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Bill for 'Transgenders, gay, lesbian rights' tabled in Senate

something natural doesn't need a creator by definition. or are you implying that your god is powerless to prevent unnatural things?
And thats why creator educated his people about what is natural and unnatural and entrusted authority in them to prevent it via route of law. And even if humans would not take steps then surely God knows his plans best. Same gender marriages are not legalized even in many non muslim western states.

Anyways, moving on to topic.
There are few things that should be clarified about Transgenders.
It is usually believed that ALL transgenders are born with defects . In Pakistani and even in india and subcontinent it is not always true. Many transgenders in our society are 1.) actually men posing as trannies, 2.)many chose to go for castration for whatever reasons they know better, 3.) some transgenders or maybe pretentious transgenders run rackets where kids are kidnapped at young age and castrated to be made a part of their gang.

Having said that , it does not mean that transgenders do NOT exist and people are not born with birth defects. But there are misconceptions that should be cleared. When i read the headline and had not checked the news report,the first thing that came to my mind was exactly that what if a transgender is a man impersonating as a tranny or what if he or she became a transgender by choice? And after reading news report many things got clarified that some people despite knowing these facts are intentionally trying to push for bill to give cover to lesbian gay marriages.

To get a better idea of an actual size of trangender population in pakistan we can look at transgender figures found in western societies- as being a transgender is not a taboo there - and they do not have culture of transgenders or fake transgenders making money from dancing at weddings or other celebratory events like in pakistan. Also in west these people venture into any educational or professional fields so they dont need to take up crass dancing profession.

So ACTUAL and GENUINE transgenders should be given full rights whether in education, professional or political fields. And for that their gender has to be acertained from their correct and original birth certificates.

But the bill here is clearly used by vested interests to legalize lesbian and gay marriages under the guise of transgender rights, which i just can not come to describe is how much disgusting. If you want same-gender marriage rights than try for that directly if you can not then you would be too shameless to be playing with the rights of trangenders for your own personal motives. I mean dont try to manipulate real transgenders rights for your personal lust satisfaction.

If it was natural then creator would have just created either Male Gender or Female Gender,why would he bothered to create two.
Because it's against nature.
Men who are trying to shove something in there back have mental problem.

Read the following paras and see how some legal experts pointed out covert attempts to use this bill to legitimize gay marriages. Those who drafted the bill clearly stated 1.) people should be allowed to become transgender by chocie (castration ,surgeries etc) 2. Transgenders by choice should be given equal rights as by-birth transgenders.

Ruqiya Samee – an advocate of the Supreme Court – told The Express Tribune that there was nothing new in this proposed bill but it contained certain controversial elements.

Under the Article 8 of the Constitution, the state shall not make any law against the injunction of Islam but in definition clause of the proposed bill there are sub-clauses (g) and (t) which are controversial as free and unlimited sexual freedom cannot be allowed under the umbrella of any law,” she said.

She said under the bill the transgender – who actually are born normal but who undergo surgery to become transgender – are seeking shelter under the cover of intersex, a provision available to those who are transgender by birth and whose problem is not curable.

Similarly, castration [removal of genitals] is not legal under Pakistan’s law and Islam but in the proposed act the transgender are trying to make it legal.

“It seems like there is a certain group of people, who just for the sake of promoting lesbian and gay rights are trying to make things legal that is prohibited in Islam and want to get hefty funding by showing they are working for the rights of transgender,” she said.

Another legal expert who wished not to be named said, “This new proposed bill is almost similar to the one rejected earlier; only few changes have been made. The bill seems like more focused on promoting lesbian and gay rights.”

Now read below and see the NGOs are openly accepting this fact and demanding rights for transgenders by choice ! How much shameless they cluld get?

But the Shemale Association for Fundamental Rights (Safar) founder Nadeem Kashish said, “The bill has been constituted by the people who have become transgender by choice and in view of issues they face every day due to lack knowledge about their rights.”

And these are the people who constituted taskforce to draft bill.

The bills titled, ‘The Transgender and Intersex persons (Promotion and Protection of Rights) Bill, 2017 and ‘The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2017 have been developed by taskforce constituted by Wafaqi Mohtasib and headed by Senator Rubina Khalid.

and this is the most interesting part of report "“It seems like there is a certain group of people, who just for the sake of promoting lesbian and gay rights are trying to make things legal that is prohibited in Islam and want to get hefty funding by showing they are working for the rights of transgender,” she said."

Afaik SAFMA group of marvi sarmad had been actively campaigning for gay and lesbian rights and it would be highly naive to assume her ngo was also not involved in this bills drafting. Which means her influence goes up to senate. Worrying part is she runs an anti pak and foreign funded ngo whose aim is to hurt pakistan, if thugs like her have got access to senate then it does not bode too well for pakistan.
These bastards are defying the teaching of Islam, Quran & are ignoring the punishment of ALLAH which was given against LGBT's.
If it was natural then creator would have just created either Male Gender or Female Gender,why would he bothered to create two.
Because it's against nature.
Men who are trying to shove something in there back have mental problem.

Creator created different colors but that doesnot imply you should wear all colors at the same time.

One can have black trousers and white shirt, other can wear Black Trousers and Black Shirt, whats the problem ?
Let people decide
Creator created different colors but that doesnot imply you should wear all colors at the same time.

One can have black trousers and white shirt, other can wear Black Trousers and Black Shirt, whats the problem ?
Let people decide
Don't compare Apples with Oranges.
Don't compare Apples with Oranges.
Bhai interesting baat yeh hai kay these guys who would support all forms of nudity, vulagrity, scantily clothed models etc etc would not allow women from their own families to do the same. My point being i am okay with anyone wearing or doing anything per their choice but if someone even says it is wrong some of these will hop up and down telling how it is everyones personal right to wear whatever they want ,but when it comes to women of their family they will set barriers for them from engaging in similar activities , at this juncture they will forget the whole concept of personal freedom and rights.

Similarly, in same gender marriages , some of them will scream aloud for gays rights or would say if these laws dont affect my life i should not care ,but then with saying that they should also have the moral courage to accept it when their own sister , daughter or brother,son opts for genital mutilation surgery , opts for becoming a transgender and goesfor a gay -lesb marriage and here i am saying this for specifially all Pakistanis who are supporting these aforementioned rights. If tommorrow your brother refuses to marry a woman or sister refuses to marry a guy and opt to go transgender route or wish to stay in a same gender relationship then DONT raise objections and try trampling their personal freedom. Because if a bill gets passed as a law you should expect the strom hit your house too. But you know on internet talk is cheap, in real life same people act opposite.

Homosexuality is haram but transgender and intersex are mixed.
The bill is seeking to legalize peoples choice to become a transgender through castration or other surgeries, and also allowing them to enjoy same rights that are specially awarded to GENUINELY BORN transgenders. This is the controversial part. A man or a woman seeking to live in a same gender relationship could go and get a genital mutiltation surgery , then get called as transgender , become eligible to enjoy transgenders rights , like in pakistan transgenders wont be stopped from getting married ( i think there Is a law in works regarding that or under consideration) , so a man who was born normal but got his genitals removed will be able to marry another man.
If it was natural then creator would have just created either Male Gender or Female Gender,why would he bothered to create two.
Because it's against nature.
Men who are trying to shove something in there back have mental problem.

The argument is that if God thought these people are haram and whatnot why would he created them in the first place ? Why would they want to go through so much persecution and hardships ? Couldn't they just pretend to be straight and live their life ? If we do put them in the class or mentally sick then it is very easy for them to say that this is how God wanted them to be and there's nothing they can do about it.
Transgenders should have thier own rights, but Gay and lesbian?
This is Islamic republic of Pakistan, homosexuality is against and forbidden according to the teachings of Islam.
Yeah and this "Islamic Republic" usury abounds like a prancing horse.
Creator created different colors but that doesnot imply you should wear all colors at the same time.

One can have black trousers and white shirt, other can wear Black Trousers and Black Shirt, whats the problem ?
Let people decide
absolutely right, muslims are biggest hypocrites those who are talking big are the ones rushing to Gays to get sexually satisfied and then abuse them after getting discharge. its really easy to teach others and find excuses when need to change own selfs. for them all other who do something which they dont do is biggest sin but for them doing rape is also OK because they think they are straight and its natural.
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