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BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

ur indeed an intellectual being...cant wait to know ur knowledge more..:omghaha:

I don't want to give you my knowledge ... You are uselessly try to get well-watared with my knowledge ;)

Anyhow concentrate on topic ... You are trying to troll ..........
Intellectual discourse does not have any language associated with it. It has much to do with knowledge of the topic and intellectual ability of the speakers.

I m afraid I must differ with you here. 2 points

1. Can I really express my thoughts in a language which is not my mother tongue.. I think one will always feel stiffled and cramped. Look at how we write English and how the Englishmen do... There is world of difference.

After Rabindranath got Nobel, W B Yeats was asked his opinion on Tagore's works. Yeats replied, and rightly so " Tagore cannot write English, no Indian can write English" . On the other hand, try to savour the beauty of Tulasidas' chaupais or Ghalib's poetry. It flows with the soul.

So why should our best brains be encouraged to create output in a less than optimum medium and what will it do to the quality of output.

2. Is it desirable that the intellectual landscape be monopolised by a foreign language and exclude a large number of participants just because they lack familiarity with English? So we have the English Channels and the regional channels and never the twain shall meet. The English Channels consider it beneath them to call earthy politicians who lack knowledge of English. then are you not manufacturing opinion based on selective inputs and should a country's landscape be so fragmented. Do we have such a situation in any other country?
English is a global language. No need to call it Indian.

:lol: ....I never claimed to be elite. Maybe you perceived me to be one :azn:

Don't lecture others to hide ur failures!
too loud mouth, y r u using a phone,its alphabet is English,trash it, sanskrit in computer games? no ? trash it, ur school certificate is in Sanskrit? no? burn it!

And tell ur daughter to spread the news of your death in Sanskrit only.plus you never know whome she gonna marry,if Christian boils u down ,how about a baked Hindu Andamanse?
I do have gita ,with me and below every sloke,explanation is in Hindi,darn,even gita is ruining Sanskrit .

Next time before imposing any communal quote,think 10 times.
i M Christian, i m Muslim ,I am Hindu,I m Sikh but I m pure blooded indian who fights for peace.
I m afraid I must differ with you here. 2 points

1. Can I really express my thoughts in a language which is not my mother tongue.. I think one will always feel stiffled and cramped. Look at how we write English and how the Englishmen do... There is world of difference.

After Rabindranath got Nobel, W B Yeats was asked his opinion on Tagore's works. Yeats replied, and rightly so " Tagore cannot write English, no Indian can write English" . On the other hand, try to savour the beauty of Tulasidas' chaupais or Ghalib's poetry. It flows with the soul.

So why should our best brains be encouraged to create output in a less than optimum medium and what will it do to the quality of output.

2. Is it desirable that the intellectual landscape be monopolised by a foreign language and exclude a large number of participants just because they lack familiarity with English? So we have the English Channels and the regional channels and never the twain shall meet. The English Channels consider it beneath them to call earthy politicians who lack knowledge of English. then are you not manufacturing opinion based on selective inputs and should a country's landscape be so fragmented. Do we have such a situation in any other country?

You need to read Rajiv Malhotra's books. Let me recommend 'Being Different' and 'Breaking India'.

Both are VERY well researched and have deep thought and address issues similar to what you have raised. He

He makes a beautiful commentary on Digestion of native culture by Western culture by wrongly/crudely translating cultural keywords into english. He has strongly recommended making key words pertaining to religion, culture, society as Sanskrit Non-translatables and incorporating them into english. That would preserve the essence of our culture. The whole idea would be impossible to explain in this post, but you can go to you tube and hear him speak. It is highly recommended. .....some e.g. of Sanskrit Non-translatables Dharma, Yoga, Swaraj, Satyagraha etc...

1. Now to the point , intellectual discussion is NOT about expressing your thought. That is done by the medium of poetry, stories, songs, dance, paintings etc..... They all have their own language rooted in our culture and is certainly NOT english. Maybe for people for whom english have become their language of thought, their books too are in english.

2. I honestly cannot comment on Media in other nations ...but in India most of the english channels are controlled by large business houses and they cater to safeguard the interests of big business. Your point has more to do with freeing english media (and regional media) than with the language itself.
The problem is not with English per se but because the entire intellectual discourse in the country has been hijacked by it. The "intelligentsia" seems besotted by it and harbours a proportionate contempt for Indian languages. How can fruitful exchange of ideas be conducted in an alien language and when one has to struggle to compress the natural flow of thoughts into the limited vocabulary of a foreign tongue?

And I must seek apology from my brothers from South India but to then must go a large part of blame for propagating Hindi Phobia and the resultant continuation of a foreign tongue - a situation utterly shameful for such a large nation with such a rich choice of languages. If you dont like Hindi -- take Sanskrit, but please let us get rid of this pathetic and condemnable situation of using a foreign tongue as the defacto national language.
I would rather take knowledge from a 'foreign' language than have a national language like Hindi or Sanskrit. If you talk about language, then all three(Hindi, Sanskrit and English) are equally foreign for many people whose mother tongue is not Hindi. That many of them can speak in Hindi because they got convinced that they are the different dialects of same language or that they came from same parent is no matter of relief.

Languages evolve, they get rich or contaminated the way you see it. Indian languages got enriched/contaminated by Sanskrit, now they are getting enriched/contaminated by English. Big deal! We just should try to retain our vocabulary as long as we can.

And Hindi? Is that Urdu written in Devnagari and then enriched by Sanskrit? I don't quite understand how these right wing Hindi supremacists hate Urdu so viscerally and by the end of the sentence sing songs of praise to Hindi as Sanskrit's living child(as if other languages are not) and national language. Once they resolve this contradiction, then let us discuss again. And what is this obsession with having a national language? Are you so insecure of your country that you need a language that everyone speaks? Or is it just the need to convert people to your creed(which is a natural instinct, don't worry, but keep it in check)?

The so called foreign tongue is fast becoming localized and good for it. If your objective is 'fruitful exchange of ideas' then English does a better job than Hindi. So please don't masquerade your impositions under this 'exchange of ideas'. You only wish Hindi does a better job.

One would think people will learn looking at Bangladesh which got Urdu imposed on them.
1. Rajnath singh has said we have started forgetting our religion and culture these days. - That is true and has been true for the last 200 years.

2. He also said "Knowledge acquired out of English is not harmful but the Anglicization penetrated into youth is dangerous.", which is also true, especially when they replace local religion and culture.

No where did he say people should not learn English. The solution is to teach people Sanskrit and make it a compulsory subject.

This appears to be much ado over nothing.

Here again, I perceive hidden but deep dangers. Take a typical professional in a North Indian state. He would study Hindi upto Std X and is glad when it is done with because the language has no future advantage in the science stream. Eleven, Twelve and college are done in English and his contact with Hindi in further life is restricted to its use as a medium of conversation. He may go on for years without writing a single Hindi sentence. So, his knowledge of Hindi declines severely with passage of time while his familiarity and fluency for English improves. Such a man is much more likely to read English novels, magazines, newspapers. If he is the serious kind, he may go for the non fiction stuff, again in English. I dont know how matters are in South, but upcountry he will typically consider Hindi as basically a spoken language. It is only natural that his outlook will be progressively westernized and each generation will be successively even more so.

Where in such a scenario is the market and mindshare for serious works in Indian language? How can we ask people to read up scriptures in Sanskrit when even Indian languages are a chore for many of them.

On the other hand, if we had technical education in Indian languages, a person would have an unbroken link with it and the spill over effects would have been very beneficial for our culture.
Don't lecture others to hide ur failures!
too loud mouth, y r u using a phone,its alphabet is English,trash it, sanskrit in computer games? no ? trash it, ur school certificate is in Sanskrit? no? burn it!

And tell ur daughter to spread the news of your death in Sanskrit only.plus you never know whome she gonna marry,if Christian boils u down ,how about a baked Hindu Andamanse?
I do have gita ,with me and below every sloke,explanation is in Hindi,darn,even gita is ruining Sanskrit .

Next time before imposing any communal quote,think 10 times.
i M Christian, i m Muslim ,I am Hindu,I m Sikh but I m pure blooded indian who fights for peace.

.......... you are frothing at the mouth. Get help. :lol:
Here again, I perceive hidden but deep dangers. Take a typical professional in a North Indian state. He would study Hindi upto Std X and is glad when it is done with because the language has no future advantage in the science stream. Eleven, Twelve and college are done in English and his contact with Hindi in further life is restricted to its use as a medium of conversation. He may go on for years without writing a single Hindi sentence. So, his knowledge of Hindi declines severely with passage of time while his familiarity and fluency for English improves. Such a man is much more likely to read English novels, magazines, newspapers. If he is the serious kind, he may go for the non fiction stuff, again in English. I dont know how matters are in South, but upcountry he will typically consider Hindi as basically a spoken language. It is only natural that his outlook will be progressively westernized and each generation will be successively even more so.

Where in such a scenario is the market and mindshare for serious works in Indian language? How can we ask people to read up scriptures in Sanskrit when even Indian languages are a chore for many of them.

On the other hand, if we had technical education in Indian languages, a person would have an unbroken link with it and the spill over effects would have been very beneficial for our culture.

I agree with your surmise that due to non usage in real life the regional langues and the root language takes a hit.

One way around that problem is to raise awareness and incorporate natural pride for these languages. Revive cultural pride, religious pride etc. But that cannot and should not be done by bad mouthing other languages. That pride should be raised purely on its own merit. That is the right way to do things ...that is dharma.

Preserving the purity of any language is like preserving virginity. It is easier lost than preserved. Look at the new SMS language....look at the new lyrics of 'hindi' songs etc....

CHANGE is the natural order of things. Adaptability to change is the key to survival. Be it human or their languages.

India has a hard time providing technical education in any form. To put an additional burden of translating that technical knowledge into other languages is beyond our ability at present. Maybe in the future...but I doubt that.

Why so much hatred for Indian languages????

Its a reactionary response of 'secular' Indians when religion is linked to culture, language etc... :cheesy:

They substitute rhetoric's for facts ..........:lol: For him the natural language is 'Arabic' and 'urdu'.
Nothing wrong .....I have a problem with they hide that fact and play games hiding behind an internet burqa.

I come from a big family, 12 are Hindu origin, 45+ are Muslim ,rest are Christians.
we have Bengalis,Assamese, Urdu,Nepali,khasi and manipuri speaking people.
"oh god one languages is taking over another,let's repel dem rite?"


religious tolerance and share rich linguistic culture.

now fcuk ur self. coz u never gonna digest it.
typical idiot .

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