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😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂. How is any Muslim the brother of a pagan idol worshipper¿????????

The poison of hindutva is a threat to all Muslims of the subcontinent

Indian Muslims are just on the front line, you can be the cannon fodder if you want but it's in the Interests of all Muslims of South Asia that we target the Hindu enemy and groups like RSS, Yogi, VHP etc

We have begun targeting them outside South Asia

We will utilise hindutva to target them in places like GCC, Malaysia, Indonesia by awakening Muslims there

On the ground in India however it's Indian Muslims that will have to suffer and do the heavy lifting

Famous quote from your imported PM "Beggars Can't Be Choosers"
There is a segment within the army that are not sell outs. They are watching.
And they will keep watching

Do not worry about us. Maulana Madni had advise it to Musharraf. You should worry about Pakistan where Barelvis are after devbandis. Sunnis are after the Shias. Both togather are after the Ahemadis. We are son of this soil. We do not look at everything from the spectacles of Islam and try overtime to be the slaves of Arabs. Hindus are our brothers not the Arbic Muslims. If we think in your line, we too will end up being the Muslims like Pakistan which we do not want to be.
Sure hindus and muslims are brothers..
Hence we dont need muslims just hindus..
Let start with raising down every mosque we can find

Mulana whoever was indian first and muslim later..
Thats a different kind of muslim..
supreme leader's son stole $2 billion while Pres. Ahmadinejad was in power. when the poor man tried to recover it, lost his post. who knows how much they've stolen since? no different to any arab kings who think they are the owners of their nations. no different than mota chor or sadar ghardari. deffo no different than the retard e ahzam who wants his turn to loot. but thinks has no one in PTI who's capable of independent thought or capable of standing for election.

what was this fiasco where the dumb turd stood for every seat in recent by-elections? is he going to do the same in general elections. is he going to keep all the seats he won? or is he gonna pay the cost of repeat election?
That's peanuts compared to what Pakistani politicians steal. In the second largest province of Sindh which is home to the biggest financial engine of Karachi, the gov't embezzles 70% of the budget on average.
See all your junk reply with is not even reply to my post. But avoiding all inquiries just to get paycheck of 45cents per reply from your US master. :enjoy:
You are one lucky person because you have already accepted that you aren't free in China. That ends everything. I wish you best of luck. CCP can knock on your door. It's your fight now. best of luck communist hahaha.
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