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We have regular business with Bulgaria and let me tell you this is a bunch of bull!
Knowing how difficult it is to export sensitive and dual use machinery from Bulgaria, someone is going to have a better time with a nuke warhead!
We have regular business with Bulgaria and let me tell you this is a bunch of bull!
Knowing how difficult it is to export sensitive and dual use machinery from Bulgaria, someone is going to have a better time with a nuke warhead!

Apparently not, the documentary did mention Saudis and Kuwaitis funding the construction of the hotel this guy is building (the arms dealer). He claims to have sold this. The world is worried about Iran while idiots like him are roaming the streets.
@CENTCOM what the hell are you guys doing? Jerking off or sleeping? Spend less time on adult websites and focus on this garbage!
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Why isnt this topic being raised in the media? Bulgaria is filled with all these dealers... Pure Nonsense. These guys have links with Saudi's (government or some extremists) who knows, thats just adding fuel to fire.
@Aeronaut @KRAIT @Abingdonboy @stormforce : Take a look at this guys. Is this even real or bs as somebozo suggested
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Damn! If the TTP have seen this video, they would be heading for Bulgaria even as I write this, for acquiring a nuke!! And if they succeed? Nuclear blackmail!:whistle: Bad news guys! You better start heading South! :cheesy:
@Aeronaut Tell him about Vice documentaries, you told me about. @wakapdf
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Damn! If the TTP have seen this video, they would be heading for Bulgaria even as I write this, for acquiring a nuke!! And if they succeed? Nuclear blackmail!:whistle: Bad news guys! You better start heading South! :cheesy:

The guy claims to have contacts with the taliban. I am building my own nuke shelter now. Even though i want the world to burn for not caring about the weak but this takes it to a whole new level. If a reporter can get access to such sensitive stuff. God knows, who else can as well

@Aeronaut Tell him about Vice documentaries, you told me about. @wakapdf

??? Something i should know?
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IMHO this is complete BS. Firstly these guys seem to be trying to make this believable by showing how easy it is to buy a detonator ie the pic of one in the back of a car is in shot throughout the majority of the vid. However such a detonator is completely harmless on its own. The video doesn't seem to explicitly state it is possible to by a complete and working nuclear weapon in Bulgaria or even buy the nuclear waste from Bulgaria. All that is said is that this guys was asked to look into procuring a company to deal with nuclear waste of a Bulgarian nuke plant- this is all circumstantial and invalidated evidence.

Fear mongering to say the least. For VICE's own interests these guys have cooked this story and told half truths and lies to create a false impression.

To add BS to BS they then say this Bulgarian guy has had a cozy meeting with OBL in some office in Pakistan, I don't think so!
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IMHO this is complete BS. Firstly these guys seem to be trying to make this believable by showing how easy it is to buy a detonator ie the pic of one in the back of a car is in shot throughout the majority of the vid. However such a detonator is completely harmless on its own. The video doesn't seem to explicitly state it is possible to by a complete and working nuclear weapon in Bulgaria or even buy the nuclear waste from Bulgaria. All that is said is that this guys was asked to look into procuring a company to deal with nuclear waste of a Bulgarian nuke plant- this is all circumstantial and invalidated evidence.

Fear mongering to say the least. For VICE's own interests these guys have cooked this story and told half truths and lies to create a false impression.

To add BS to BS they then say this Bulgarian guy has had a cozy meeting with OBL in some office in Pakistan, I don't think so!

I would like to believe what you are saying is true as well... But vice is famous for entering these underground neighborhoods and networks, thats what concerned me the most. Let it be Lyari or North Korea...
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Damn! If the TTP have seen this video, they would be heading for Bulgaria even as I write this, for acquiring a nuke!! And if they succeed? Nuclear blackmail!:whistle: Bad news guys! You better start heading South! :cheesy:
You will be the first one to get nuked, remember one of the conditions TTP had for Pak government? (revenge from India for previous wars) will you be joining us on our run to the south? :lol:
Wonder whats Alqaeda trying to do?? maybe They are already headed For bulgaria or have a nuke but cant set it off!@
You will be the first one to get nuked, remember one of the conditions TTP had for Pak government? (revenge from India for previous wars) will you be joining us on our run to the south? :lol:
Ha! Ha! I'm already there! I mean, I live down South!! :P :lol:
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