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'Benazir personally gave N-technology to North Korea'


Apr 2, 2008
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Times India,
May,10 2008
NEW DELHI: In a significant revelation, a new book has said North Korea had got nuclear technology from Pakistan in 1993, with the then Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto personally carrying the sensitive material in her overcoat during a visit to Pyongyang.

Pakistan gave uranium enrichment technology to North Korea in return for missiles, says the biography of the slain PPP leader authored by her close friend Shyam Bhatia.

The 'enrichment for missiles' barter took place in 1993, says the book "Goodbye Shahzadi" whose author cites the information revealed by Bhutto herself during a conversation with him.

As secret services of India, Russia and some western countries were closely monitoring every move on Pakistan's military research, Bhutto had decided to herself carry the sensitive material to Pyongyang to avoid detection, the book says.

"As she (Bhutto) was due to visit North Korea at the end of 1993, she was asked and readily agreed to carry critical nuclear data on her person and hand it over on arrival in Pyongyang," the book claims.

"...before leaving Islamabad, she shopped for an overcoat with the 'deepest possible pockets' into which she transferred CDs containing the scientific data about uranium enrichment that the North Koreans wanted," it says.
i don't know what these indian think abut us.they now make our brave leader smugler .shame on them who never leave bibi after her deth.its a BS of times of india.
i say to times of india remember when US offecals check his over cort and complite dress indian EX defence minister GORGE FARNANDUS when he visit USA.we not like indians.now they wan't to show pak high gov officals also nukes smugllars.
Another great tactic straight from their books. Blaming a dead woman for what they somehow consider to be their problem.
......then Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto personally carrying the sensitive material in her overcoat during a visit to Pyongyang.

....says the book "Goodbye Shahzadi" whose ....

Anything that went wrong in last 20 years......Lets put it on the dead woman....:tsk:

Although one can expect anything from the 10% couple...but with these allegation, somebody has gone way over the top..

P.S.. ''hiding sensitive material in overcoat ''' …Can somebody please contact ' Myth Busters '
India's n their racist media, always tryin to spill mud on Pakistan, belive me we shuld not give any importance to these BS articles by them, wut they r doin here is tryin to fire a bullet in a dark room, with hopes that it will hit its target, just pathetic Indian proganda.

cant believe that they r accusin a Shahid:crazy:
So much for times of india.

It just reported the publishing of a book. ;)

Do you have a problem with the book or the news report?

Even some Pakistani publications may have carried the news.

Shoot the message and not the messenger. :sniper:
It just reported the publishing of a book. ;)

Do you have a problem with the book or the news report?

Even some Pakistani publications may have carried the news.

Shoot the message and not the messenger. :sniper:

I have a problem with the way indian media comes out with **** like this. It makes them look stupid.
BB was never allowed to go to kahuta, she never had first hand knowledge of pakistans capabilities as she was seen then as a security risk, of course now she is to be canonised as a saint.
just shows you cant trust anything indian
yup agree, it stupid reporting. Should avoid such things.
I agreed with respectable fellow member "nitesh" that, it should not happened!
The publishing of this info specially after her assassination is self-explainatory and proved the stupidity and fakeness!
In fact what we may experiencing in our rutine life that, in my view:

Never believe in anything informed by today media, until it has been officially denied.:tsk:

In fact Journalism - an ability to meet the challenges............................... of filling the space.:bunny:

Journalism is literature in a hurry...:undecided:.............where Nobody's interested in sweetness and light.:lol:

As saying of a philsopher write Mike Ditka explain:
"What's the difference between a 3-week-old puppy and a Journalist or sportswriter? .....In 6 weeks, the puppy will stop whining. :cool:

The idea that media is there to educate us, to inform us, or to highlight real public issues, is ridiculous because that's about tenth or eleventh on their list.
Time India looks used to doing that like most of other media in general, exceptions always be there but in rare.

I hereby like to advise to the Media to please recap your dignity by adopting truth comply with code of ethics in real sense and try to be conspicuously accurate in everything, information, pictures as well as text. Remeber truth is not only stranger than fiction, it is more interesting, and you may earn more by spreading truth with dignity.:cool:
Journalism is a Powerfull tool to educate the societies if its is used by mature responsible & honest intellectual, while it become dangerous if it used by unethical childish cruel person, as currently we are looking their irresponsible attitude just for making money by any mean.
IndiaTime look similer to Geo-Pakistan, observed both have same approach but with little difference; India Times Target outside Their country, while Geo is targeting with in country with its obviously bias attitude, which can cause to create serious chaos in system, and "social anarchy" in Pakistan.
Thanks for your views, what i feel is that there is too much of bad blood between two countries, so people try to sensationalize the things for cheap publicity. Now what the Madam bhutto has to take the CDs personally there are many ways of transferring the data any person can take why the hell one chief of the state has to carry the CD's.
In the History of Pakistan there have been 1 PM who had no authority or in other word had no Access to Pakistans NUke Program BB, BB had no info in her days twice she wanted to see the facility and Army stepped in. Even Nawaz was kept out but circumstances changed and our security council decided to exploded the Nuke so some countries can get the right message.
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