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Belgium suspends support for Palestinian schools


Jun 7, 2017
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Friday, 14 September 2018 18:40

Belgium will no longer cooperate with the Palestinian Ministry of Education while Palestinian schools bear the names of terrorists, Belgian Minister of Cooperation Alexander De Croo confirmed on Friday.
Budgets allocated for the construction of schools will be suspended but Belgium will remain active in the Palestinian Territories and will continue to contribute to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees

Last year, the name of a school whose construction was financed by Belgium was changed to that of Dalal Mughrabi, a Palestinian terrorist who participated in 1978 in a hostage-taking operation in a bus that claimed the lives of 38 Israelis, including 13 children.

The Belgian Government tried to get the Palestinian authorities to cancel the name-change, but was unsuccessful and the terrorist’s name was even given to two more schools which, however, are not supported by Belgium.

Cooperation continues to be pursued in other areas such as improving human rights, private sector development and digital entrepreneurship.

Sad but , Palestinians should understand what others feel .they should have priorities right they should decide what's important,naming schools or education if the kids
Sad but , Palestinians should understand what others feel .they should have priorities right they should decide what's important,naming schools or education if the kids
F off you dick...you hindus just bowed to the british...not everyone rolls over. If it wasnt for muslims fighting the british you would still have been occupied. Slave mentality is still with you
Hmm... if I recollect it was an Israeli helicopter strike that hit the bus that killed the people in it including the PLO militants. I believe they were on their way to target ministry of defence. I think this is her:



Anyway, that's not fair to Belgium, they aren't interfering in historical curriculum and just don't want to be affiliated with controversial figures. PA should have approached this differently.

PA should all together dissolve itself in near future if it can't counter Israeli occupation in West Bank, just let Israel take control and grant the Palestinians citizenship.
F off you dick...you hindus just bowed to the british...not everyone rolls over. If it wasnt for muslims fighting the british you would still have been occupied. Slave mentality is still with you

Now that you have abused India like a clown, pay up to fund those Palestinian schools. If you cannot, then just have a beer and sit aside; let those who have the money to educate kids, step in and do what needs to be done.
Now that you have abused India like a clown, pay up to fund those Palestinian schools. If you cannot, then just have a beer and sit aside; let those who have the money to educate kids, step in and do what needs to be done.
You try to get a toilet for the women in your family or they will be raped by your fellow hindus who are drunk on cow piss. As you are the master race of indians who have mastered everything except having bathroom i suggest you foucus on that. Also look at the poverty in india before you comment on others. Now jog on
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