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Beijing May Have Upgraded J-10 Fighter to Become Stealthier (PHOTOS)

We haven't lost the opportunity since we can still buy if we want. But your F-16 ke jiyalas won't accept anything even if LM says it will shift the whole production line to your arch rival....do they have a trace of grace and dignity especially when we know F-16s have Protego system installed that can disable or misguide the missile..
They even had the chance to buy Rafales but they refuted in their arrogance and today your enemy is the customer of that.
Psst you are needed in another thread I made a special video for you :P

It is easier to recognise them. These habitual liars use the lamest excuses like "Oh this out of Pakistan's reach" because of Indian influence on Russia...really pathetic liars...China will not sell J10b to Pakistan because of Russian engine but these pathetic scumbag don't realise and have no shame that your JF17 is also using Russian engine...shameless pathetic...


Thse guys had a saying---" it brings nothing new to the table "---. Possibly heard it from their uncle or dad and wanted to use it over here.

Thse guys had a saying---" it brings nothing new to the table "---. Possibly heard it from their uncle or dad and wanted to use it over here.
wish all these people could be hanged without listening to any of the bullshit excuse
As I've stated on another thread, the thrust-vectoring nozzle is being tested on a J-10B and its actual target aircraft is probably the J-20. There is no point in making serrated-edge nozzles for a fourth-generation fighter.

J10 was china's first modern day baby---. The idiots at Paf and some of them on this web site as well did not recognize and understand the significance of that.

Paf could have had a free ride to all the modernization of this aircraft if it had chosen to go that way---.
I agree, but its still not too late, at that time Chinese technological advancement was slightly uncertain... Last 15 years were phenomenal ...

However, with no future prospects of F16, the only was is to go with J10 as front line fighter ... Pakistan should have three aircrafts ,,,

JF17, a true multirole and Pakistan backbone, providing numerical coverage for defence both in air and sea along with CAS
J10, air defense and air superiority within our own airspace
J31/J20, deep strike role and naval strike role
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