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Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

China media said that Uyghur passager is a artist from XinJiang , following a China artist team to join a art exhibition held in Malaysia KL city.

The uyghur link is very far fetched. Its impossible to sneak into an airport and then onto a flight with a bomb or explosives. Best not to spread rumours?
Very sad news. :(

What is that?

An experienced aircraft commander said normally there are at least three sets of communication equipment on the plane, it's unlikely all of them are malfunctioning. If all of them didn't work, there is still a special equipment to send notifications to the ground control department about the malfunction of communication equipment. He guessed this plane was hijacked.

But still need more investigation, who knows....Hope more people could get survive, hope it's not a hijack.
Glad that you decided to take the trip early. There is zero chance of this flight landing elsewhere safely. It has been missing for quite a few hours. They cant track the plane which is very suspicious, I'm 90% sure it was a bomb.

I hope not, I don't suspect that either, maybe some elements are trying to instigate a conflict between Chinese and Muslims? This doesn't seem right but I wonder why no word has came out.
An experienced aircraft commander said normally there are at least three sets of communication equipment on the plane, it's unlikely all of them are malfunctioning. If all of them didn't work, there is still a special equipment to send notifications to the ground control department about the malfunction of communication equipment.

That's correct.

You have HF radio, VHF radio, sat comms and this aircraft was likely equipped for CPDLC compatibility. IF you have comms failure you set your transponder squawk to 7600.
An experienced aircraft commander said normally there are at least three sets of communication equipment on the plane, it's unlikely all of them are malfunctioning. If all of them didn't work, there is still a special equipment to send notifications to the ground control department about the malfunction of communication equipment. He guessed this plane was hijacked.

But still need more investigation, who knows....Hope more people could get survive, hope it's not a hijack.

Thank you. It is indeed very strange that there was no distress call.
A question for those in the know - does Ho Chi Minh have the capability to launch a full fledged search and rescue operation given that the aircraft went missing in Vietnamese airspace?
yes, Vietnam has the capacity...

per Reuters latest update, the plane went off the radar near Vietnamese airspace, according to a statement on the Vietnamese government website.

So the plane had not entered Vietnam controlled airspace.

vietnamese navy confirmed the plane is crashed
and vietnam sending rescure team now

vietnamese navy confirmed the plane is crashed
and vietnam sending rescure team now
oh that is a very sad news...
Oh damn it, just heard in on news......

I hope that everything is right, but after 2 hours without contact we have to assume the worst :/

May God bless their families
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