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Bilawal Bhutto booed at Million March in London

I think that's true. No party or politician can get any sort of support for this alone. However, Billo gets his support because of his dynasty only.

Kashmir is unfinished business, but we have far more pressing matters to deal with.

Now what we gona tow the Indian line? -
Thats exactly what the Indians convey in opposition to us saying that Kashmir is the root cause of all of our problems- be it on LoC- Pak-Afghan border or the support BLA gets from the Indians because of this very issue-
Pakistan Peoples Party chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari was forced to cut short his speech short at the “Million March” in London on Sunday when rowdy protesters reportedly started throwing water bottles at him, Express News reported.

The “Million March” was held to demand a just and peaceful resolution of longstanding Kashmir issue and saw thousands of people rally through central London in protest against India’s human rights violations in Kashmir.

However, it seems politicking was not welcome at the rally as some participants objected to Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s presence at the stage. PTI chief Imran Khan’s nephew, Hassan Niazi, also seemed to be involved in the controversy. Niazi was briefly detained by the UK police after the incident, according to a tweet from his official account.
Now what we gona tow the Indian line? -
Thats exactly what the Indians convey in opposition to us saying that Kashmir is the root cause of all of our problems- be it on LoC- Pak-Afghan border or the support BLA gets from the Indians because of this very issue-

It's true. We have a ton of other things to be dealing with in Pakistan, let's sort our own house out. What's wrong with that?
Kashmir is a separate issue. My problem is when politicians focus on things such as Kashmir, like our Billo has done, and use it as a cover to excuse them selves from other more pressing issues.

Besides, if we can't dig ourselves out of our current mess, Kashmir won't ever be solved in our favour.
I think that's true. No party or politician can get any sort of support for this alone. However, Billo gets his support because of his dynasty only.

Kashmir is unfinished business, but we have far more pressing matters to deal with.

Well it seems the issues of the rest of the world ...be it Kashmir, Myanmar, Israel....all are the first priority and important than the internal issues...be it terrorism, internal politics, target killing, polio etc. Any ways such marches can have both positive or negative impact...if things would have turned a little more volatile....it would have left a very bad impression.

And to Indians who are posting here............ What happend to Bilawal has noting to do with Kashmir. Kashmir will be free aj nehi tu kaal lekin Kashmir ho ga free.



Seems funny....almost 99% present there were Pakistanis....do you think they are all from IOK. If yes....the home office should really be concerned....they have a mess to clean.
Pakistani politicans are not only one who are facing this treatment same happened with Ethiopian delegation in Oslo few days ago... in todays world ppl are raising there voice against these corrupt political families who are puppet of west
Well it seems the issues of the rest of the world ...be it Kashmir, Myanmar, Israel....all are the first priority and important than the internal issues...be it terrorism, internal politics, target killing, polio etc. Any ways such marches can have both positive or negative impact...if things would have turned a little more volatile....it would have left a very bad impression.

I think the crowd did well. Bilawal tried his best to hijack the cause, and they didn't let him. Kashmir will always be an issue for Pakistanis whether we're in bad times like these or in more prosperous times.
I think the crowd did well. Bilawal tried his best to hijack the cause, and they didn't let him. Kashmir will always be an issue for Pakistanis whether we're in bad times like these or in more prosperous times.

Did you go there with Mrs.Jungibaaz and the two Jungibaaz Jrs. or not ? :azn:

Nahin gaiii ? :o:

Kiya hum Kashmiri aap keh aapneiii nahin ? :(
They are gettin votes cause of people who are already in the grave thats the level of the people who vote for ppp sadly they kiss bilawal because of his mother/ grand father what can ya do eh?
even if those slaves dont vote their votes are put in the boxes by the thugs.
so you cant blame these slave Haris in Sindh.. their children, their wives, their houses and their animals everything belongs to the Feudal lords.
It was not a PPP cause it was for Kashmir- it didnt had to be politicised- what did PPP get out of this? few empty bottles and tomatoes on the faces? - its a shame-

The fact that a head of major party went there only meant it would get more attention from media, we can only blame Bilawal if had used that platform to assault on his political enemies which he didn't. In Kashmir rallies within Pakistan opposition parties always came together with the sitting Govt (there is token presence from almost every major party). This is clearly more lunacy from PTI trolls who it seems have absolutely no freaking sense at all and can go to any extent.

We have already seen the exact same thing before in front of UN. Not one political party from ANY country other then Pakistan had the utterly juvenile behavior to settle their political scores in front of UN office at the time their PM is making a speech. There is simply no excuse for this behavior.
Did you go there with Mrs.Jungibaaz and the two Jungibaaz Jrs. or not ? :azn:

Nahin gaiii ? :o:

Kiya hum Kashmiri aap keh aapneiii nahin ? :(

I did not attend. I'm currently still in Brighton with too much work to take time for the 4 hour round trip. I considered showing up, it's a cause more Pakistanis should've showed up for.

Though if I was there, I would have shouted abuse and maybe lobbed a few eggs at Billo.
even if those slaves dont vote their votes are put in the boxes by the thugs.
so you cant blame these slave Haris in Sindh.. their children, their wives, their houses and their animals everything belongs to the Feudal lords.

This is simply incorrect. I have worked with highly educated Sindhis and most havy sympathies with Bhutto. Credit for it goes to Momin Zia ul Haq which made Bhutto a martyr after hanging him (same exact thing with Bugti even pro-army politicians from Baluchistan show reverence ot bugti another martyr provided by another fool in uniform).

Saying that Sindhis in general are zombies and have no sense is not only factually incorrect it smacks of elitism where you seem to think you know Sindhis and their problems better then they do (Pakistani version of white man's burden).
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