CNN. According to a former senior intelligence official, the idea was "to find people who would blend into the Afghan society to do a lot of the clandestine work" in that country.

There is some coordination between the CIA's paramilitary force and U.S. military forces, according to a senior defense official. The official said some level of coordination is necessary, so that friendly forces know when and where each unit is operating.

"We are constantly in contact with our allies in both Pakistan and Afghanistan, as well as our U.S. inter-agency partners," the official said.

The border region is key for anti-terrorism efforts and the U.S. military has been working with both Pakistan and Afghanistan as part of a crackdown against militants along the border, with U.S. troops operating on the Afghanistan side, the defense official said.

"We still believe that ground zero for al Qaeda's operations and planning is the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan," the defense official said.

As the border area in Pakistan became more of a safe haven for al Qaeda, the Taliban and other extremists, the counterterrorism teams' mission expanded into Pakistan. The former intelligence official said the border is a tribal area where people on both sides easily move back and forth.

"Afghans can cross the border in ways Americans cannot," said the official.

A former U.S. counterterrorism official said a team would enter Pakistan to gather intelligence and to provide targeting information to help the CIA take out suspected terrorists with missiles from unmanned aircraft.

This official said only a very few senior Pakistani leaders were aware of the teams and wondered what the fallout might be within Pakistan, suggesting the CIA's Afghan army could be "at tremendous risk" if it continues to operate in Pakistan.

"Pakistan will be on the lookout for them now," said the former official.

But Pakistani officials refuted the claims that CIA-controlled forces are operating within Pakistan.

"Pakistan will never allow boots on its soil," Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Basit said, referring to foreign troops. "This is one of our red lines."

A senior Pakistani military official added that there are 954 checkpoints along the border that are manned by Pakistani security forces. He said it would be "next to impossible for a group of people to enter Pakistan to chase al Qaeda and Taliban militants."

The official did not want to be identified because he is not authorized to speak to the media.

Al Qaeda in Pakistan remains a lethal enemy for the United States, a counterterrorism official said this week.

But with the help of allies, the United States has been able to score "lots of successes" against the group, said the official, who also requested anonymity.

That includes the success of U.S. unmanned predator strikes in Pakistani regions along the border with Afghanistan. Since the Obama administration took office at the beginning of 2009, missile attacks on suspected terrorists in Pakistan have increased dramatically.

The United States has "cut into their ability to plot, plan and train, but they remain very dangerous, and they are still the hub to all spokes, the heart of al Qaeda," the U.S. official said.

"No one's even close to saying it's over in Pakistan. Not at all. In fact, we not only have to keep up the pressure there, we have to spread it to al Qaeda's nodes and affiliates elsewhere."

CNN's Pam Benson, Reza Sayah, Samson Desta and Chris Lawrence contributed to this report.

Official: CIA-trained force targeting militants in Pakistan - CNN.com
I watched yesterday an interview by Russia Today with a former CIA officer Wayne Madsen, he said that Mossad and Blackwater are behind terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

Here is the video in Arabic..
Keeping hearing about black water .. black water. Still could not understood what it is. Is it conspiracy theory or something that should be learn and known.
Keeping hearing about black water .. black water. Still could not understood what it is. Is it conspiracy theory or something that should be learn and known.

Learn, known and blown (away).
This "wisdom" originates from Wayne Madsen, another Zaid Hamid minus the "funny red cap".
Such reports are incorrect.

These rumors are created merely to divert attention and to create excuses not to anything tangible.

The terrorist threat arises from some segments within Pakistani society, and then is propagated by a wider proportion, though still not a majority. It has to be cured with engagement of all segments of civilised society, from within and with external support.
Wow.. so much intolerance for a different viewpoint.

To all the "non-conspiracy-theorists" (read: believers in all things told to them) out there, I would suggest you go and do some critical thinking.

While I don't entirely agree with this thread, I am not sure I can rule it out completely.

The Iraq war was based on a lie (and not just that, it was "false intel". Intel that originated from the CIA). I hope you know that. That is fact. At the time, I am sure anyone who said this would have been branded a conspiracy theorist by the likes of you people.

Who is to say that was a one-off?

You are not always told the truth. The world is a dirty place. Life is not fair. All is not what it seems.

These are all useful pieces of advice.

And to the Indians out there who jump at any chance to mock Pakistanis, I would suggest taking a chill pill. When it happens on your homeland, you guys go crazy and start burping all sorts of ludicrous arguments. Like your brainstorming of ISI involvement in 26/11, something you were never able to prove but still somehow use against Pakistan. This exercise in "shutup stupid" goes both ways.

And to be completely honest with you, I think that the RAW, CIA and MOSSAD would be damn stupid if they weren't using this situation to their own advantage. It is really naive to assume that they are super-nice-awesome-friendly organisations vying for world peace. Actually when I think about it.. :rofl:
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