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Beneath the radar, a Russia-Pakistan entente takes shape

Certainly not in Afghanistan. And about India's relation with other arch-rivals we made it possible baby.

Mate you are showing your lack of knowledge. Russia opposes the Silk road proposed by America with India as it's proxy as per the regional conference on Afghanistan in Turkey
Mate you are showing your lack of knowledge. Russia opposes the Silk road proposed by America with India as it's proxy as per the regional conference on Afghanistan in Turkey

Indian contribution is till Hajigak and Chabahar Rail lines neither Iran nor Russia has objection with it. And I read that it is Pakistan only who has objection with New Silk route particularly Hajigak-Chabahar rail link. You must be following Russia today, have you ever heard anti-India ranting on Russia Today, nooooooooooooooo. Can you influence Iran to stop transit route to India. Nooooooooooo

And if Russians are really against Americans in Afghanistan, then what is Northern Distribution Network, it is fantasy.
India supports American plans for Afghanistan because in that vision India is America's proxy in our neighbourhood. China Russia Iran and Pakistan countries with borders with Afghanistan do not accept American India visions
India supports American plans for Afghanistan because in that vision India is America's proxy in our neighbourhood. China Russia Iran and Pakistan countries with borders with Afghanistan do not accept American India visions

And nobody shares Pakistan's fantasy too.:D
It's a shame we don't get the view of the majority of Indians on here as they either cant read or secondly cant afford a computer. Back to topic India can not sustain an alliance with Zionists, Iranians Russians and Americans all at the same time its simply impossible. To think so they are living in cloud cuckoo land.


sometime back it was impossible to think tht India will get Saudi money for its weapons programme but now it is almost there.
Few years back it was impossible to think abt Pak -US relation at such state as they are there today.
Indian foreign policy already proved its metal and managing various relation with everybody is not new to us.
As expected, this is turning out to be a totally pointless debate, with the indians claiming NO RUSSIA WONT EVER BE CLOSE TO PAKISTAN and PAKISTANIS INSISTING AS WR ARE ALEADY THE BESY FRIENDS.
No, we are not really that clise yo russia, russia wont preffer pakistan over india, not as yet, but the point is for how long india can keep dating two arch rivals, the new development in India US relation wont be easily digestable for moscow, there might be some statements as of niw indicating the Russia have no problem with this but fir how long? Gradually, russia will realize that if india can keep relation with.its rival US there is no point in keeping distance from.Pakistan just to please India, at that point national intrest will come into play.
For those who think Pakistan offer no intrest to Russia, tgey are living in fools paradise. Think again, Russian were not in Afghanistan.to capture barren.mountains, there eyes were further south, to deep blue seas. Once tgey can acheive that goal through friendly manner they will readily accept it.
All we need is to develop our foreign policy and we can see russian standing next to us in years to come.

I don't think Russia will eagerly bring closer to Pakistan as they haven't forget the past bitter memories with Pakistan during Afghans wars old days.

Russia pleased it is Pakistan who give up their relationship with US and come to Russia for help, that's funny. Pakistan doesn't have luxury strong economy that's impossible to purchase Russian defence equipments which is very high costs and repair maintenances.

Please note: Russia will not dump India because India will bring alot of benefits economic power needed to Russia. ;)

USSR and Russia are completely different. Complete different goals in mind.
I do not know, why it is compared with Indo Russian relations.

Pakistan speaks a lot about its strategic location. But the reality is, the strategic Location of Pakistan remains only strategic till you are with the americans.

Russians do not require any strategic location. They have plenty of it and India has better business and Influence in south Asia than Pakistan and better sea routes.

Why do most of the members from Pakistan believe that Russians would aside India for Pakistan, just because we have some open ties with the Americans? It is a misconception here. In the fact Russian have better ties than Pakistan and India with the americans.

Pakistan's timing of implementing its foreign policy is very bad.
India supports American plans for Afghanistan because in that vision India is America's proxy in our neighbourhood. China Russia Iran and Pakistan countries with borders with Afghanistan do not accept American India visions

world knows it that the americans have penetrated your government and military. so exclude Pakistan from the list you have given above. Americans have made very strong footholds in Pakistan.

You People are very emotional and do not understand the Term DIPLOMACY.
world knows it that the americans have penetrated your government and military. so exclude Pakistan from the list you have given above. Americans have made very strong footholds in Pakistan.

You People are very emotional and do not understand the Term DIPLOMACY.

Of course you understand diplomacy. Wasn't that what Nehru did with his forward policy, you Indians making the same mistake you thinking you cleverer than everyone.

My assertions are that immaterial of our leaders (of China Pakistan Iran or Russia) wishes are or preferences are or past alliances its all very simple in that all our interests converge. therefore it is inevitable that an alliance will be formed in the future. For example Russia can only take America on with an alliance with China. China is an ally of Pakistan. China has border issues with India. Pakistan has issues with India. If it was a simple choice for Russia between India and Pakistan the Russians may well have chosen to go with India. But it is not that a simple choice, None of the countries wants India to be a proxy for American corporations to make money out of our neighbourhood via oil pipelines. Therefore it wont happen

sometime back it was impossible to think tht India will get Saudi money for its weapons programme but now it is almost there.
Few years back it was impossible to think abt Pak -US relation at such state as they are there today.
Indian foreign policy already proved its metal and managing various relation with everybody is not new to us.

you can see Saudi(American puppets) assisting India lol. But you cant see Russia aligned to Pakistan lol
Of course you understand diplomacy. Wasn't that what Nehru did with his forward policy, you Indians making the same mistake you thinking you cleverer than everyone.

My assertions are that immaterial of our leaders (of China Pakistan Iran or Russia) wishes are or preferences are or past alliances its all very simple in that all our interests converge. therefore it is inevitable that an alliance will be formed in the future. For example Russia can only take America on with an alliance with China. China is an ally of Pakistan. China has border issues with India. Pakistan has issues with India. If it was a simple choice for Russia between India and Pakistan the Russians may well have chosen to go with India. But it is not that a simple choice, None of the countries wants India to be a proxy for American corporations to make money out of our neighbourhood via oil pipelines. Therefore it wont happen

you can see Saudi(American puppets) assisting India lol. But you cant see Russia aligned to Pakistan lol

we know more than you what Russian are doing. :lol:
we know more than you what Russian are doing. :lol:

that's what Nehru thought about China when he launched the Forward policy. He thought he knew what Chinese were doing. I mean give me a break have you ever heard in a debate one individual turning around and making an assertion he knows something when all the evidence points to the opposite
that's what Nehru thought about China when he launched the Forward policy. He thought he knew what Chinese were doing. I mean give me a break have you ever heard in a debate one individual turning around and making an assertion he knows something when all the evidence points to the opposite
It seems you guys are making mistakes in Understanding Russians. :lol:

Russia interest don't match with Pakistan, i.e. paranoia about India and taliban in Afghanistan, NDN is the proof. We together supported Northern Alliance.

As for Americans are concerned, Russian will let them stay in Afghanistan to clean the area of insurgents without losing a single soldier but won't let them creating grip in the area. And see all latest international events, India's response has always same like Russian and never like American.

That's why i told you you know nothing about Russians.
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