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Bilawal Zardari Discusses US-Pakistan Relations on CNN

Uh sorry, who is this guy exactly?

Last time i checked, he does not have a government office!

And the monarchy continues!

At 4:25, 'I am confident that the government will provide me security'.

Of course it will, your pops is the dang president!!!!
You understand the outrage in USA on Osama?
Yes i do,He killed my Mother (Really?)

Do you think Osama Killed your mother?
No: Islamist extremism and Military dictatorship killed her Pervaiz Musharraf sabotaged her Security (Sorry mate,Musharraf never asked your mom to poke her head out of the roof of her Bomb proof car outside the Secured Grounds in an unsecured area,and all fingers point towards your dad)

Do you know that USA has deducted 33 Million pounds from Pakistani aid for every year of imprisonment given to Dr.Afridi?and the anger Americans feel towards Pakistan?
It is unfortunate that the relations between the two countries have deteriorated to such an extent.But it started with Raymond Davis a CIA agent shooting dead two Pakistanis in Lahore and salala incident that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers and that didnt end in an apology.
This is why I prefer Military Dictatorships of Musharraf over the retarded democracy that we have today.
After hearing this guy's response to the Assassination of Benazir and his blaming Musharraf for the murder of his mother, I am convinced this guy is a total baffoon. Pakistan does not need such dynastic retards.
The biggest joke/dilemma/abusrdity (whatever you wanna call it), is that these baboons are in the government, have full control over the investigation departments, but still can't do jack!

If you people are really so sure and are betting your balls on it, why not do something?

It's been 4.5 years after all!
Not only a buffoon but a fake Bhutto as well, propped up by Zardari to get his hold on Bhutto's family party also known as PPP.

Someone should ask him why is he using his maternal grand father's name? Thats usually the case when the mom does not know who the father was or hates the husband so much that she prefers her dad's name. In our culture, that will be an abuse of the worst kind.

But these political opportunists will do anything to gain and stay in power.
If you remember correctly, he was Bilawal Zardari before her deaht, but now he is Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, 2 in one special combination. Just to get sympathy votes. Disgusting.
Who calls him "Prince" ? Blawal seemed to be in haste during the interview. He also jumped from a sentence to the other, sometimes trying to be diplomatic and others straight and square. His previous interview to MSNBC was much better and focused. But I think after the interview he must have been told to tone-down his wordings which he did in CNN's interview.

Have a look at this interview.. its much better.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on US-Pakistan relations - YouTube
OBL did, or musharraf did or islamic extremist did, this bilawal guy is very confused right now

and there this still no investigation what so ever that who was really involved in benazir murder
We can do without yet another prince in politics - let him go into finance, make loads of money and live a long happy life -

The whole Bhutto family has sacrificed too much for Pakistan. They should let others carry the burden now
We can do without yet another prince in politics - let him go into finance, make loads of money and live a long happy life -

I would like to see our people not give him his seat in power as if it comes inherited. Like any chap in the world, they have every right to aspire for the most successful career - politics is without a doubt a successful line to pick up in Pakistan.

I heard this saying recently, simple meaning

Na Einai kalytero anthropo apo ton patera toy

"Be a better man than your father".
I think he spoke very well

For most part he spoke well..
But isnt it too little too late?
Now that the electiosn are coming Zardari aced NATO summit and his son speaks well in a CNN interview..
What were they doing in the last 4 and a half years? None of this was done before..
How can we trust them now.
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