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Bitcoin is crashing -- upward. It just passed $28,000 and shows no signs of stopping.


Jun 2, 2012
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Just fraud based upon playing money hot potato and using debt. Fraud perpetrated by thieves who loot and destroy nations. The thieves then migrate to another place to live on credit and loot. That is why IndoEuropeans and Germanics are in Europe, South/North America and Australia. That is why the Dutch are in the UK (1688 Glorious Revolution Invasion). That is why so many flood into America. Can't steal so easily in Communist China so the thieves scream bloodly murder at the Chinese and make sure controlled puppet people turn away from China.
Just a note for the original poster, the correct word to use in your title is "surging" which denotes an upward trend, whereas "crashing" signifies a downward trend.

For Pakistanis, who believe themselves to be Muslims, take note here. Bit Coin is the mechanism that would destroy the fiat system. The latter is the foundation on which the West has used to dominate the world. As a Muslim, remember "Riba" in the Noble Qur'an and do not pursue Bit Coin under any circumstance.
I had $60 worth of bitcoin when it was trading at $9500 few months ago but I needed cash so I sold it.
Thinking of putting £100 into bitcoin, not sure, also considering litecoin since I see it rising, also putting money into buying stocks recently. Any tips on if lite coin is a good investment?
Just a note for the original poster, the correct word to use in your title is "surging" which denotes an upward trend, whereas "crashing" signifies a downward trend.

For Pakistanis, who believe themselves to be Muslims, take note here. Bit Coin is the mechanism that would destroy the fiat system. The latter is the foundation on which the West has used to dominate the world. As a Muslim, remember "Riba" in the Noble Qur'an and do not pursue Bit Coin under any circumstance.
do not pursue any banking system if you're religious, even if it's islamic banking in a country whose central bank have western banking practices
Thinking of putting £100 into bitcoin, not sure, also considering litecoin since I see it rising, also putting money into buying stocks recently. Any tips on if lite coin is a good investment?
you're much better off investing in ETFs diversified portfolio is the way to go
Thinking of putting £100 into bitcoin, not sure, also considering litecoin since I see it rising, also putting money into buying stocks recently. Any tips on if lite coin is a good investment?

Litecoin is a stable coin, but not much happening in terms of development. You're better off going 50:50 with BTC and Ethereum.
What the #)$*#@)($ is happening with Bitcoin's insane record run?
Bitcoin is crashing -- upward. It just passed $28,000 and shows no signs of stopping.

Local : 2020-12-27(Sunday) 17:37:13
Found via nicer.app/news

so if you have some money to invest, now would seem a good time :) the economies are likely to rebound after the vaccine has been given to most of the populations world wide (near end of 2021), and that will no doubt drive bitcoin upwards some more too.
I put some 30 quid made 20 quid and rest 10 went to 33 now I think.. but its a longterm investment mostly...
do not pursue any banking system if you're religious, even if it's islamic banking in a country whose central bank have western banking practices

you're much better off investing in ETFs diversified portfolio is the way to go

Following crypto currency for years. The big investors are making huge amounts of money at expense of the many small time investors. Like previous rally in 2017 and 2018 they will pump up value then dump on mass. Alot of investors got burnt in previous bubble.

In UK its free to transfer money from your own bank account to someone else's. With crypto you get charged, soo conventional banking is better and even safer.

Phishing is a big problem, once your funds are stolen no way to get money back
Following crypto currency for years. The big investors are making huge amounts of money at expense of the many small time investors. Like previous rally in 2017 and 2018 they will pump up value then dump on mass. Alot of investors got burnt in previous bubble.

In UK its free to transfer money from your own bank account to someone else's. With crypto you get charged, soo conventional banking is better and even safer.

Phishing is a big problem, once your funds are stolen no way to get money back
Rolex bubble is more stable than bitcoin 😂
Hi just a curious question, what’s the best app for me to invest money into cryptocurrencies, I’m thinking of spending £3000 into certain crypto currencies such as chainlink, and hold them till around 2025 and eventually sell them, I’m most likely going to do it through coinbase pro (low fee) however I have heard some bad reviews and that if your from the uk you can only buy and not sell. So any advice on if I should carry on and invest through coinbase or should I opt for a different one.
The higher this goes, the more headaches for China.

Russian Lawmaker: Bitcoin is a CIA Conspiracy

Bitcoin ‘created as dollar 2.0 by US Government to fund secret CIA and MI5 missions'
BITCOIN was created by US intelligence services to send untraceable funding to top-secret international CIA and MI5 missions, according to a shock new claim.

EXPOSED: The real creator of Bitcoin is likely the NSA as One World Currency

Gold was the alternative dollar, a hedge against a dollar collapse. What central banks hold to secure their currency. In 2020, bitcoin replaced gold as the anti-dollar play, as gold went nowhere in price and bitcoin keeps seeing new highs.

If the dollar collapses, there is a likelihood that the US is gonna switch to bitcoins as their currency with a wealth transfer to the US like there has never been if this becomes the worlds currency. That nobody can buy so sell without bitcoins.

Gold and silver's price has been suppressed deliberately decade after decade, where gold and silver prices are artificially kept low to punish gold and silver investors. Bitcoin has crash down before in a consolidation move. I am not sure what is going to happen this time.
Bro, China is countering this with their investments in their own crypto currency, their own petro yuan, and most of all their quantum computing, which will one day secure their crypto currency to a degree that might not be matched by the west (for a while)..
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