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Biden administration pauses arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE including sale of F-35 stealth fighter jets

It is true. That's why Obama stopped its production.

Please tell me you’re not being serious? Please send me a link from any reputable source that says that’s why Obama stopped production.

With all due respect, that sounds ridiculous

I suppose you’re also willing to tell me the secrets of Castle Greyskull?
Please tell me you’re not being serious? Please send me a link from any reputable source that says that’s why Obama stopped production.

With all due respect, that sounds ridiculous

I suppose you’re also willing to tell me the secrets of Castle Greyskull?
Stop replying to @Tai Hai Chen he is just a kid pretending to be a adult, ignore him sir
Threaten with what..Camel moonshine? They already have something in the oven for those Gulfies Chihuahuas..they will accuse them that their camels are the cause of the last strain of coronavirus that is creating havoc in British live , like they tried to endorse the sources of COVID -19 to China.

I was sarcastic man, I still remember when a UAE minister Threaten Pakistan.
but wait. Americans dont work as labour in their country like our people did.
by the way UAE wont be in position to threaten us anymore as it is making lives hard for Pakistanis anyway,

I was honored to see how these Emirati get in line when a Gora with Blue Passport in their Airports hahaha all of them get in line, their bravado is only for Poor Bakistani.
Both are equally good but F-22 is more advance for its broad bands or more complete stealth

If Ugly jets better than beautiful one so ugly jets sell better than beautiful jets, its all about performance not look or beauty and don't compare cars with fighter jets, these different ball game

Hmm.. dunno about that man... u sure the F-35 beats the YF-32 coz of its performance...? 😜



Hmm.. dunno about that man... u sure the F-35 beats the YF-32 coz of it's performance...? 😜

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Both meet or Exceed JSF project specifications, but X-35 consider less expensive to be mass produce (Using various modified tech from F-22) whereas X-32 from the beginning this project runs in difficulties, and bit expensive to produce as compare to X-35 ( because it was a entirely new design) i can show lots of ugly design inducted by USAF/USN/VVS (soviet air force)/Royal Air force in past
Normal revision by a new administration of the old administration's policies.. everything will be revised.. even things much bigger than military deals..This is just to say we are here!..The UAE F-35 deal is something very tiny in the context of ex-policies revisions..
The deals will take place. This is only a normal routine by the new administration to win the favor of some members of the Democratic Party known for their hardness and the song of human rights. but in the end the deals will take place. On the opposite side it is impossible to compensate US arms companies for such deals , and the US new administration will not venture in those important economic areas. Or by losing its traditional allies because of weapons that will benefit the US economy in the first place, and thus economically and politically. Hence All indications confirm the necessity of concluding the deals, especially with the current situation created by the epidemic..

this is exactly what had crossed my mind. Lets them have their 15 minutes of fame
The Arab states have strange sense of obedience and relationships. While they would go to any extent to bow down and submissive to Israel, US and europe but in case of Muslim countries it is the otherway round. They feel pride both in case of licking shoes of west, US and Israel and shunting Muslim states. Moreover, they have money and wealth with no such geographical and geopoltical compulsions likes of Pakistan.
They have completely forgotten the instructions of Allah that Jews and infidels will never be your friends.
Normal revision by a new administration of the old administration's policies.. everything will be revised.. even things much bigger than military deals..This is just to say we are here!..The UAE F-35 deal is something very tiny in the context of ex-policies revisions..
The deals will take place. This is only a normal routine by the new administration to win the favor of some members of the Democratic Party known for their hardness and the song of human rights. but in the end the deals will take place. On the opposite side it is impossible to compensate US arms companies for such deals , and the US new administration will not venture in those important economic areas. Or by losing its traditional allies because of weapons that will benefit the US economy in the first place, and thus economically and politically. Hence All indications confirm the necessity of concluding the deals, especially with the current situation created by the epidemic..
Lesson for all arabs and muslims.
Where jews are concerned you are like rats.
White america is under Jewish occupations. Arabs can do what they like they will always be the janitors and treated as such by the jews in Washington.
Get an independent policy. Invest in education even if you have to beat you children and develop your industry and lastly get out of the tribal mentality and join the 21 century. It's not enough to build big buildings
Biden freezes giant UAE jet package, Saudi arms for review - World - DAWN.COM

Biden freezes giant UAE jet package, Saudi arms for review
AFPPublished January 28, 2021Updated 11 minutes ago
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US President Joe Biden's administration has signalled it plans to end support for the Saudi-led, UAE-backed offensive in Yemen. — AP/File

US President Joe Biden's administration has signalled it plans to end support for the Saudi-led, UAE-backed offensive in Yemen. — AP/File

US President Joe Biden's administration has temporarily frozen for review a massive package of F-35 jets to the United Arab Emirates and arms to Saudi Arabia, officials said on Wednesday.

The nearly week-old administration has already signalled it plans to end support for the Saudi-led, UAE-backed offensive in Yemen, which is facing a humanitarian catastrophe.
A State Department spokesperson said the administration is “temporarily pausing the implementation” of a number of defence sales “to allow incoming leadership an opportunity to review”.
“This is a routine administrative action typical to most any transition, and demonstrates the administration's commitment to transparency and good governance,” the spokesperson said.

The move is also aimed at “ensuring US arms sales meet our strategic objectives of building stronger, interoperable and more capable security partners”.
The most high-profile sale is a $23 billion package of top-of-the-line F-35 jets to the UAE.
Former president Donald Trump's administration agreed to the sale — the first of the stealth-capable planes to an Arab nation — after the UAE agreed to recognise Israel.
A potential halt to the sale could raise questions about whether the UAE will continue its normalisation with Israel, which Trump saw as a key foreign policy achievement.
Lawmakers of Biden's Democratic Party had voiced misgivings over the deal, fearing it would set off an arms race, but failed in the Senate to block the sale while Trump was in office.
The package to the UAE also included unarmed drones, while the United States has been preparing major sales of munitions to Saudi Arabia.
Trump had explicitly backed arms sales on commercial grounds, saying that the Saudis were creating US jobs by buying from US manufacturers.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during his confirmation hearing that the Saudi offensive against Yemen's Huthi rebels, who are backed by Iran, has contributed to the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen.


Dhobi ka kutta, ghar ka na ghat ka :D

Man, what would it take for these Arabs to get what they want from the yanks? They have already rolled over in recognition to Israel!! Bachey ke jan logay kia?

And as for the local libturd trash in Pakistan, this should be an eye opener for you lot who want to recognise Israel. Even extreme arse licking will not get you what you want.
Biden administration pauses arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE
By Jennifer Hansler and Kylie Atwood, CNN
Updated 5:30 PM EST, Wed January 27, 2021

Washington(CNN)The Biden administration has paused arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates as it conducts a wider review of agreements worth billions of dollars made by the Trump administration, sources familiar with the matter told CNN Wednesday.
Secretary of State Tony Blinken confirmed that pending arms sales are under review, as is typical at the start of a new administration, "to make sure that what is being considered is something that advances our strategic objectives, and advances our foreign policy."
He did not reference any specific sales or countries in his remarks, which were made at his first State Department news conference as top US diplomat.

The move to freeze the pending sales to the Gulf allies could signal a change in approach by the Biden administration after the Trump administration approved major sales in the last months of its tenure.

Gulf nations that have sales in the pipeline had expected some sort of pause for the administration to review but the practical impact isn't clear yet, a source familiar with Gulf nations' thinking said.

A State Department official earlier described the pause as "a routine administrative action typical to most any transition, and demonstrates the administration's commitment to transparency and good governance, as well as ensuring US arms sales meet our strategic objectives of building stronger, interoperable, and more capable security partners."

The official also did not highlight specific countries in their comment.

Blinken to State Dept. staff: 'It's a new day for America; it's a new day for the world'
Blinken to State Dept. staff: 'It's a new day for America; it's a new day for the world'

The Wall Street Journal was first to report on the pause.

Democrats in Congress immediately came out in favor of the move.

"The weapons we sold to Saudi Arabia and UAE have been used to kill schoolchildren, transferred to extremist militias, and fueled a dangerous arms race in the Middle East," tweeted Sen. Chris Murphy. "This is the right move. The time is now to reset our relationships with Gulf allies."

Incoming Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat, said he welcomed the pause in the sales, which he said "were inexplicably rushed without thorough review of implications for U.S. national security and protection of innocent lives in Yemen."

"I encourage the Biden Administration to carefully consider the broader regional security implications of these sales and to consult with Congress as it continues its due diligence on these and other arms sales," he said on Twitter.

On Tuesday, a group of Democratic lawmakers sent a letter to Blinken calling for scrutiny and overhaul of the US-Saudi relationship, and among other requests, urged him to freeze the delivery of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia.

At the end of last year, the Trump administration pushed through a number of high-dollar arms sales to Riyadh and Abu Dhabi tied to the Abraham Accords, which were agreements to normalize relations with Israel.

The former administration also issued an emergency declaration in 2019 in order to expedite arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE in circumvention of congressional concerns.

Lawmakers opposed the sale due to Saudi Arabia and the UAE's involvement in the bloody conflict in Yemen that has killed thousands of civilians, as well as the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of Saudi officials. They did not see any emergency that justified speeding up the transfer.

A State Department Office of Inspector General report found the agency complied with legal requirements in declaring the emergency, but did not fully assess the risks to civilians associated with that sale.

A CNN investigation in February 2019 found that Saudi Arabia and the UAE had given US-made equipment to al Qaeda-linked fighters, hardline Salafi militias, and other fighting factions in Yemen, despite agreements with Washington.

Good . Now make the Saudis and uae’ans accountable for the killing of innocent Yemenis .
this is exactly what had crossed my mind. Lets them have their 15 minutes of fame

You are in a bit of bother buddy. There is no doubt that UAE and KSA profited during Trump's reign. The Democrats simply operate differently.
A new administration that is working on a review of the old administration’s deals .. and it has announced a temporary suspension of all deals..
Bombing civilian targets in Yemen. Yes look it up. If were not too busy hitting non military targets the Houthis would have been crushed. Good move by biden

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