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Big Asteroid Coming, Duck And Cover!


Never got over him killing Apollo Creed :frown:

R.I.P. Apollo Creed
i said its punishment man try to understand living with female is not a joke . are you single ?

Yeah became single recently after a long relationship. I ended the relationship she had alcohol problems for the past few years and refused to better herself and was dragging me down with her.

But it was ok being in a relationship, not much difference than being single.

Maybe depends on the girl mine hardly talked.

I enjoy being in a relationship, otherwise it feels very lonely like you have no family. I do have family but very cold individuals not much love. So I've tried to fill this gap with my own family.

Time for a new girl I guess, I hope I can find someone really nice and kind and positive, will be difficult to find the right girl.

I wasted years on my ex so that saddens me, wasted years with the wrong girl and she ruins it with her drinking. I tried to help and was very patient, but it was ruining my life too much lately so had to end it. She wasn't an alcoholic could stop drinking for weeks without an issue, but then would drink for days and be drunk early morning and start fights and use bad words like a man. A woman should be kind and nice, not act like a f*** man haha

Only problem I see with a new girlfriend is that she too might change later on and I would have wasted my life with the wrong girls. This makes it very difficult, some women change for the worse later on.
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Yeah became single recently after a long relationship. I ended the relationship she had alcohol problems for the past few years and refused to better herself and was dragging me down with her.

But it was ok being in a relationship, not much difference than being single.

Maybe depends on the girl mine hardly talked.

I enjoy being in a relationship, otherwise it feels very lonely like you have no family. I do have family but very cold individuals not much love. So I've tried to fill this gap with my own family.

Time for a new girl I guess, I hope I can find someone really nice and kind and positive, will be difficult to find the right girl.

I wasted years on my ex so that saddens me, wasted years with the wrong girl and she ruins it with her drinking. I tried to help and was very patient, but it was ruining my life too much lately so had to end it. She wasn't an alcoholic could stop drinking for weeks without an issue, but then would drink for days and be drunk early morning and start fights and use bad words like a man. A woman should be kind and nice, not act like a f*** man haha

Only problem I see with a new girlfriend is that she too might change later on and I would have wasted my life with the wrong girls. This makes it very difficult, some women change for the worse later on.
ohhhh feel sorry for your problem bro .i myself modrate drinker i drink but not madness . and one thing is sure no one is wrong but if she promised you or lied you then he/she is wrong every human must have freedom to do with his/her life . hope you find better partner andstay here with us we have alot of fun sometime here too .:enjoy:
ohhhh feel sorry for your problem bro .i myself modrate drinker i drink but not madness . and one thing is sure no one is wrong but if she promised you or lied you then he/she is wrong every human must have freedom to do with his/her life . hope you find better partner andstay here with us we have alot of fun sometime here too .:enjoy:

Thanks bro, yeah it sucks got all depressed trying to get over it.

No matter what I did I could not save the relationship, it seems you cannot change another person no matter how hard you try and it must come from within.

The drinking started later on in the relationship, no reason at all just out of selfishness I guess.
I drink too but maybe once every 2 months and only in the evening/night.

The relationship was seriously harming my financial situation and psychology, so I had to end it.

I spent the past 3 new years eve's alone because my girlfriend was drunk and sleeping on the floor in the living room 8-10 in the evening, that is messed up.

For my birthday she got me a bottle of red wine and she drank it herself same evening.

So much shit like that, was making my psychology very unstable and I was losing my self-esteem and even self respect. So ended it before it got too much out of hand.

Maybe it's a character issue?

I for instance have big goals in life and have values that are at the core of my character. While she had no goals at all and didn't aim for anything at all in life no ambitions at all.

She didn't lie, but I had started noticing money missing from my stack of cash lately. So she had been stealing small amounts without telling me because of her alcohol. When I confronted her she says "so what I took a little money"... no feelings of guilt at all, big lack of character. No values.

Need to find a girl with real good values built deeply into her character. Then no matter what you know what you can expect, because she has those values.
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