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Black box of MI17 Chopper that Crashed in Budgam Missing

I have serious doubts that this black box will show a medium range air to air missile ramming the arse of that heli... Despite both countries denying this and calling it fractisde (which makes it very suspicious as that's basically only thing they agree upon)
We should have claimed the helicopter kill as our own would have saved IAF alot of covering up and embaressment BUT it would also have stoked up cries for revenge and so ISPR decided against it I guess..
the villagers didn't steal it, modi did to hide how deep inside his bunghole The Pakistani Air Force had intruded. :coffee:

Stop him, he’s getting away with the black box.


Does someone actually believe this? Indians...
Was the black box ejected before it crashed? Look at crash site, it would be stupid to pull any item out of the burning airframe.
While the wreckage was burning, as evident in videos, Indian Officials were already there and waiting for IAF Tech team to arrive but still, those villagers were so professional/trained/experienced in Mil Aviation and knows MI-17V5 inside out while being aware of what are really looking for. I have to get back to the list and add that "Villagers Mistake". To hide the lie/incompetence/humiliation one has to go lame and will continue to do so.
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