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BJP chief vows to ‘undivided’ Greater India that including Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar

We look forward to love jihad.


It is planned for the same day as Ghazwa-e-Hind :D
Pakistani parliament doesn't talk about Ghazwa e Hind but Akhand bharat project has been going on for 71 years now while Chinese continue to salami slice mother India :omghaha:
Every 5-20 years they lose territory to China or Pakistan, what're they so sure of?
The include territory from Aghanistan uptil indonesia as greater india..
Indians have also declared Iran and Arab peninsula as their zone of influence (backyard)
"never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake".

What is this mistake? It is the sense of grandeur - They always look at their size and compare themselves to their smaller neighbours. This is how they went about their Feb 2019 debacle and ended up losing in the long run to a smaller neighbour. They have a habit of making tall claims and overly boast their capabilities.

All this help in for them to miscalculate. In my opinion, if Indiant leaders of 1971 could only see the Pakistan that would have formed, they would probably never have disected Pakistan and gloat about it. Pakistan would not have been a fortress today nor would it have armed itself to the teeth. We would have been similar to Bangladesh, with no nuclear weapons and may even have accepted India as a larger regional power. Now, its not that easy because everything Pakistan does is purely India centric.

The second mistake India is making, which is now haunting them, is the obsession with Pakistan. They have been so focused on Pakistan that they never saw China coming. Playing catchup is now an eternal game.

Where does India sit today? It is has serious issues with China and Pakistan. It allied itself with the United States who as the world can see is a humiliated, selfish, self serving power willing to throw its allies under the bus. India further has strained relationships with Bangladesh, Sri Lanka.

Where can they go and what can they do? The answer is....Pakistan...its the disease of the mind. They just can not fix it. It sells well to the masses and that is the politics it engages in.

So, we wait, patiently, and make this obsession worse while we prepare the knockout blow. Now India has our undivided attention. Now we slowly corrode India and it doesnt always have to be Islam to help with that. There are unhappy sikhs, there are unhappy dalits.....they just need a little bit of help.
Pakistani parliament doesn't talk about Ghazwa e Hind but Akhand bharat project has been going on for 71 years now while Chinese continue to salami slice mother India :omghaha:
Similarly Akhand Bharat is not an official govt position.
Lets see - the Indian's cannot handle ~200 million muslims already in India, but they want to add a further ~210 million from Pakistan, and ~150million from Bangladesh for a grand total of ~560 odd million muslims compared against about ~960 million hindus already in india.

Does this bloke not realise he could become a minority in "Hindu India?" given muslim reproduction rates compared with hinus? ......

Not very bright - he needs to lay off the cow urine.

Had partition "not taken plane", then you can assume that in a few generations from now - Hindu's would have become a minority group in India ...
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I do not understand one thing, why Pakistani foreign office has taken chill pills!!
We got massive proofs of Indian terrorism and what their designs and plans are but we do not spread it around the world to show what India really is.

An expansionist , terrorist state, which had problems and issues with all its neighbours.

This idiot is smoking something far stronger than "Hasish", he will be found in a gutter real soon.
what about Afghanistan? :(

thats not fair they should also join the akhand bharat party.
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