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Biden meeting Quad amid own pivot toward Asia

Quad is a joke,at the moment it's just a political imagination with no real implication.Japan actually don't want the military element which US is vying for; with such an alliance,it makes India a defacto lapdog (colony of 21st century style) of 3 icons of criminal western imperialism , vying for white supremacy while butthurt India following around with the notion that better be slaves of their traditional master than see their self envisioned rival ( even though India was never in the position to rival China)China take the helm from the US and the white supremacist . Japan needs China for its peace,and economy ,it wouldn't join any military alliance against China,that by default renders quad useless with Semite India only doing the bidding for their white overlords.
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This will really worry russian and EU. US new emerging NATO in indo-pacific. Indian are enjoying this quad becuase US divert its energy from russia to China and indians are main beneficiaries. From pakistan stand point , we need to keep eye on this emerging NATO and let see who is joining or opposing this group.
Quad is a joke,at the moment it's just a political imagination.Japan actually don't want the military element which US is vying for; with such an alliance,it makes India a defacto lapdog (colony of 21st century style) of 3 icons of criminal western imperialism , vying for white supremacy while butthurt India following around with the notion that better be slaves of their traditional master than see their self envisioned rival China take the helm( even though India was never in the position to rival China). Japan needs China for its development,peace,and economy ,it wouldn't join any military alliance against Japan ,that by default renders quad useless with Semite India only doing the bidding for their white overlords.

Yes i seen with new found muscle started feeling big b..ch... trying to grab whatever it can..
Just one sentence to you fluffy boasting..., " Barking dog, seldom bite"..... Yet to see China and Chinese meeting their blabbering with action......China's propaganda on it's might is like a hot air balloon...looks big from outside, always away from the ground (realities)...and hollow from inside.
:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
OK. i get what you are trying to say.
Scomo has been barking eversince.
So much so that he is now banning Chinese News Media. So the so-called Chinese propaganda is beginning to bite that Australians needed to be shielded.
However netizens unlike your kind is much more smarter than that.
This is the type of Chinese propaganda, the QUAD fears. I just watched it. It is really frightening.

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Leaders of the “Quad” bloc will hold their first-ever meeting, as the four democracies of the U.S., Japan, India and Australia seek to counter China’s rising influence.

Video of a Chinese speaker in following thread's 1st post also talks about this:

Despite China being no threat to the Amrika, just because Amrika's internally exhausted, Amrika wants to surround China via Asia's version of NATO i.e. Japan, Australia, India.

Australia & Japan are peanuts, so no worries. India (the elephant) is the only significant power that the Eagle could count on in Asia's NATO to confront China (the Dragon).
is it a China thing to place it's bet on government change??

did US backed down when Biden replaces Trump??
did Japan capitulate when Suga replace Abe??
If there is a regime change, I can assured you it has nothing to do with China or Russia.
it is self infliction
starting with the insurrection at Capitol Hill.
3000 individuals waiting to be arrested and charged is not playing well with the tune USA Pelosis has been singing about "Behold a beautiful sight" and pro-freedom and pro-democracy.

So Trump hard work is finally paying off and the new President Biden ain't too smart nor appears to be competent enough to handle it as well. With 40% of all US currency in circulation printed within the last 10 months.
Although as least Biden has a vaccine plan which is not going well either.

And by not recognizing it, It just prove many posters including yourself aren't too bright either.
:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
OK. i get what you are trying to say.
Scomo has been barking eversince.
So much so that he is now banning Chinese News Media. So the so-called Chinese propaganda is beginning to bite that Australians needed to be shielded.
However netizens unlike your kind is much more smarter than that.
This is the type of Chinese propaganda, the QUAD fears. I just watched it. It is really frightening.

Your Global Times has been broadcasting "Barks" from your communist leaders, much before ScoMo.

Read the barks on Taiwan, Vietnam, India....what happened to them? and with your video you posted...don't try to paint yourself as an angel.....World knows about your kind now....Quad will Stay as countering China is now the main goal of US/West...
QUAD countering China???
:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

With those antiquated warships the QUAD are sailing, even the vbloggers from Hong Kong, Filipino are mocking you guys.
The rest of the QUAD better sailed close to the leader which is speeding away at top speed ruining its engines in the process. I am talking about USN Littoral class warship, of course. Now they are being downgraded as Coastguards vessel.

Fool yourself but don't attempt to fool us.
Your so-called world is getting mighty small.
Can't blame you even. The view from down under is much like a view from from a well.
Further down, you don't get much daylight either at time. It is cold and lonely.

China propaganda are very frightening to the bozo down under and across the Pacific.

Here is another one of those menacing Chinese Propaganda.

Talk is useless.
IMO UK should join them and help to patrol India and Australia coastline regularly.

This will send a sublimal message to both India, Australia reminding them that they were once Britian's glorified pasts and slaves colonies.

And the Master and slaves relationship remained despite the Independence.

I believe it's time for Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Central Asian Republics to formally establish an Military Alliance. Streamline inter-military operability with a well coordinated strategy. Working together to challenge the West in both the Atlantic and Pacific spheres.

With the formation of this absurdly titled "quad", it is clear what the intent of the West (if wasn't so obvious for the last 75 years). Hence it should done without any hesitation by the powerful nations of Asia, to establish Military Alliance to oppose, challenge and defy the West on all fronts.
US could never be trusted.

I've been telling you sanghi Gujju northie bois for 7 years now.

I'm a Soviet bloc kid of the 70s.

Cheers, Doc
Never trusted Yanks, Russian are the one who showed up when needed. India as an nation will always to grateful to Russian.
I believe it's time for Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Central Asian Republics to formally establish an Military Alliance. Streamline inter-military operability with a well coordinated strategy. Working together to challenge the West in both the Atlantic and Pacific spheres.

With the formation of this absurdly titled "quad", it is clear what the intent of the West (if wasn't so obvious for the last 75 years). Hence it should done without any hesitation by the powerful nations of Asia, to establish Military Alliance to oppose, challenge and defy the West on all fronts.

Could you please stop mentioning my country in your so called "alliance".

QUAD is real, and China's copycat of it just don't exist, and we're not interested in allying with China so does many Asia Pacific nation.
Could you please stop mentioning my country in your so called "alliance".

Your country? Which one is your country? Care to elaborate?

QUAD is real, and China's copycat of it just don't exist, and we're not interested in allying with China so does many Asia Pacific nation.

Ally with China or not, joining quad is the height of stupidity. It proves that such a country's leadership is zionist-West's lackey.

Either that, or some people really are devoid of an independent mind, have read history or not but live an alternative universe. 75 years of zionist-Western hegemony isn't enough, it's no wonder most of humanity would persih when the zionists trigger WW3. Because idiots would continue to support the zionist-West, utterly devoid of critical thinking, and have zero intuitive insight.

I've said what I had to say, whether you like it or your don't, it doesn't make a damn difference to me.
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So far, Quad is seen as a toothless pact.

Just look at the reaction from Quad members when India was beaten up last year by China in Galwan Valley - silence, not even condemnation.
UK is behind Quad.

British-Japanese Alliance during WWI
British colony of Australia
British colony of India
British colony of USA

In a post-putin Russia, UK is gonna do another Franco-Russian Alliance, have Russia ally with some Quad or other retarded country. The first Franco-Russian alliance was to encircle Germany for WWI. The next Entente with Russia alliance is to encircle China.

Remember Prussia was an army with a country (instead of a country with an army), that is how large and prestigious the military was of Prussia, then later the German Empire. China needs to be a military with a country, spend about 8% of GDP in military with 10 million active and reserve and paramilitary personnel when putin goes. And be equal in classified weapons technology, as was Germany until the advent of the tank on the Western front.

Germany could take on France, Russia, and the UK. While Austria-Hungary struggled with Italy and Serbia. And Turkey struggled with the lesser divisions of the UK and Russia.

China needs to be stronger than the US, UK, Russia, India, Australia, and Japan combined.

China does not determine the fate of Chinese-Russian relations. With putin there, Chinese-Russian relations are ok, even with putin trying to undermine China's security with pro-trumpism in the USA. It is when putin is gone that the UK is going to use the new leader to encircle China. So an alliance with Russia/putin is not necessary and can spook the US neo-liberal Russia-haters.
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