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Beijing slams rough justice for Chinese woman slapped by Philippine immigration official

How China court charge an assaulting to a police officer ?

prison 1 year
fine 10,000 $ ?
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sorry for you, seem like PRC government want to back down from the conflict with us.

-China is not backing down. In fact, they recently rammed and sank a Vietnamese vessel who tried to go near the rig. So......

Well, your mouth so pathetic to say that.
We educated Chinese brothers about our national spirit for thousand years till now, it'll not first time or last time.

Your national spirit for thousands of years now? Are you talking about the collective of more-than-a-thousand-years of Chinese direct rule over Vietnam?:haha:
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-China is not backing down. In fact, they recently rammed and sank a Vietnamese vessel who tried to go near the rig. So......

Your national spirit for thousands of years now? Are you talking about the collective of more-than-a-thousand-years of Chinese direct rule over Vietnam?:haha:
Yeah, thank to those dark age, Vietnamese culture takes little to no tollerance towards invaders. Maybe there were French, Japanese or American who came to Vietnam with good wills. But the majority of people think of them just like Chinese who came before and hate them for that. Vietnam is afraid of a second dark age, so if we see foreigners with weapons come, we will fight.
Wow supper off topic hey swine make your own topics about vietnam or just get the F out OMG you guys are full of crap
We impose strict tourism to Phillipines. Again, she was there to work. You don't need to say it. I would personally not visit Philippines or work there even if I got pay handsomely.

Sir i would welcome that your bad for everything for toursim and business etc heck your just bad period yes no more chinese $wines
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