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Billionaire pedo Jeffrey Epstein held in Manhattan on new underage sex case

Millionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein has been found “injured and in a fetal position” in his New York jail cell with marks around his neck, leading to speculation that he’d been attacked or injured himself to get transferred.
While authorities have questioned another inmate over the situation – a former cop locked up for allegedly killing four men in a drug conspiracy – multiple sources have rushed to the media claiming Epstein tried to hang himself, while another source claims he staged the injury to get transferred to another facility. He is currently on suicide watch, according to two sources.

Former Westchester police officer Nicholas Tartaglione, who was charged with killing four men over a drug deal gone bad and burying them in his backyard, claims he never touched Epstein and didn’t see what happened, according to his lawyer. "They are in the same unit and doing well," and have even found common ground in complaining about flooding, rodents, and bad food in the jail, he said.

Given the amount of blackmail information Epstein reportedly has on extremely powerful people, speculation that one of them might want to get him out of the picture has been simmering on social media since his arrest, only to erupt in the wake of this latest report. “Organized criminals have long arms,” one user tweeted. “If he dies, I'm going to have to ask, what wealthy individual(s) had him killed or did he really commit suicide?” another wondered. Others took issue with the theory, suggesting that if someone wanted Epstein dead, it would have happened already.

Pilots were subpoenaed on Friday, now this is getting very interesting. Even if they did sign NDA it would be nullified on court as this is a criminal investigation. According to statements from victims those sex abuse took place inside the plane up in the air and if anybody should know about what really happened it would be the pilots. Bill Clinton having sleepless nights now?
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Suicide or a hit squad sent by the Clintons? Either way Bill can sleep well tonight.
Still the pilots could come forward and expose who were on the plane abusing the girls but probably wouldn't after seeing what happened to Epstein. No justice for the victims in the end
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Good that Mossad recalled their Mossad agent who was responsible for the duties of blackmailing US 'business persons and politicians' to have dirt on them to blackmail. This was Jeffrey's reason for existence. To get thousands of low profile 'muricans to force them to do the bidding of zion, because Jeffrey has photos of that business person with some 12 year old. That is how the globalists system works.


I hope Jeffrey is enjoying freedom is Israhell. You would not want your worst enemy kidnapped in the federal rape/prison system. The jails in the hell called 'murica are worse than Jeffrey's Pedo Island.


Too bad a look-a-like Jeffrey died and bodies were switched.

This is the easiest and simplest explanation of the fake suicide. I would be surprised if something different happened to Jeffery.

The libertarians would destroy the globalists blackmail system because they want to legalize everything good.

Except they would start more of this:

Which is not good.

Bernard showed he was the more elite, stronger and higher profile than the fake rulers of the world like trump. When you join team Devil worshipers, you are weak and low and base. The ruling elite are not among these, the elite are those good who remained good.

From Vanity Fair magazine:

Similarly, DC is on edge. “Epstein bragged about his contacts in Washington,” Boies said. Reporters are likely to dig into why the Justice Department decided not to prosecute Epstein and kept the deal secret from his victims. One theory circulating among prominent Republicans is that Epstein was a Mossad agent. Another is that the George W. Bush White House directed Acosta not to prosecute Epstein to protect Prince Andrew on behalf of the British government, then the U.S.’s closest ally in the Iraq war. “The royal family did everything they could to try and discredit the Prince Andrew stuff,” Boies told me. “When we tried to follow up with anything, we were stonewalled. We wanted to interview him, they were unwilling to do anything.” (Prince Andrew could not be reached for comment).

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If you’re surprised Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide, just imagine how surprised HE was! LOL
just wow, do they think people are that stupid? so correct me if I'm mistaken but aparently he had a cell mate and he was watched every 30 minutes but a while before he got suicided he spent several hours with no guards watching him, the cell mate was not with him any more and the cameras malfunctioned (as far as the camera part goes, people keep on saying it on the interent but non were able to provide a source).
just wow, do they think people are that stupid? so correct me if I'm mistaken but aparently he had a cell mate and he was watched every 30 minutes but a while before he got suicided he spent several hours with no guards watching him, the cell mate was not with him any more and the cameras malfunctioned (as far as the camera part goes, people keep on saying it on the interent but non were able to provide a source).

That is the way Mossad agent Epstein fled to Israhell. And that is a better place for Jeffrey.

The claim by establishment Republicans - the Clintons suicided Jeffrey like they killed the jew - Seth Rich, for email leaks. Though I doubt this.

My guess is Jeffrey has already had plastic surgery by a jewish Mossad agent surgeon. And now on a beach in the Middle East.

The hundreds of now women molested by the Epstein blackmail organization will be getting a million each from the estate of the still alive Jeffrey. Hopefully they pin trump as a child rapist.

Alan Dershowitz should flee to Israhell before the girls go after Alan. Jeffrey and Alan could rape Ukrainian girls in their retirement in Palestine for the Russian/Jewish mob offer young women and girls 'job opportunities' in Israhell, and that is forced prostitution (rape).

This is how the West operates - blackmail, rape, murder, genocide, lies, false flags, cover-ups, and hoaxes. Worse than Saddam ever was.
a little bit less serious post:
the phrase that Texasjohn said was being said quite alot on the internet so I got curious & googled it to find the source of it and apparently it was first said by Mcafee:

LMAO this guy even has Joestar in his profile pic (it's an anime character from JoJo).
Well the FBI is now raiding his home on the islands, most likely destroying evidence.
that bit about the cameras not working when Epstein got suicided was also said by Rudy Giulian, skip to 2:20

IMO Epstein represents only the tip of the iceberg, no way he did all those horrible things on this large scale with out other big politicians & billionairs knowing about him & using his "services", America is an unbelievably corrupt country & I'm not saying this to insult the US on the contrary it's actually sad to see how a big and capable country still has this tragic degree of internal corruption because remember Epstein committed his crimes against AMERICAN citizens.
that bit about the cameras not working when Epstein got suicided was also said by Rudy Giulian, skip to 2:20

IMO Epstein represents only the tip of the iceberg, no way he did all those horrible things on this large scale with out other big politicians & billionairs knowing about him & using his "services", America is an unbelievably corrupt country & I'm not saying this to insult the US on the contrary it's actually sad to see how a big and capable country still has this tragic degree of internal corruption because remember Epstein committed his crimes against AMERICAN citizens.

Republican voters love to be experimented on, so Republican voters must love Epstein's crimes.

Not any cry out from the Republican side, they like their food sprayed with Round-up, the deadly poison gives their food an extra kick.

The Washington regime kidnaps citizens to torture them to experiment on them on how much torture they can take, and they have frequency machines that extend life, so the people don't die of torture. The torture keeps on going. Citizens are now being tortured in this way, for sh*ts and giggles. Being deported to die on the streets is as humanitarian as you are going to get.

Russia nuking 'Murica would be too easy on the criminals in Washington, but the 'muricas like their corrupt government, keep voting in the most evil every 'election'. So no need for anyone to intervene, 'muricans want a nazis like trump.

Now you know why I said the zombie Apocalypse hit in 2016 with trump, Amerika is a lost cause.

The way out is my signature. Half of Washington and the criminals would be unemployed with President Sanders - unconstitutional operations canceled, false flag operations canceled, CIA drug smuggling operations canceled, black ops canceled, more wars canceled. Washington would be on food stamps and government aid because most of it is criminal.

And Yang's idea would increase US's GDP to over 10% increases each year.

You would not recognize America after Sanders, dumb goyim would be gone out of positions of influence. Truly prosperous, less crime from bottom to bottom.

This is what 'muricans selected and this is what they have:





And trump is a child rapist too who raped a young girl with serial blackmailer Epstein, a Mossad Agent to dig up or create crimes to blackmail trump and other 'politicians'. Because that is how Washington works.

At least there is 'civility' in Kashmir and Palestine, the Indians and Jews simply shoot those who they don't like. That is how bad Washington is. Washington is beyond bad. Washington is like the 9th circle of hell.

And these individuals want to export this brand of 'democracy' to the rest of the globe through unjust wars.
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Rolling Stone did an article on how Mossad works:

Foster the People Promote Jeffrey Epstein Conspiracy Theory

The band believes a body double was involved


The issue with Mossad is, if Mossad did not have a body double to rescue their agent Epstein from the rape cells of 'murica, then something would be seriously different about Mossad. If Mossad lets Epstein get suicided by the Clinton Mafia, then you are surprised. But body doubles are readily used to protect their agents and assets, nothing to see here, this is barely even news worthy, 'Mossad rescues agent. More news at 11.' Mossad has tens of thousands of agents, if not more, and none of them make the news, they aren't supposed to make the news. The standard operating procedure happened in Epstein's case.

Though killing a look a like is immoral. That is what bothers me. Not that Epstein got away. The hellish society of 'murica is structured so that Epstein gets away, but how Epstein got away should bother you, there was someone who looks like Epstein killed to make the escape. I thought Mossad could do this without lookalikes.

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