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Beneath burqa, a mangalsutra and chooda

@Federer Like I said, I don't get too much involved in religious discussions.

But when I see my Professor under whose supervision I was Teaching Assistant for one semester, I have image of a good and hard working person who happens to be Muslim. I am not going to dig into how good Muslim he is or not. That's not my concern.

You can go on and dissect my statements, but I made the point.
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First learn about what Mangalsutra is, then start questioning whether its OK if a Muslim woman wears something that looks similar to Mangalsutra of Hindu woman.

Incomplete knowledge is disastrous.
nobody is forcing them, and mangalsutra is quite pricy.. considering current gold rate..
They are not wearing Mangalsutra. For it to call a mangalsutra, they have to wed like Hindu and particular chants and other customs have to be followed.

Otherwise its just a locket, nothing more nothing less.
I said that I am neither a Muslim nor Christian in reply to AuZ's post.

You may dislike Islam and pretend that you are a pious Muslim. Isn't that a Munafiq?

hey mate.do you have something against islam?

I personally advice you to hate the people who interpret islam ot any other religion in a bad way.
They are not wearing Mangalsutra. For it to call a mangalsutra, they have to wed like Hindu and particular chants and other customs have to be followed.

Otherwise its just a locket, nothing more nothing less.

According to Islamic view, it is anti-islamic symbol and a Muslim women shouldn't be in possession of such Kuffar Symbol.

Allah (SWT) says in the Qur'aan:

Has not the time come for the hearts of those who believe to be affected by Allah’s Reminder (this Qur’an), and that which has been revealed of truth, and not become as those who received the Scripture before (i.e. the Christians and the Jews) and the term was prolonged for them and so their hearts were hardened? And many of them were Faasiqoon.” [Al-Hadeed: 16]

Ibn Katheer said about this verse (4/310): “And therefore Allah prohibited the believers from imitating them in anything from the fundamental or branch affairs.”

Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Aas (RA) said: “The Messenger of Allah saw me wearing two saffron garments and he said: ‘Indeed these are from the dress of the Kuffaar so do not wear them.’ [Muslim]

You are supporting Anti Islamic People by giving clean Chit to the Munafiqs.
so what? we live in a global world.
Nothing wrong with a Muslim wearing mangalsutra and choodi.doesnt make them less Muslim.

by this logic most of us are British or Americans.
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