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Bilawal Zardari Discusses US-Pakistan Relations on CNN

and above all the problems at home are worsening since they came to power..Load shedding / gas shedding / Food price hike...
The failed to do anything about these real problems faced by each and every Pakistani...
A NATO summit and a CNN interview is not even known to 70% of Pakistanis..Doing good there is appreciable but does not give any relief to the problems average Pakistanis face....They failed miserably to resolve these problems and there is no hope they will come up with a solution.

and above all the problems at home are worsening since they came to power..Load shedding / gas shedding / Food price hike...
The failed to do anything about these real problems faced by each and every Pakistani...
A NATO summit and a CNN interview is not even known to 70% of Pakistanis..Doing good there is appreciable but does not give any relief to the problems average Pakistanis face....They failed miserably to resolve these problems and there is no hope they will come up with a solution.
The whole Bhutto family has sacrificed too much for Pakistan. They should let others carry the burden now

There is no doubt Zulfikar Ali Bhutto really did mess up Pakistan with his nationalization program.

Why doesn't the Pakistani millitary form a political party?
I'm sure everyone would vote for them.

The PPP party was one of the worst things to Pakistan.

This bakwass party needs to be disbanded.
There is no doubt Zulfikar Ali Bhutto really did mess up Pakistan with his nationalization program.

Why doesn't the Pakistani millitary form a political party?
I'm sure everyone would vote for them.

The PPP party was one of the worst things to Pakistan.

This bakwass party needs to be disbanded.

Pakistan and for that matter developing countries are not suited to versions of democracy that have been imported and or hoisted on us. Nearly every country in the developing country has thrown up this political dynasties.

We need a system that incorporates meritocracy as well as popularity. Maybe a one party state where people have to agree to no crossing of red lines. However anyone that accept those rules is Pakistani accepts those rules can join etc..

Going off topic a bit there his mother & father were and is a joke. He is a joke. His intention like his family is to regard Pakistan as ATM cash machine
Where was he when his MOM needed him the most...It's been almost 5 years son, since ur mom got killed..Now ur trying to play dirty politics over her death....

Same old shits..Mr.10 is making the last move in his arsenal to save PPP in up coming elections...This bastard is putting his son on the line to get sympathy over the death of his wife to get some votes...I believe he will succeed in some sense since our PPL are dumb enough to repeat the mistakes of past...Or it's easy to buy votes since your in Pakistan N also the President
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