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Black Hawk Down


Mar 8, 2019
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Back in '93
's and my father served with the UN in Somalia. As the senior most officers of the Pakistani mission, they kept the peace while fighters of Somali warlord General Farah Aidid attacked UN troops every day. On 5th June 1993, Farah Aidid 1/n

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ordered an attack on a Pakistani inspection team killing 24 men troops. Farah Aidid became the UN's no. 1 enemy that day. His troops would openly threaten Pakistani officers over the radio networks in Mogadishu 2/n

"Col Asif we will kill you" the fighters would announce knowing my dad could hear them. I hated Farah Aidid with a vengeance and held on to the memory of our troops killed in the line of duty. On Oct 3, '93 American forces launched a raid to capture Farah Aidid that went 3/n

horribly wrong. Two Black Hawks were shot down and 19 Americans were killed in a single day. The Pakistani UN force fought a pitched battle through the streets of Mogadishu to rescue the trapped Americans. The Battle of Mogadishu was later turned into a film "Black Hawk Down" 4/n

The UN mission failed to bring peace to Somalia and withdrew in '95. Farah Aidid was never captured and died in '96 after being shot in a clash with another warlord. I was relieved to see that man go given he was responsible for so many deaths. Why did I share this story? 5/n

Yesterday, Farah Aidid's grandson walked into a dental clinic in Denver, CO for his cleaning appointment. The dentist was my brother Dr. Zarrar Duraiz. Fucking hell. What were the odds of that happening? 6/6

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Folks the Americans fought very hard as well. Let’s not forget the heroism shown by sergeant Gary Gordon and Sergent Randall Shughart who killed many insurgents whilst defending their downed men, and made the ultimate sacrifice.



It was criminal though how the Pakistani troops fighting were not even mentioned.


Regardless it was one of the few times when US and Pakistani troops fought together gallantly and as brothers in arms. Those US troops who were there never forgot it and speak fondly of Pakistan till this day.



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Yeh, very true. It was Muslims who saved the Americans from Somali's. Without the brave Muslim soldiers those American's would have never got back to USA. Hollywood ignored Muslim contribution.

However instead of complaing why don't Muslims make their version of Black Hawk Down in English?
Folks the Americans fought very hard as well. Let’s not forget the heroism shown by sergeant Gary Gordon and Sergent Randall Shughart who killed many insurgents whilst defending their downed men, and made the ultimate sacrifice.
These two men knew that it was a suicide mission but they still voluntered to protect Mike Durant's Black Hawk crash site.

Gordon and Shugart inspired me like others to clone their signature weapons.(Still pending on my bucket list)

Only Hollywood can turn a botched military operation. Into a successful recruiting tool for the U.S military.
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