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Bharatiya Janata Party's proposal to scrap income-tax feasible, say experts


Feb 28, 2013
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Abolishing income tax and other levies and replacing them with some other suitable form of revenue is feasible and desirable, say experts, although some believe that such a move would militate against social equity.

Describing the concept as "aspirational", Ficci President Sidharth Birla said: "If the steps proposed enhance revenue by roadening and broad basing the tax payer base and help improve transparency of regulatory framework, we will tend to welcome these aspects."

The radical proposal, which is being talked about by the BJP, relates to abolition of all direct and indirect taxes for individuals as well as corporates in favour of a nominal banking transaction tax.

The proposal, Birla said, would involve hard arithmetic as the revenue losses would have to be recovered from other sources while stressing that India needs a stable, equitable and a friendly tax regime.

President of industry body PHDCCI Sharad Jaipuria said: "The personal income tax should be reduced or abolished with alternate sources. I believe, government has the potential to generate revenue from other sources which are unexplored yet".

While pointing out implementation of the tax proposal is within the realm of possibility, some experts also opined that it has the potential to deal with menace of blackmoney.

"...it may reduce corruption and collusion with the Government agencies. It may remove the tax burden from individual as well as corporate taxpayers. The taxpayers will also not indulge into practices like falsification of accounts, money laundering and other illegal ways of tax evasion," said Girish Vanvari, Co-Head of Tax, KPMG in India.

He said, however, that a comprehensive and holistic analysis is required before going for such a drastic reform.

Another leading global tax consultant PwC India, however, expressed apprehensions saying that abolition of income tax would be against the progressive system of revenue collection.

"It is unlikely that we can completely dispense with the collection of personal income tax and at the same time maintain the progressive tax system to meet the revenue requirements," said Rahul Garg, Leader Direct Tax, PwC India.

Sudhir Kapadia of EY, a global tax consultancy firm, said it is feasible to abolish the personal income tax, but
the question is whether it is desirable.

"There is indeed a case for tax reform that brings in simplification and rationalisation in the tax system by eliminating unwanted distortions and multiplicity of taxes. However, abolishing the taxes and replacing them with alternatives like the banking transaction tax would need to be examined more deeply to fully understand its impact," he said.

Industry body Assocham, however opposed the proposal saying that replacing income tax with expenditure or banking transaction tax will be anti-poor.

"Instead of coming out with new and impractical solutions, the political parties should try and forge consensus on the long pending GST which is rightly billed to be the most important reform measure," said Assocham Secretary General D S Rawat.

Suggesting the radical tax reforms, Pune-based Arthkranti Pratisthan has claimed that this system would actually help grow India's tax revenues nearly three times from about Rs 14 lakh crore currently to over Rs 40 lakh crore.

A senior BJP leader said, however, that it was one of the many proposals currently on table for preparation of the party's Vision-2025 document, and a final decision would be taken only after taking into accounts suggestions from various quarters on Arthkranti's proposals.

The party expects to take a final decision before the general elections, he said.

The proposal has been submitted to BJP's Vision 2025 committee, headed by former party president Nitin Gadkari. This committee is working on reforms in five broad categories -- judiciary, education, police, administration and tax.

Bharatiya Janata Party's proposal to scrap income-tax feasible, say experts - Financial Express
Yeah good....more than half the Indian populace doesnt even pay their taxes otherwise too.
So abolishing the taxes will be indeed a good idea.
So was this too Namo's vision?? :)
Yeah good....more than half the Indian populace doesnt even pay their taxes otherwise too.
So abolishing the taxes will be indeed a good idea.
So was this too Namo's vision?? :)

I think such a system would be better for a country like Pakistan, where the elite don't pay their tax at all. what say?
I think such a system would be better for a country like Pakistan, where the elite don't pay their tax at all. what say?
Now how can I say anything ,neither am I a Pakistani nor am I a financial expert.:angel:

Unlike AAP ... BJP has very well oiled machinery behind making of policies.
So be it.
If BJP can implement it with ease then why not????
To buy a toyata camry in India I might have to pay above Rs25lakhs.But in UAE (where I dont have to pay tax) I can buy it for just Rs13-15 lakhs.So a huge difference there.
Citizens will welcome this move with open arms.
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Among BJPs policies, this and their anti homosexuality stands, I do not support.

But they are so much better than any alternatives.
The picture of alternate revenue collecting system is not clear yet. That's need to be put on table.Otherwise what is there to discuss?
I am more interested in knowing about some other suitable form of revenue??
Pointless thread boys. AAP attacking Modi in Gujarat itself. He Modi can't defend home turf, then it's all hot air. His own people now having second thoughts about him.

AAP Takes Off in Gujarat!! | Pakistan Defence

Pointless thread boys. AAP attacking Modi in Gujarat itself. He Modi can't defend home turf, then it's all hot air. His own people now having second thoughts about him.

AAP Takes Off in Gujarat!! | Pakistan Defence

:lol::lol: Krait babu, the power of rating is not for downrating unpleasant truths!:disagree:
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I think such a system would be better for a country like Pakistan, where the elite don't pay their tax at all. what say?

Don't know about pakistan, but I pay my taxes regularly and that too all declared because of my father's advice to do business cleanly and sleep tight every night. I know persons and some of my friends who earn much more than me pay 10% of the tax that I pay. In fact people who earns in honest ways tend to pay more tax voluntarily (See my thread 25 things Genuine Rich persons do). If some body wants to abolish IT and replace it with some simple form of taxation that can be achieved. Come July every single businessman waste entire one month and have high BP thinking how to do the calculation, where to hide and where to show. And then CAs and Lawyers do the calculation and blackmail them later as they know their weakness. My advice is declare every thing and do the calculation yourselves.

Expenditure based taxation is good. Why should a salaried person pay than those uber rich who don't get salary but has expenses in millions.
Good idea. There are several other options like increasing the Tax exemption ceiling for LIG and MIGs and lowering that of the HIGs,Raising taxes for luxurious products etc. unless some Depardieu leaves India:D


I used to get halaled through out the year,slowly and gently. But the sudden blow on neck sounds much harder to withstand.:lol:
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It is hard to say whether this policy will be successful or not.

Government expenditure is going to go up in future, hence it is imperative that revenues should also grow.

If they abolish income tax, then BJP has to replace that income with some other tax. The problem with other taxes is that they cannot be proportionately applied like income tax, hence the poor will become more poorer and rich will become more richer
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