I know
I was being flippant about the degree of faith being place in 'Muslims' to not distort the Holy Book.
Muslims, revered scholars over the ages no less, have already distorted and debased the Hadith, and convinced many Muslims to follow the Hadith even when the Hadith clearly contradict the Quran, so a belief that somehow "Muslims do not touch the Holy Book like Christians do" is laughably naive.
In addition, given the fact that the Quran is written in an ancient Arabic dialect, with scholars even now arguing over the meaning of words based on the emphasis on one particular alphabet in that word (equivalent to the use of zabar, zair in urdu), let alone interpreting the meaning of entire passages in the correct context based on the interplay of various sections with others, there is little in the way of certitude when it comes to "understanding the Quran", and that has allowed our so called 'Islamic Scholars' to wreak havoc on Muslim societies by promoting a regressive and patriarchal Islamic socio-cultural narrative.