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Zionists/Nazis: Your government is hateful, they are not allowing us to steal them of their resources and make you our slaves of Washington. Revolt against them so we can loot your country like we plan to loot the Soviet Union.

Chinese "revolutionaries": That sounds supper chill. We be chillin' and take over China for bankers.

Zionists/Nazis: Don't hurt those protesters China, we are watching you, then we loot China

Chinese "revolutionaries": Most Chinese don't want to be run by the West like Hong Kong, our people hate us. They want freedom, not ownership by Western bankers.

Zionists/Nazis: Who cares about you dumb Chinese protesters, we never liked you anyway, we were only using you to make China into occupied Japan and to loot China. We do have Yeltsin in place to loot the Soviet Union. Never is Russia ever going to challenge Washington. We are going to own their politicians and corporations. We are going to try to take over China later with Free East Turkestan terrorists and Free Tibet revolutionaries and Free Hong Kong rioters.

Zionists/Nazis in 2019: Those rioters did not work, the trade war did not war, release the virUS on China and blame China. "Get everybody in the world hating the Chinese."

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Nothing going to happen protesting
Black people will still be treated like dog shit on shoe .
Zionists/Nazis: Your government is hateful, they are not allowing us to steal them of their resources and make you our slaves of Washington. Revolt against them so we can loot your country like we plan to loot the Soviet Union.

Chinese "revolutionaries": That sounds supper chill. We be chillin' and take over China for bankers.

Zionists/Nazis: Don't hurt those protesters China, we are watching you, then we loot China

Chinese "revolutionaries": Most Chinese don't want to be run by the West like Hong Kong, our people hate us. They want freedom, not ownership by Western bankers.

Zionists/Nazis: Who cares about you dumb Chinese protesters, we never liked you anyway, we were only using you to make China into occupied Japan and to loot China. We do have Yeltsin in place to loot the Soviet Union. Never is Russia ever going to challenge Washington. We are going to own their politicians and corporations. We are going to try to take over China later with Free East Turkestan terrorists and Free Tibet revolutionaries and Free Hong Kong rioters.

Zionists/Nazis in 2019: Those rioters did not work, the trade war did not war, release the virUS on China and blame China. Get everybody in the world hating the Chinese.


Gorby is consider to be a hero in the west that should be alarm bells tbh if you oppose the Yanks and their continued UniPolar Plans
Jim Mattis is widely respected. This is another instance where Trump would've done a lot better by just respectfully disagreeing and leaving the issue alone. Instead he has to get his panties in a bunch and huff and puff like he usually does. Grow the **** up you dumb cunt. Trump is such a pathetically immature piece of shit.

He will still win in November Americans as a people are obnoxious fcks they liked Trump cause he sounds "anti establishment"

Bomb thrower’ lawyers Colinford Mattis, Urooj Rahman to be released on bond
By Ben Feuerherd

June 1, 2020 | 6:06pm | Updated

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Lawyers Colinford Mattis (left) and Urooj Rahman are charged with distributing molotov cocktails to protesters in Brooklyn.E.D.N.Y
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The two Brooklyn lawyers accused of throwing a Molotov cocktail into a police car during a protest early Saturday morning are set to be released from federal lockup after a judge approved bond for the pair in court hearings Monday.

Judge Steven Gold approved $250,000 bond for both Brooklyn community board member Colinford Mattis, 32, and his alleged accomplice, 31-year-old Urooj Rahman — despite strenuous objections from federal prosecutors.

Both Mattis and Rahman will be subject to home confinement and their family and friends who have offered to post the bond will be held responsible for paying if the lawyers jump bail, Gold said at the hearings.

An appeal of the decision by federal prosecutors in a separate court hearing Monday evening was shot down by another judge.

The prosecutor who argued he be kept in prison said Mattis “risked everything to drive around in a car with Molotov cocktails attacking police vehicles.”

“That is not the action of a rational person,” he added.

In Rahman’s hearing, the prosecutor said with uprisings happening across the city right now, it’s not the time to release a “bomb thrower” into the community.

“She pursued a career in which she would uphold the law, but everything she’s done as detailed in the complaint is contrary to that,” the prosecutor said.

“She threw away her career in the law when she threw that Molotov cocktail at a New York City police vehicle,” he added.

Mattis, a graduate of Princeton University and the New York University School of Law, is an associate at corporate Manhattan firm Pryor Cashman who has been on furlough since April, according to the firm.

tossed the explosive device into a cop car while the two were driving around Brooklyn Friday night and Saturday morning during a tense confrontation between police and demonstrators near the 88th Precinct station house in Fort Greene.

Prosecutors said in a detention memo that they were trying to pass out the bombs to protesters at the demonstration.

@Mangus Ortus Novem You see what I mean why I say we should be freaking "neutral" our 2nd gen are full of these retards

Does Chhatrapati want the truth or fake news? Can he handle the truth or is he a spreader of US propaganda?
I can give him more detailed truth only if he has a conscience and if he wishes to know the truth. BUT if he continues to be spreading fake news then why bother to inform him the truth right?
Are Antifa groups as heavily armed as the right wing groups in USA? If not, why are they not? Why do we not see as much armed violence between the extremist groups, given that random right wing gun attacks on civilians are relatively common? It confuses me and makes me suspect the threat of "antifa" is completely overplayed.

I tend to agree ..overplayed and hyped up nonsense.

I think that it's more nuanced. In Europe the left is far more in touch with the working class then America.

Not true at all - every wondered why the overwhelmingly white "new england" regions of maine, new hampshire, vermont, mass etc always vote democractic? Most repub states have far higher proportions of other demographiesl
That is not going to go well with the white angry silent majority.
The blacks in the West get way more rights and privileges than anyone else does. Funny how the Blacks never protest, riot or even complain about the 1000s of blacks murdered each year by other blacks in america. It's ONLY an issue when a non-black kills a black.
The blacks in the West get way more rights and privileges than anyone else does. Funny how the Blacks never protest, riot or even complain about the 1000s of blacks murdered each year by other blacks in america. It's ONLY an issue when a non-black kills a black.

Blacks killing blacks is just as acceptable as calling each other a nigger pardon me. If a white or asian person says that, they get a butt kicking. But thats the truth.
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