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Dude. China is still.a developing country and there also many poor people in China. Reason many went to Africa since there is less competition for them there than in China and Africa has vast natural resources, huge arable land, and untapped opportunities. You are talking as if China is a highly developed country. Lol
I can see that you have definitely not been to any African country. Else you wont be thinking there are no Chinese in Africa doing menial low level jobs there. I have witnessed and seen that for myself in seceral African countries i visited. The Chinese were almost at every level of jobs there . So calm down. 😆 or better still go there and see for yourself.
Moroever many of those Chinese have a far better life in Africa than they had in China. Reason many wouldn't want to come back anytime soon. Lol
real. Because it is anti-China, so it must be anti-IQ and anti-honest.

In the real world. the Chinese build factories in Africa and hire Chinese to manage Africans.

But judging from your lies, it seems that you think Chinese people are working for African bosses?

Tell me, what factory did you see Africans open? Are you sure Chinese people will work for African bosses?

Have you been smoking too much marijuana lately?


The UK is also a high HDI country. It is difficult to understand its people's anti IQ and anti honesty every day. lol.
Lol i know. Its actually funny that they dont even know that many African countries are now full of Chinese people from top of the economy to the lowest rung of the economy you will now find Chinese people at almost all levels of African buisness activity. In fact, I will even argue that Africans shod be the ones clamouring for Chinese to leave their country, since their are now so many Chinese in Africa that even the smallest of menial jobs Africans used to do to survive are now even been done by Chinese in Africa as well(at an even cheaper rate). 😂 so there should actually be way more anti Chinese sentiment in Africa than there is, but knowing Africans they are usually very weak minded when it comes to protecting their own interests to be honest, they usually lack that solidarity of working among themselves unlike other races to be honest. I will say that is their biggest fault from what I have noticed. So it's no wonder anybody from anywhere around the world can basically go to Africa and so what they want and still get away with it. Lol If anything from what I have noticed, Blacks in African countries usually treat foreigners even better than their own people. 😆 So i will say you guys have a long way to go
correct... unfortunately the wumao pinkie tranvestites here get to desperate measures - we must remember they have a script - it is no wonder why this forum has degraded - when you have pinkies running around.

Our biggest issue - we are niave and think these people are to be trusted. In Nairobi and Mombasa, go to Malawi, Zambia -- these chinese are when local outlet at local grass root levels and the prices complete remove the local shops totally with their rejected items which dont make it to any 1st or 2nd tier countries lands up getting dumped to our countries.

We have here huge number .. far more - more than 100x than what our students are in China - right now around 600 students or so; 5 from my own institute which i oversee. Yet, we must have over 30,000+ chinese here. So much for the pinkie tranvestites claims.. what do you expect from these people.

Anyway, back to work - just give them a token shilling for their efforts.
correct... unfortunately the wumao pinkie tranvestites here get to desperate measures - we must remember they have a script - it is no wonder why this forum has degraded - when you have pinkies running around.

Our biggest issue - we are niave and think these people are to be trusted. In Nairobi and Mombasa, go to Malawi, Zambia -- these chinese are when local outlet at local grass root levels and the prices complete remove the local shops totally with their rejected items which dont make it to any 1st or 2nd tier countries lands up getting dumped to our countries.

We have here huge number .. far more - more than 100x than what our students are in China - right now around 600 students or so; 5 from my own institute which i oversee. Yet, we must have over 30,000+ chinese here. So much for the pinkie tranvestites claims.. what do you expect from these people.

Anyway, back to work - just give them a token shilling for their efforts.
Savage shut up your foul mouth.
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