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Bills suggesting curbs on US assistance to Pakistan okayed

U.S is deliberately not understanding Pakistan's narrative that you cant eradicate terrorist mindsets with power, military. To eradicate terrorism you also need to educate your people, you need to create peaceful environment, you need to provide necessity to those family who suffered in this war.. otherwise you will kill their leaders/supporters and next day they will announce next leader with more supporters, is this really hard to understand for U.S ? but Pakistan have understood and exactly doing this in order to eradicate terrorism.. if U.S is really sincere then dont ask for time duration. eradication of terrorism will take enough time may be 2 to 3 decades..

Sri Lanka crushed the LTTE in a 4 year military attack. Iraq crushed the ISIS in 2 years
I do not think they cared what terrorist followers thought.

Pakistan can decide whether they want to get rid of terrorism or not
Pakistan should deny any financial support.
Sri Lanka crushed the LTTE in a 4 year military attack. Iraq crushed the ISIS in 2 years
I do not think they cared what terrorist followers thought.

Pakistan can decide whether they want to get rid of terrorism or not
Pakistan massively helped to SL and iraq (where Any time IS can get Control again) in order to get rid of militancy in their countries... but if some one sees Afghanistan same as SL or Iraq that person should be called world's most idiotic & ignorant... Soviet Union the Past Super Power Couldn't have crushed, U.S the Present Super Power still not able to eradicate the militancy within 16 years in Afghanistan and now blaming on Pakistan for their own mess and incompetence. Pakistan share long insecure border with Afghanistan till now. but rather then understanding the Pakistan's reservations and ideology, U.S is backstabbing us, and you expect us to confront every terrorist organization that can cause civil war in Pakistan.
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Pakistan should deny any financial support.

L O L, Pakistan doesn't get any financial aid, let me explain, almost 75% is clawed back as distribution charges by US AID contractors and remaining peanuts almost all of them goes to corrupt officials which also keep this money in western banks resulting in no financial benefits to Pakistan directly

These are some of the examples from previous years!

1)Holbrooke was determined to make sure the money achieved the desired result of improving America’s image in Pakistan. He battled successfully with some in Congress and even those inside the Obama administration to steer the money directly toward Pakistani organizations rather than filtering it through USAID contractors.

2)Only $179.5 million out of $1.51 billion in U.S. civilian aid to Pakistan was actually disbursed in fiscal 2010 rest was still in Americans hand

Below is how Mr 10% took his money

3)$75 million of those funds were transferred to bolster the Benazir Income Support Program, a social development program run by the Pakistani government. Another $45 million was given to the Higher Education Commission to support "centers of excellence" at Pakistani universities; $19.5 million went to support Pakistan’s Fulbright Scholarship program; $23.3 million went to flood relief; $1.2 billion remains unspent.

This Aid isn't doing Pakistan any favors and it will not be missed by people of Pakistan
Pakistan massively helped to SL and iraq (where Any time IS can get Control again) in order to get rid of militancy in their countries... but if some one sees Afghanistan same as SL or Iraq that person should be called world's most idiotic & ignorant... Soviet Union the Past Super Power Couldn't have crushed, U.S the Present Super Power still not able to eradicate the militancy within 16 years in Afghanistan and now blaming on Pakistan for their own mess and incompetence. Pakistan share long insecure border with Afghanistan till now. but rather then understanding the Pakistan's reservations and ideology, U.S is backstabbing us, and you expect us to confront every terrorist organization that can cause civil war in Pakistan.

Soviet Union could not succeed because Pakistan decided to allow Muhjadeen to use its territory. It is your choice. Don't whine about consequences.

Where does a terrorist organization gets weapons and money ? None of them survive without those
Soviet Union could not succeed because Pakistan decided to allow Muhjadeen to use its territory. It is your choice. Don't whine about consequences.

Where does a terrorist organization gets weapons and money ? None of them survive without those

During Soviet era Pakistan did't allow Mujahideen to build hideouts/sanctuary within Pakistan territory except providing route to supply them weapons, Pakistan supported Mujahideen in Afghanistan because of U.S backing.. that time durand line were totally unsecured, anyone could have easily traveled along the border, that's why many militants built hideouts/sanctuary in Pakistan without informing Pak establishment and army and that hideouts/santuary are being eradicated in army opreations and there is nothing left in Pakistan except few Gorilla attacks.
if U.S was really sincere then U.S could have secured the Pak-Afghan Border by U.S money in this long 16 years of war rather then wasting trillions $ in Afghanistan in order to stabilize the region. infect U.S-Afghanistan always created hurdles and interfere to fence the border that shows who actually behind this mess.
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During Soviet era Pakistan did't allowed Mujahideen to build hideouts/sanctuary within Pakistan territory except providing route to supply them weapons, Pakistan supported Mujahideen in Afghanistan because of U.S backing.. that time durand line were totally unsecured, anyone can easily travel along the border, that's why many militants built hideouts/sanctuary in Pakistan without informing Pak establishment and army and that hideouts/santuary are being eradicated in army opreations and there is nothing left in Pakistan except few Gorilla attacks.
if U.S was really sincere then U.S could have secured the Pak-Afghan Border by U.S money in this long 16 years of war rather then wasting trillions $ in Afghanistan in order to stabilize the region. infect U.S-Afghanistan always created hurdles and interfere to fence the border that shows who actually behind this mess.

USA provided plenty of money in the 1980s. Your generals choose to spend it on F-16s and other shiny toys instead of securing the border. It is choices you made.

You had the entire 1990s to secure the border. Why conveniently shift the blame on hard problems to outsiders ?
USA provided plenty of money in the 1980s. Your generals choose to spend it on F-16s and other shiny toys instead of securing the border. It is choices you made.

You had the entire 1990s to secure the border. Why conveniently shift the blame on hard problems to outsiders ?

India top recipient of US economic aid

looks like you really need to rectify your history.. neither you can understand the MOU, nor Agreement between countries. am i right ?
feel free to share U.S aid data to Pakistan.. and how much U.S
announced and how much Pakistan received for particular job/work

secondly U.S always show her tilth toward
Afghanistan regarding Durand Line despite the fact that Durand line is International border, do you know that Afghanistan always deny to accept durand line as international border ?
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India top recipient of US economic aid

looks like you really need to rectify your history.. neither you can understand the MOU, nor Agreement between countries. am i right ?
feel free to share U.S aid data to Pakistan.. and how much U.S
announce and how much Pakistan received for particular job/work

Spare me this crap about India being top recipient of US economic aid
Most of it was in the 1950s and 1960s. There are a huge debt write off in 1974.

We had little aid coming our way after 1980
WASHINGTON: The US House of Representatives passed on Friday a sweeping $696 billion defence policy bill that would exceed President Donald Trump’s budget request and break through longstanding caps on national defence spending.

The bill adopted decisively by 344 to 81 votes includes provisions for tightening restrictions on US assistance to Pakistan.

Late on Thursday, another congressional panel approved by voice vote the State and Foreign Operations bill that also suggests increased restrictions on US civil and military assistance to Pakistan. The foreign affairs bill now goes to the full House for voting.

Examine: Pakistan’s anxiety

The defence bill authorises $696bn in defence spending for the 2018 fiscal year, including nearly $30bn more for core Pentagon operations than President Donald Trump requested.

All but eight Republicans and 117 Democrats voted for the bill, which surpasses the $549bn cap on defence spending set under the 2011 Budget Control Act by about $72bn.

The other legislation, however, would reduce funding for the State Department and foreign operations by $10bn, down from about $57.4bn in fiscal 2017. Still, the cuts are not as deep as those in the Trump administration’s budget proposal, which included roughly $37bn for the state.

In total, the bill provides $47.4bn in both regular discretionary and Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funding. This total is $10bn below the fiscal year 2017 enacted level, when counting additional funds provided in the Security Assistance Appropriations Act of 2017.

Within this amount, OCO funding totals $12bn, which supports operations and assistance in areas of conflict, such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The text of the bill, released earlier this week, includes provisions to make the civil and military aid to Pakistan conditional to Islamabad stopping its alleged support to the Haqqani network and other militant groups in the South Asian regions.

Although the text focuses on the groups that fight US and official Afghan forces in Afghanistan, some groups named in the text also operate in the Indian occupied Kashmir.

In recent days, senior US officials and lawmakers have both sent clear messages to Pakistan, urging it to help the United States and the Afghan government defeat the Taliban militants. They also said that the failure to do so would force the United States to reconsider its relationship with Pakistan.

US officials and lawmakers, however, have left open the option to hold peace talks with the Taliban.

In April, US Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson told America’s Nato allies in Brussels that an eventual settlement between the Afghan government and the Taliban is the ultimate goal of the Trump administration.

“The ongoing commitment of Nato allies and partners to peace in Afghanistan, including to an eventual settlement between the Afghan government and the Taliban, protects this alliance’s interests, and, when successful, ensures that Afghanistan never again becomes a safe haven for terrorists,” he said.

Although in power since Jan 20, the Trump administration is still finalising a policy for the Pak-Afghan region and recent leaks to the media indicate that while the new strategy would suggest both “qualitative and numerical” increase in US military presence in Afghanistan, it will also continue to seek a negotiated settlement to the Afghan conflict.

At a recent news briefing, State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert avoided categorising the Taliban as a terrorist outfit.

“Our Afghan policy review is still under way. That has not been announced just yet,” said Ms Nauert when asked if the Trump administration is going to brand the Taliban as terrorists.

Published in Dawn, July 15th, 2017
Pakistan must put tax on NATO container and no more free services to US
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