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BIG News: UAE is now giving Citizenship to Foreigners

Be optimistic and think of all the Arabs and Muslims who live in the west and would love their children to grow up in a family oriented Muslim country such as the UAE which is 150% safer than any of the countries they reside in now. This will be HUGE for them.

Who are eligible?

>> Investors

>> Doctors

>> Specialists

>> Inventors

>> Scientists

>> Talents

>> Intellectuals

>> Artists

>> The families of all the categories above.

Can one retain his/her original citizenship?


Can a resident apply for citizenship?

Acquiring the Emirati citizenship will be done through nominations from Rulers’ and Crown Princes’ Courts, Executive Councils, and the Cabinet based on federal entities nominations.

What are the benefits?

The UAE citizenship offers a wide range of benefits, including the right to establish or own commercial entities and properties.

What are the terms and conditions?

>> Investors

They are required to own a property in the UAE.

>> Doctors and specialists

They must be specialised in a unique scientific discipline or any other that are highly required in the UAE. The applicant must have acknowledged scientific contributions, studies and research of scientific value and a practical experience of not less than 10 years, in addition to obtaining membership in a reputable organisation in his field of specialisation.

>> Scientists

They are required to be an active researcher in a university or research centre or in the private sector, with a practical experience of not less than 10 years in the same field. They also should have contributions in the scientific field such as winning a prestigious scientific award, or securing substantial funding for their research during the past 10 years. It is also mandatory to obtain a recommendation letter from recognised scientific institutions in the UAE.

>> Inventors

They are required to obtain one or more patents that are approved by the UAE Ministry of Economy or any other reputable international body, in addition to a recommendation letter from the Economy Ministry.

>> Creative talents

Intellectuals and artists should be pioneers in the culture and art fields and winners of one or more international award(s). A recommendation letter from related government entities is mandatory as well.

Other requirements

In case one qualifies, other requirements include swearing the oath of allegiance; committing to abide by the Emirati laws; and officially informing the respective government agency in case of acquiring or losing any other citizenship.

Can the citizenship be withdrawn?

As per the amendments, the citizenship can be withdrawn upon breach of the conditions.
No I fully endorse it and I understand the need of it as well along with the advantages to the people/families utilising this opportunity and the benefits to the state of UAE as well, having said that the framework already publicly available does not address the people who gave up their entire lives building UAE, one can always argue that they are labour people (who cares) but it is a matter of morality and I understand it subjective. Nevertheless it is a good initiative.

As for Pakistan, it is about time we amend our laws on the ground of Morocco. Once you are a moroccan citizen you cannot leave it despite you get 1,2 or 3 other citizenships. Hence the benefit of this approach is that if a citizen has committed a crime, money laundering, corruption they cannot hide behind the pretext that "I am a citizen of another country". So before all these corrupt lot start getting their new passports Pakistan should amend its law and then there is no hiding of wealth and all International courts recognise this :D

There are a few rules i am sure 99% of our brothers on this website will cover, however, being Proficent in Arabic might be a struggle for most. However, like the guy in the YT clip mentioned and i agree with him, these rules will be more relaxed over time.

Also, this is exactly what the UAE needs. For the people here working hard to have something to look forward to. Stability and chances !

what do you guys think ? good step ?

This is a big step. US was built by immigrants and still is from nuclear weapons to tesla
This is a big step. US was built by immigrants and still is from nuclear weapons to tesla

Sheikh mohammed mentioned in one of his books over a decade ago that by 2030 , UAE citizens would be the majority in the UAE. They stand at 11% now , so that's a 40% increase at least in the next 9 years.
looking forward to UAE officially becoming a south india colony in the coming decades. Akhand Bharat's maps includes the Middle East, and great to see the UAE helping India make inroads into this region and fulfilling their dream, while current UAE citizens sit back and applaud.
looking forward to UAE officially becoming a south india colony in the coming decades. Akhand Bharat's maps includes the Middle East, and great to see the UAE helping India make inroads into this region and fulfilling their dream, while current UAE citizens sit back and applaud.

Then, Pakistanis better get working then and out-number Indian professionals in the UAE ;)

yala habibi yala !
Then, Pakistanis better get working then and out-number Indian professionals in the UAE ;)

yala habibi yala !
we need the professionals to make our own country strong. let the Middle East turn into another Kerela, where mandirs outnumber masjids. nowadays Arabs are only interested in بيزات
its just the sad reality. fits perfectly with the hadith that Prophet Muhammed said about what will happen to the Arabs and their love for the dunya and money. la hola walaquwata illa billah

When someone is succeeding, The vast majority of people will strive to find your faults and ignore all the good stuff
When someone is succeeding, The vast majority of people will strive to find your faults and ignore all the good stuff

yeah. i am sure when Prophet Muhammed said the Arabs will be busy with making money and tall buildings he was glad about the booming GDP of the Arabs. i am sure Allah is going to be sitting on the Arsh on Yawm al Qiyamah and be delighted with Emirati's when they say to Him that they gave citizenship to Hindus, befriended the Israelis, stabbed the Palestinians in the back, boosted GDP and so on. UAE and the Arabs are turning Islam into Christianity, where its all about beliefs and none of the deeds. even the Bible said "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also".

remind me of the good stuff? the big buildings?
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The thing is, for many of the requirements. If meeting them, the person often is better off going to the US. Especially in case of research
Expect Emirates to be flooded with citizenship applications for hinduvtas and zionists. Best of luck trying to tackle that mess. I also expect israelis doing their bit to infiltrate Emirates, so that they can have proximity to Iran and Pakistan. Literally putting them at Pakistan's and Iran's doorstep.

As the saying goes ... You make your bed, so you lay in it
Wonder why they only want educated well to do people???
Who will do basic work?
Will the new emiratis have the same status as local emiratis? Same benefits etc?
Somehow I think there will always be a you and us as that's the tribal culture
yeah. i am sure when Prophet Muhammed said the Arabs will be busy with making money and tall buildings he was glad about the booming GDP of the Arabs. i am sure Allah is going to be sitting on the Arsh on Yawm al Qiyamah and be delighted with Emirati's when they say to Him that they gave citizenship to Hindus, befriended the Israelis, stabbed the Palestinians in the back, boosted GDP and so on. UAE and the Arabs are turning Islam into Christianity, where its all about beliefs and none of the deeds. even the Bible said "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also".

remind me of the good stuff? the big buildings?

You need to be careful though brother. If you continue reciting this sort of rhetoric to yourself you will start believing that you are better than the others , deserving of Jannah more than others and this in itself is a Sin.

Islam is not against doing business, doing trade with others and other nations, becoming rich and providing to your people.

The UAE does more for the Palestinians than Pakistan and yes yes i know , your poor , were rich , or you would have done more. Heard that one before.

Leave the Judging to Allah my brother. Its best that you take care of yourself , your family and friends and be the best Muslim you can be before your day comes. Stop looking at others , judging and belittling. Not good traits in Islam.
Wonder why they only want educated well to do people???
Who will do basic work?
Will the new emiratis have the same status as local emiratis? Same benefits etc?
Somehow I think there will always be a you and us as that's the tribal culture

Right now the target audience are the crème de la crème from all over. Which makes total sense.

Basic work ? we have millions of them already. No shortage whatsoever of them bless their hearts.

your last comment about them and us and tribalism. This has crossed my mind , but thankfully you can be thrown behind bars for being racist in the UAE and there aren't many of them anyway
Expect Emirates to be flooded with citizenship applications for hinduvtas and zionists. Best of luck trying to tackle that mess. I also expect israelis doing their bit to infiltrate Emirates, so that they can have proximity to Iran and Pakistan. Literally putting them at Pakistan's and Iran's doorstep.

As the saying goes ... You make your bed, so you lay in it

Maybe Halal Pakistanis will start getting citizenship and turn the UAE into a halal developed state ! be optimistic brother. Optimism is a great trait to have :D
The thing is, for many of the requirements. If meeting them, the person often is better off going to the US. Especially in case of research

I am sure the government though of this and put things in place to attract them away from the US

aka , more $$$ and a virgin platform to develop from
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