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Bilderberg Grupp



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Mar 9, 2009
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What is the Bilderberg Group?

Who attends the Bilderberg Group meetings? The list includes Bill Clinton, executives Craig Mundie of Microsoft, Eric Schmidt of Google, George Soros, Rupert Murdoch, William F. Buckley Jr., Peter Jennings, Bill Moyers,
according to Wikipedia. How do you think the world works? Free markets? Free will? Democracy and international goodwill? How about a secret cabal, deciding the fate of the world behind closed doors? If you picked the last one you're not alone, and many of your fellow conspiracy theorists are pointing the finger at the Bilderberg Group, officially more of a social club for sharing ideas in a relaxed environment.

You'd be surprised who shows up at their annual meetings. The group, according to the BBC, seems to have an uncanny ability to invite future political leaders, such as Bill Clinton while he was Governor of Arkansas, and Tony Blair while still an opposition Member of Parliament. Some, such as the bilderberg.org website (not their official website, it is said there is none), claim that we see the making of world leaders through Bilderberg, and also the unmaking, as in the decline of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

"Tip" O'Neill, former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, said that "all politics is local," but for this group of wealthy and influential leaders, all politics is global, and they meet annually to consider the world's future. Some say to plan it, but the BBC and an attendee of this year's conference in the Turkish Daily News claim otherwise, that it is just a sharing of ideas. However, the rise of "internationalism" might be attributed to attendees at Bilderberg, which gives many people pause as globalization, NAFTA, the World Trade Organization and other bodies make decisions beyond national borders.
Kind of scares me that such a organization has so much potential power.

The ting i react most on is why this type of news never get published in the press.
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