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BJP leader threatens to behead Karnataka CM if he consumes beef, arrested

I can only discuss

A) principles - on which i oppose beef ban and

B) realities - under which i acknowledge the states right to ban foods they want (like all countries do, for example pakistan bans eating endangered animals allowed as per islam)

But not your victimhood inanities like

A) hindus revere cows because of muslim hatred

B) by not eating cows muslims fail to follow their religion

C) and just about everything you have spouted here

You are extremely illogical and your entire thinking process is based on hatred of non muslims. A very sick mindset sorry to say.
Sick mindset is banning beef for us while not doing the same thing for muslims like banning alcohol or pig meat. Or for the sikhs banning smoking. A nation respects all or disrespects all that is how an equal society is formed. What is stopping India from banning these and becoming bannistan.

The cow slaughter ban is a law of Hindus imposed on the muslims but your victim mentality makes you believe 800 million + hindus are oppressed by 100-200 million Muslims. It is a weak stand and no one will accept that a majority is being oppressed by a minority. All this talk of ghar wapsi, love jihad and forced conversion is in reality an attempt to obfuscate the real problem. The problem that we are purposely being oppressed.

You have forced thousands of Muslims if not millions to move from their own land and taken their properties. I know such people and this was the case in operation polo, muslim homes were looted and our people killed. Hyderabad Lucknow all face similar treatment. Muslims are grabbed from their homes and blamed as terrorists. So save me your sermons. We all know where the hatred is coming from. If you can't see it that is a problem with your thinking.
It is the basic right of each and every man to eat or drink whatever he sees fit.
alcohol consumption by muslim is punishable offence in pakistan (80 lashes as per law).. I doubt they follow or punish anybody, but thats the law.
alcohol consumption by muslim is punishable offence in pakistan (80 lashes as per law).. I doubt they follow or punish anybody, but thats the law.
Every time an evil law is imposed on the people it is our duty to stand against it. An oppressive law is an oppressive law and it hurts the people-your own people. These things we wouldn't even ban if we had enough trust and belief in the power of our religion. But we are weak and pathetic and ban things we don't like or are percieved to be against us. Muslims as well as non-muslims should have the right to drink-this is not to say I drink but giving people the freedom to choose right from wrong is a duty.
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Every time an evil law is imposed on the people it is our duty to stand against it. An oppressive law is an oppressive law and it hurts the people-your own people. These things we wouldn't even ban if we had enough trust and belief in the power of our religion. But we are weak and pathetic and ban things we don't like or are percieved to be against us. Muslims as well as non-muslims should have the right to drink-this is not to say I drink but giving people the freedom to choose right from wrong is a duty.
fair enough. I too believe people should be given maximum right to choose what they eat or drink (within limits of course dont want people use hard drugs or eat humans by digging up grave or eat protected wild animals).
Please include Virat Hindus on that list too. It is for the overall well being of humanity
much much much Better than islamic terrorists who behead innocent women and children and play foot ball with their heads, or who trade small girls as sex slaves in the name of Islam, or plant bombs in dargas imambargas or temples and kill innocent god fearing people or involve in kidnappings and hijacking of people and planes all in the name of Islam, or spreading hatered for non Muslims( even include those faithful Muslims whome you don't consider as Muslims) indulge in prostitution and drug trade all in the name of Islam, even indulge in thievary, decoity, thuggery, smuggling when caught hide behind Islam.
He is seen as a good man by Virat Hindus. Just like how Afzal Guru is revered by many Muslims as a right person.
He just said a word unlike your afzal guru who attacked parliament and tryed to kill all the parliamentarians, if he had done it in saudhi Arabia he would have been chopped into thousand pieces. Or like your hero prabhakaran who killed rajiv Gandhi. So there is difference between the sky and the earth by saying something and indulging in murders. By the way Mr CM has agreed to eat pork to balance his word:lol:

Virat Hindu = Extremist apologizers, Akhand Bharat dreamers, RSS followers, Sleeper cells for rightwing organizations calling for genocide of Muslims, Christians and other minorities. Just to clear up.
And the people like you who are the true enemy's of Hindus, boot lickers, traitors, plotters, who dream of wiping off all the Hindus from India and convert it in to jihadhi hell or a christian slum for foreigners to use them. I know how the Dravidian party scum feel for my country, are you not the likes who demanded separation from India?

[QUOTE="war&peace, post: 7842791, member: 17100beeo problem then goodbye india. And who is to blame if indian majority elected Modi and RSS to rule them and banned beef in a so-called secular country.[/QUOTE]
As India is a secular country any one who eats beef should also eat pork and dog meat, to maintain secularism.
I would say, cut his teeeny weeeeny penyss and teach him a lesson. Make sure he does not dare use his tongue to threaten anyone anymore!
Isn’t India the biggest beef exporter in the world?
And the people like you who are the true enemy's of Hindus,
No, You identify me correctly - I am against RSS and the intolerance against minorities. I have problem with Sanghis; not with avearge Hindus.
Nationalism is hijacked for years by Chaddis. as if we are not nationalists only a Golwalkar slave can be a nationalist. Desh premi=RSS boot licking Chaddi-Danda kids:
Once a Sanghi, always a turd. No justifications for terror. RSS fellow is a terrorist no matter how much you attack real secular people. We don't have the saffron glass to see believer and unbeliever unlike yours.
PS: Since Sakha classes programmed you to calculate a imaginary enemy inorder to reply further, I can give you a clue - Not a Muslim. Now what? Where to reply what to reply huh? Chaddi brain wants enemies - precisely enemies so as to unleash all that terror amassed in the brain programmed by Sakha classes.
Dear Vanara Mahodaya, you are replying to someone who is elder to know what a Haindava terrorist can come up with.
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