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Bhagwat words untimely, voters feel BJP takes RSS orders: BJP MP


Aug 29, 2013
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Hours into the defeat, the first rumblings were heard in the BJP with at least three party MPs, two of them from Bihar, speaking out. Madhubani MP Hukmdev Narayan Yadav and Buxar MP Ashwini Kumar Choubey blamed the defeat on RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat’s “untimely” remarks on the reservation policy which, they said, made people perceive “BJP as the ghulam of RSS”.

Kangra MP and former Himachal Pradesh chief minister Shanta Kumar too took a swipe at the leadership, saying the party blundered by not doing an “honest and serious self-introspection” after the rout in Delhi. Blaming Bhagwat’s remarks for the defeat, Hukmdev Narayan Yadav told The Indian Express:

“People do not know the soil of Bihar. People (of Bihar) have fought against social disparity more than they struggled against economic disparity. They faced two things. One was the Jungle Raj of Lalu, the second the Aatank Raj of upper castes. Lalu convincingly told people that if Aatank Raj comes, everything you have will be snatched away. Your prestige will be taken away, you will be made a slave again. The backward castes of Bihar consolidated for social rights and social equality.”

WATCH VIDEO: Bihar Election Results: Editors’ Take

He said though Prime Minister Narendra Modi clarified his stand on reservation, it was already too late.

“Lalu and Nitish made it (Bhagwat’s remarks) an issue. How could the BJP have prevented it from becoming an issue? People believe that BJP kuchch nahin hai, jo Sangh ka aadesh hoga, Sangh ka hukum maanne wala hai. Sangh ka ghulam hai. Sangh jo hukum karega to yeh maanega. Sangh ke pradhan ne kaha ki review reservation… (People believe that the BJP will follow whatever is the diktat of Sangh. It is the slave of Sangh. Whatever Sangh orders, it will follow. Sangh’s chief said that review reservation).”

WATCH VIDEO: Parties React To Bihar Results: Rahul Gandhi, Kailash Vijayvargiya & Javed Raza Speak

“The BJP and Narendra Modi clarified that we will stake our lives for reservation. But backwards and Dalits did not believe it. Jab Sangh waale ne kah diya hai ki aarakshan ki sameeksha karenge, it means that our reservation will end. If the BJP comes to power, then the 26 per cent reservation in state politics that was given to them by Karpoori Thakur will be snatched away. Unhen dar ho gaya, bhay (There was fear among the backward castes, they were scared),” Yadav, a five-term MP, said.

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Pointing out that the timing of Bhagwat’s remarks was not proper, he said: “During elections, such statements… Uttar Pradesh and Bihar are extremely sensitive in this regard. In Gita, Bhagwan Krishna has said —- Deshe kale cha patre… (work should be done considering the place, time and person).”

He said the “unity and aggression” among backward castes during the Lok Sabha elections was fragmented in the assembly elections.

“Caste polarisation worked. EBCs went to the other camp fearing that if the BJP government comes, it will snatch our reservation. People become blind over the issue of caste, no reason prevails. If Lalu asks his supporters to jump in the Ganga, they will do it. But the strategists (of BJP) in Patna did not realise this. They were immersed in their imagination. The strategists, I call them Pataniya leaders, have no understanding of ground reality,” Yadav said.

Ashwini Kumar Choubey too said that “reservation became an issue”.

“A day before the elections, pamphlets on reservation were distributed among people. It diverted people. Mahaul banta gaya (an atmosphere was created). Bhagwatji’s comments were blown out of proportion. He had spoken with reference to the Gujarat movement, but it was made an issue. It became violent, attacking. We couldn’t counter it. It divided our votes,” said Choubey whose son Arijit Shashwat’s debut ended in defeat in Bhagalpur.

Kangra MP Shanta Kumar told The Indian Express: “People of Bihar have delivered an emphatic verdict. I feel the party erred in not undertaking an honest and serious self-introspection for the causes that resulted in our loss in the Delhi elections. We should have donethat.”

“After the Delhi loss, the party should have taken a pause, studied the causes (for the defeat), talked to seniors and done some honest self-introspection to find a way forward. It didn’t happen.”

Last month, Kumar expressed displeasure over incidents of communal clashes and controversial statements made by certain BJP leaders. He said such statements were distortions of the real meaning of Hinduism as defined by the Supreme Court, saints and scriptures.

Bhagwat words untimely, voters feel BJP takes RSS orders: BJP MP | The Indian Express
BJP lost the plot. they over-estimated themselves and under-estimated there rivals.... Arun shourie was true when he said BJP won with only 1/3rd of the polled votes, if the rest of the opposition unites against it, it is surely going to lose... If BJP wants to win the next elections then they need to change the strategy, focus on economy, tone down the Hindutva voices, make friends and stop trying to centralize the party command.
BJP lost the plot. they over-estimated themselves and under-estimated there rivals.... Arun shourie was true when he said BJP won with only 1/3rd of the polled votes, if the rest of the opposition unites against it, it is surely going to lose... If BJP wants to win the next elections then they need to change the strategy, focus on economy, tone down the Hindutva voices, make friends and stop trying to centralize the party command.
I believe if they can simply reign in those loud mouths then perhaps things might be easier...Having said that let's not forget in terms of votes BJP was the largest party in Bihar...A state where they have always been second fiddle such a feat is commendable...anyways votes percentage is not what counts here....how many seats under your kitty does...and that's where they have lost badly...and yes Lalu/Nitish should send flowers to Bhagwat....talking about reservations when elections in Bihar are going on and that too with hyper active media looking for even a silly slip of tongue was plain stupid...

BJP lost the plot. they over-estimated themselves and under-estimated there rivals.... Arun shourie was true when he said BJP won with only 1/3rd of the polled votes, if the rest of the opposition unites against it, it is surely going to lose... If BJP wants to win the next elections then they need to change the strategy, focus on economy, tone down the Hindutva voices, make friends and stop trying to centralize the party command.
Nopes...think about it...number game was always against them....That was no rocket science that Arun Shourie shared....What everyone was counting on was that people will reject this Mahagadhbandhan....because it was same Nitish who saved Bihar from jungle raaj...that didn't happen game over....
..Having said that let's not forget in terms of votes BJP was the largest party in Bihar...A state where they have always been second fiddle such a feat is commendable...anyways votes percentage is not what counts here...

That is difficult to argue with certainty. The BJP fought most of the seats, the RJD & JD(U) fought about half each. Difficult to extrapolate from that.
The main problem was the motor mouths and stupid beef row that has made almost all the minorities very cautious.Many progressive hindus from cities who voted for modi are also not happy with their posturing on these religious aspects and culinary habits.

People who keep hinduism above nation deserve no better.

Sadly things could have gone much better with such brutal majority.
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The sole reason bjp lost Bihar was reservation. Lalu madu it "Agra vs pichra". Defeat is not due to loud mouth hindutvadis or cow. It was because of forward vs backward. Otherwise lalu would not get 80 seat.
Also bjp voteshare didn't go down wrt 14 election

The main problem was the motor mouths and stupid beef row that has made almost all the minorities very cautious.Many progressive hindus from cities who voted for modi are also not happy with their posturing on these religious aspects and culinary habits.

People who keep hinduism above nation deserve no better.

Sadly things could have gone much better with such brutal majority.

If u mean progressive Hindu as Brahman & rajput, 90% of them voted for bjp
That is difficult to argue with certainty. The BJP fought most of the seats, the RJD & JD(U) fought about half each. Difficult to extrapolate from that.

I believe if they can simply reign in those loud mouths then perhaps things might be easier...Having said that let's not forget in terms of votes BJP was the largest party in Bihar...A state where they have always been second fiddle such a feat is commendable...anyways votes percentage is not what counts here....how many seats under your kitty does...and that's where they have lost badly...and yes Lalu/Nitish should send flowers to Bhagwat....talking about reservations when elections in Bihar are going on and that too with hyper active media looking for even a silly slip of tongue was plain stupid...

Nopes...think about it...number game was always against them....That was no rocket science that Arun Shourie shared....What everyone was counting on was that people will reject this Mahagadhbandhan....because it was same Nitish who saved Bihar from jungle raaj...that didn't happen game over....

BJP never had the arithmetic in their favor to start with. They badly needed allies but after the results of last central election Modi & Amit shah not only started sidelining the allies but also the people from their own party & RSS. If BJP was united they probably would have hit 100 number mark. Bhagwat bringing up reservations was intentional, to bring down Modi's hold on the party. Amit shah's tenure ends in December and now sidelined RSS/BJP leaders are smelling the blood. What goes around comes around.
The main problem was the motor mouths and stupid beef row that has made almost all the minorities very cautious.Many progressive hindus from cities who voted for modi are also not happy with their posturing on these religious aspects an culinary habits.

People who keep hinduism above nation deserve no better.

Sadly things could have gone much better with such brutal majority.

In a country of 1 billion people such things will certainly happen all the time. The problem is that the media will only talk about it and bring it up 24/7 during the elections, else they do not care. The media will do their part and always create some non-issue hype about communal problems during election times. They did the exact same thing during Vajpayee reign. BJP needs some sort of counter strategy, perhaps inviting more minorities on the ballot then normal. Else they need to shelf their commitment to change and start playing the same low level politics as Congress Party does. Take the Media out on foreign visits and have them under the taxpayer tabs just like the days of Congress. Start paying them and buying them off like Congress. Threaten action and refusal to share government relations with those that refuse to publish positive news. People say they want the end of corruption, but they go out and vote for Lalu. It is time to start playing dirty. Launch investigations on all CMs of other parties and stop letting them go free after corruption scams such as Saradha Scam. Keep the pressure on the opposition. Don't ever stop talking about their corruptions scams, and start accusing others of being communal against Hindus. BJP's problem is that all they want to do is talk about development, that is all Modi ever talks about during his speeches. He doesn't like going out on the aggressive, which he needs to. Rahul and AK make statements nearly every other day.

AKA the Indira Gandhi playbook 101, that is what is needed right now.
I feel RSS is biggest enemy of Modi ,

No. He needs to embrace RSS, casteism, and reservationism if he wants to win. That needs to be his new strategy. Muslims are never going to vote for someone who isn't for Muslim appeasement, BJP needs to stop bothering trying to court them and just embrace the United Hindu front. That is how he can win.
If u mean progressive Hindu as Brahman & rajput, 90% of them voted for bjp

Sure they will,its a hindu party for the hindus.
Pretty sad with modi till now.

In a country of 1 billion people such things will certainly happen all the time. The problem is that the media will only talk about it and bring it up 24/7 during the elections, else they do not care. The media will do their part and always create some non-issue hype about communal problems during election times. They did the exact same thing during Vajpayee reign. BJP needs some sort of counter strategy, perhaps inviting more minorities on the ballot then normal. Else they need to shelf their commitment to change and start playing the same low level politics as Congress Party does. Take the Media out on foreign visits and have them under the taxpayer tabs just like the days of Congress. Start paying them and buying them off like Congress. Threaten action and refusal to share government relations with those that refuse to publish positive news. People say they want the end of corruption, but they go out and vote for Lalu. It is time to start playing dirty. Launch investigations on all CMs of other parties and stop letting them go free after corruption scams such as Saradha Scam. Keep the pressure on the opposition. Don't ever stop talking about their corruptions scams, and start accusing others of being communal against Hindus. BJP's problem is that all they want to do is talk about development, that is all Modi ever talks about during his speeches. He doesn't like going out on the aggressive, which he needs to. Rahul and AK make statements nearly every other day.

AKA the Indira Gandhi playbook 101, that is what is needed right now.

As if bjp is a quantum leap from congress,lol.
It is not,the only fundamental change is the financial policy and the model they support.Bjp is more in favour of a capitalist model vs congress' socialist policies.

Cannot comment on corruption so soon.

Rest its ditto same,,bjp state governments are more or less on par with congress ones as far as corruption goes.
As if bjp is a quantum leap from congress,lol.
It is not,the only fundamental change is the financial policy and the model they support.Bjp is more in favour of a capitalist model vs congress' socialist policies.

Cannot comment on corruption so soon.

Rest its ditto same,,bjp state governments are more or less on par with congress ones as far as corruption goes.

Seems like you already made up your mind within the span of a few seconds. Good to know people like you can predict the future and are a voting citizen. Please enlighten me as to all these scams. Just recently we had:
Saradha Group financial scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But corruption is a non-issue to the media, and courts refuse to do anything that might impact their political masters, otherwise everyone would have been arrested everyone including Mamata who was directly connected. It would have happened here in America at least.

One is a part ridden with dynastic politics and corruption and the other is not. In case you haven't noticed Congress is still on life support with other parties. Rahul Gandhi is still impotent and still unable to speak properly when interviewed, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot going on upstairs and I don't see how that is going to change soon. India is second to only North Korea in that it has been run by the same family almost continuously since 1940s, who else has this legacy? It does not exist in modern times. There is no equal to the Congress party in India, let alone the world.
I believe if they can simply reign in those loud mouths then perhaps things might be easier...Having said that let's not forget in terms of votes BJP was the largest party in Bihar..
Hardly true. both RJD and JDU contested for 101 seats and managed to gain 18% of the polled votes individually..The prospects of these results wouldn't be effecting the central govt's performance adversely if BJP was able to pass the reform bills in the first year. It is only going to be an uphill task from now on...
Hardly true. both RJD and JDU contested for 101 seats and managed to gain 18% of the polled votes individually..The prospects of these results wouldn't be effecting the central govt's performance adversely if BJP was able to pass the reform bills in the first year. It is only going to be an uphill task from now on...
They never had the numbers in Rajya Sabha...we all know what happened to Land Ordinance Bill...this win would have pushed the opposition on back seat but now they are on front drive...i agree an uphill task...MoFo in BJP and scum bags in RSS screwed us all...

BJP never had the arithmetic in their favor to start with. They badly needed allies but after the results of last central election Modi & Amit shah not only started sidelining the allies but also the people from their own party & RSS. If BJP was united they probably would have hit 100 number mark. Bhagwat bringing up reservations was intentional, to bring down Modi's hold on the party. Amit shah's tenure ends in December and now sidelined RSS/BJP leaders are smelling the blood. What goes around comes around.
What were the allied BJP should have used in Bihar?? To me both Paswan and Manjhi turned out to be more of a liability...no??
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