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Billawal Bhutto Holds Meetings With US, China and British Ambassadors


Sep 26, 2018
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United Kingdom
They dont know he is holding party position illegally and a part-time office holder.
I wish someone take this to courts that PPP show proof he is patty's shareek chairman.
Looks like another inclusive government in the making
There is not much, any body can do, if Pakistan is destined to go downhill.
China already prefers PPP
China, Turkey and another country support the other opposition party. PPP is trying to be the darling of the West as her mother tried to portray herself. PTI had the backing of the gulf states and the republicans, which seems to have waned by now.
Why?. This is direct interference in Pakistan. Pakistan must expel these ambassadors
It's good to have allies if the sovereignty is not comprised. Unfortunately, our Establishment is also a partner in crime in letting us down.
If you want to see low of Pakistani nation’s moralities then look at this shemale son of wel know Corrupt man who is known Mr 10% . If you want to see West moral values and double standards. These meetings with corrupt leaders will tell you everything.. if you want to defeat a atomic country you need to bring corrupt people in power corridor. West moralities are shit..
all these corrupt political party icons sell themselves to the highest foreign bidder !
Our establishment especially military +judiciary إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Dog of sindh licking the feet of his gora masters :lol:
To add to the insult to the injuries of the Pakistani nation, this prospective puppet is making hectic efforts from Washington to Islamabad to sell his CHORUN. Today he met with the Ambassadors of some important countries.

Dont worries , Yeh khan ka zera naaf ka aik bal bhi nhi ukhaad sakty :lol:
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