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BJP Will Seal Country's Borders if Elected to Power: Gadkari


May 5, 2010
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BJP Will Seal Country's Borders if Elected to Power: Gadkari

Accusing the Congress of playing "vote bank politics", BJP president Nitin Gadkari today said his party would take steps to seal the country's international borders to prevent illegal immigration, if elected to power.

"If BJP comes to power, our top priority would be to seal the borders of the country... If Israel, surrounded by hostile countries, can seal its borders, why can't we," Gadkari said.

Flagging off a rally here to mark the 50th anniversary of India-China war this morning, the BJP leader called upon India's leaders to learn from the experience of Israel in keeping hostile elements at bay.

Taking a dig at the Congress, he said, "To visit any country, one needs a visa, one needs to submit a number of documents. But here our country has totally opened up its borders and told (illegal immigrants) 'come and enter our country, buy land, buy property'."

Gadkari said, "Even if you raise slogans against India, you need not worry because everything will be facilitated. Just keep in mind to vote for the Congress."

Accusing the Congress party of being responsible for the current state of affairs, Gadkari said illegal immigration pose a threat to sovereignty.

"Our borders are still insecure. That is why we need to learn from shortcomings of the 1962 war and ensure that such mistakes are not repeated," he said.

He alleged that Congress leaders in Assam, from Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed to Tarun Gogoi, have all encouraged illegal immigrants.

Gadkari said that while India and China can work together for peace and prosperity at the global and regional level, the country cannot ignore threats where they are present.

He cited reports of China's involvement in building infrastructure in ****************** Kashmir.

"Yet when we talk of defending our country, we are called communal... Has vote bank politics made us so indulgent that we have even stopped thinking about our country's national security?" Gadkari argued.

The BJP president said that the recent problems in Assam were not the result of any communal discord, but a struggle between Indians and foreigners.

The BJP, he declared, was determined to change the general state of the country in which the economy suffered from problems of unemployment, farmers' suicides and other issues.

He also said that the BJP wants FDI for economic development.
FILED ON: OCT 18, 2012

BJP Will Seal Country's Borders if Elected to Power: Gadkari | news.outlookindia.com
Oh right! what did they do during their last tenure?

Oh right! what did they do during their last tenure?
"Yet when we talk of defending our country, we are called communal...
thats right who ever goes against this (pseudo)Secular ,Corrupt, weak government to protect our national interest is immediately branded a communal, internet hindu etc etc etc
Has vote bank politics made us so indulgent that we have even stopped thinking about our country's national security?
Well said
thats right who ever goes against this (pseudo)Secular ,Corrupt, weak government to protect our national interest is immediately branded a communal, internet hindu etc etc etc

Well said

why not take indians to the moon?

BTW they should try learn to live peacefully like humans with all neibours instead closing borders & becoming mayanmar or north korea ....
why not take indians to the moon?

BTW they should try learn to live peacefully like humans with all neibours instead closing borders & becoming mayanmar or north korea ....

Aren't you Pakistanis wanted to expel all Afghans from Pakistan. why are you giving lessons to us.
Please seal the leak of taxpayers money through corruption first...taxpayers are loosing billions....later you may carry on for election campaign..:rolleyes:
Whatever Gadkari said was kinda rude of way saying it, but its definitely in ours Nations interest to seal these borders and increase vigil there to ensure no illegal activities happen from the other side of border!

ULFA, NAGA all escape through porous border when security force's crackdown takes place!:hitwall:

Bangladesh: Terrorist outfit like HUJI have found safe haven in Bangladesh, with radical Islamist present there.:tdown:

Vigil at Nepal border should also be increased as ISI and other organizations acting against our nation's interest are taking this route.

There are over 100+ incidents of fake notes being sent by foreign agencies using these routes to damage Indian economy,

Also these money is being used by terrorist outfits like SIMI, IM in India.:angry:

Pakistan: It's a friendly nation, no need to seal border!!:smitten:
Why seal the borders? First seal of parliament to stop the theft of taxpayers money. Anyways, BJP is all talk and no action
In the process India will seal herslf in. That is in keeping with the Hindu mindset/culture/heritage not to cross the seven seas.
What about the illegals who have already pole vaulted or sneaked in and are breeding like bunnies?
Really great news if true.
But it just seem like the election propaganda.
Last time when BJP had the chance in Airplane hostage cenarios they bow down. Mr. Advani went to Pak and said something which was totally opposite to the party line. And now Mr. Gadakari. Let see if he really does that oe just for records.

BTW first thing Gadakari should have done was to announce Mr. Modi as a PM candidate. That would have been more assuring than the border fencing.

Only good that can happen ONLY by BJP is extended defence cooperation with Isarel. Congress keep its moves checked
Whatever he said is right. better t seal border and live as neutral to each other. Country security and interest should be priority. But this congress is just busy in vote bank..
Whole congress including cabinet ministers are busy to protect nation son in law.
our law minister directly warned arvind not to go Farrukhabad. even he said how he ll return from there.

our prime minister remarks on RTI . For our PM RTI violet personal privacy of of people. :D

Does not matter in which state you go every where politicians speak about vote politics specially these congressi leader. have you seen any good speech from any congress leader.. ? and our PM well he is greatest @sshole. people are idiot if they think he is not corrupt. He is not speaking against any scams, he is not speaking against any riots, he is not speaking against his leader, then what is the point of having such PM.

andBJP is thousand time better then UPA, at least no miniter from NDA is in jail for corruption.
Why not seal it now?

China seals multiple borders in multiple directions, even with friendly nations in Central Asia and others like North Korea.
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