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Black people protest against discrimination by police in Guangzhou

You cannot generalize. Groups with cool temperament are everywhere. Generally African Muslims have it,

Senegal, Mauritania, Mali are famous for their cool temperament in the west.

While East Africa has Rawanda, Burundi, Uganda, Kivu, with hot heads. And then Somalis, who are diplomatic, and cool like the Swahilis.

But there are almost a million Chinese now living across African cities too, especially in Nigeria, where they have set up business right in the middle of African neighbourhoods and do not mind living with the Africans. Tonnes of youtube videos around to prove this.

It is kind of racist to call them "blacks" . They are human beings. I know the Chinese government has great respect for Africa and Africans.
But overseas Chinese are very productive and law obeying. But these black people in China are causing many problems. Chinese must learn from the Uighur mistake or future generations will pay dearly.
But overseas Chinese are very productive and law obeying. But these black people in China are causing many problems. Chinese must learn from the Uighur mistake or future generations will pay dearly.

half of them are Muslims, and live in Muslim Chinese neighbourhoods ( some of the populated by Uighars )
Please don't import any of them, we don't have those people to grow in number, then claim our territory.

The riot was happened in many years ago, and OP just brought it here to stir up the trouble.
How did they sneak into the country and do the authority deport them back? You are correct, China do not need them, we have more thn enough mouths to feed.
Black people cry discrimination everywhere they go. If they act civilized, respectful of other, then no one would care. Unfortunately, they are lousy. China can't treat black better than they treat their own poor countrymen whom go through discrimination too.
It is kind of racist to call them "blacks" . They are human beings. I know the Chinese government has great respect for Africa and Africans.
I've pasted the text from ******** and didn't took care
It's fixed now

This is what happens when you allow them into your country:

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
That's what i call being brainwashed by a stupid propaganda
If i listen my medias, my country is under civilian war and a murder is committed every 2 minutes in my disctrict:hitwall:

The Whites built America, not anyone else.
Lies, chinese workers made the train to the far west and the only people working in buildings are africans, arabs & portugese

If Blacks were such a innovative people as you are suggesting then Africa would be a world power, but clearly that is not the case.
If asians had huge natural ressources, they would be destabilized by JEW NATO death squads too

Also, check out the plundering, looting, and raping done to Africans at the hands of fellow Muslims:



What about slavery in Europa?
And slave trade was owned by JEWS
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Are you using Google translation?

Chinese should send them back. Most of them don't have a visa or past due. They don't contribute anything to China but trouble. I don't welcome the blacks. I don't like them. If you like them, go to be friends with them. :partay:

This is a very narrow view, and the reason we been humiliated for so long. And I can read Chinese.

China will be a world power, one of the key reasons the Soviets failed was, they only a true super power for a short time. They never stood for international justice, and never took the role of leader of the world. Not for very long anyways. This isn't a diss on Soviets, their power is great, but well, the end of the cold war said it all really.

China should be like before the shining light for all known world. Not just for Chinese. China must stand for justice, prosperity and freedom. You know what doesn't scream justice? Mistreating foreigners because they are not Chinese.

The world is the world, if there's one thing the past has taught us, if you don't embrace it, they will force you and that won't be pretty, much like how Taiwan is today.

This is the most important part of the China's Asian strategy. Like Yang YongTai said to Chang on the communists. They are militarily weak, but politically stubborn, so the key isn't to break their army, the key is to assimilate their people.

Even if we are to defeat Philippines, Vietnam and such, what do you want us to do? Conquer them? Occupy? Without a high morale ground, we can't even shake their morale, which means high loses.

30% military, 70% politics.

But overseas Chinese are very productive and law obeying. But these black people in China are causing many problems. Chinese must learn from the Uighur mistake or future generations will pay dearly.
yea right, there's tons of Chinese triads, and people breaking petty laws.

Personally I'm more interested in achieving the morale high ground for further soft power than some ineffective and ultimately pointless crap.
You cannot generalize. Groups with cool temperament are everywhere. Generally African Muslims have it,

Senegal, Mauritania, Mali are famous for their cool temperament in the west.

While East Africa has Rawanda, Burundi, Uganda, Kivu, with hot heads. And then Somalis, who are diplomatic, and cool like the Swahilis.

But there are almost a million Chinese now living across African cities too, especially in Nigeria, where they have set up business right in the middle of African neighbourhoods and do not mind living with the Africans. Tonnes of youtube videos around to prove this.

It is kind of racist to call them "blacks" . They are human beings. I know the Chinese government has great respect for Africa and Africans.

I'm part East African (Habasha Eritrean/Tigary), and I confirm well what you stated. Somalis are diplomatic while Ethiopians are introvert, like Asians. They rarely talk or boast about things like other black people (esp. Nigerians IMO)
China invests heavily in Africa. It is inevitable for the people (black or white or any colour in between) from the African countries to come to China, legal or not. It is a two way street.

People migrate to a different place to have a better life. Not too long ago, the Chinese paid snakeheads to escape poverty in China. So don't put your nose up. A little compassion and understanding go a long way.
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I'm part East African (Habasha Eritrean/Tigary), and I confirm well what you stated. Somalis are diplomatic while Ethiopians are introvert, like Asians. They rarely talk or boast about things like other black people (esp. Nigerians IMO)

Thank you for that brother. Harar, the city of saints, enchants minds throughout the Islamic World. I can recognize an Ethiopian from a Somali from a big distance. Even their way of walking is different. :p:
Thank you for that brother. Harar, the city of saints, enchants minds throughout the Islamic World. I can recognize an Ethiopian from a Somali from a big distance. Even their way of walking is different. :p:

Somalis/Afars/Masai have pointy, white people like noses while Ethiopians have an downturn like nose, like Semitic people in Arabia and Levant. Have you been to Harare? It's beautiful, and massive. The Walled City Gates were build in the 16th century after the Adal and ottoman invasion. it's has an old mosque (7th century) and some Orthodox Churches and Beta Israeli Synagogues. You should visit Gondar, the Castles are Beautiful. It's Orthodox version of the Islamic Harare, and is was built around the same time. Axum is an another city you should visit brother, it's old as Rome itself. BTW I'm half Habasha and English/Japanese mix :).
Lies, chinese workers made the train to the far west and the only people working in buildings are africans, arabs & portugese

Not all of the laborers who built the Trans-Continental Railroad were Chinese. A significant portion were Irish-Italian immigrants who were treated no better than the Blacks or Chinese by early Anglo-Saxon Americans. And there were no significant Arab immigrants living in America to be used as labor nor were African involved in the construction boom since most of them lived in the south pre 1940's. Stop making up absurd claims that are historically inaccurate.



Irish-Italian immigrant workers built the Sky-scrapers in NYC and other major American cities (very dangerous job, many of them die from free fall):






What about slavery in Europa?
And slave trade was owned by JEWS
Who's denying??? Certainly not me.
We are all racists! But Chinese or far east Asians are really the most tolerant in the world to strangers.
This is a very narrow view, and the reason we been humiliated for so long. And I can read Chinese.

China will be a world power, one of the key reasons the Soviets failed was, they only a true super power for a short time. They never stood for international justice, and never took the role of leader of the world. Not for very long anyways. This isn't a diss on Soviets, their power is great, but well, the end of the cold war said it all really.

China should be like before the shining light for all known world. Not just for Chinese. China must stand for justice, prosperity and freedom. You know what doesn't scream justice? Mistreating foreigners because they are not Chinese.

The world is the world, if there's one thing the past has taught us, if you don't embrace it, they will force you and that won't be pretty, much like how Taiwan is today.

This is the most important part of the China's Asian strategy. Like Yang YongTai said to Chang on the communists. They are militarily weak, but politically stubborn, so the key isn't to break their army, the key is to assimilate their people.

Even if we are to defeat Philippines, Vietnam and such, what do you want us to do? Conquer them? Occupy? Without a high morale ground, we can't even shake their morale, which means high loses.

30% military, 70% politics.

yea right, there's tons of Chinese triads, and people breaking petty laws.

Personally I'm more interested in achieving the morale high ground for further soft power than some ineffective and ultimately pointless crap.
When was the last time you see cChinese protesting on the streets of USA when a Chinese was arrested for illegal entry or a crime? These blacks were causing trouble because police asking for id, and deporting illegals. Writing long winded posts do not make you right.
You want China to be strong? Social unrest and disharmony will not do my friend.

Not all of the laborers who built the Trans-Continental Railroad were Chinese. A significant portion were Irish-Italian immigrants who were treated no better than the Blacks or Chinese by early Anglo-Saxon Americans. And there were no significant Arab immigrants living in America to be used as labor nor were African involved in the construction boom since most of them lived in the south pre 1940's. Stop making up absurd claims that are historically inaccurate.



Irish-Italian immigrant workers built the Sky-scrapers in NYC and other major American cities (very dangerous job, many of them die from free fall):






Who's denying??? Certainly not me.
It is well documented Chinese laid the rails and performed dangerous duties in Canada but the pictures of the final work did not include Chinese workers. Pictures only capture that moment in time.
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