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Behind troops disengagement, intense diplomacy and a video call from NSA Ajit Doval

So what happened to the big boy superpower

india's population is also at least 7-8 × bigger than that of Pakistan, despite this india is still too weak, powerless and scared of taking on the Pakistani military.........:azn:.........so much so that indians are reduced to ranting on the net...............:lol:

Does this look like a scared military

We mobilised 200,000 troops hundreds of su3mki fighters C17 globemasters Apache helicopters Mig29 T90 main battle tanks Barak Sam missles .

WE ARE NOT a poor african country or in deed a mere $260 billion GDP

WE ARE A regional military and economic power
Does this look like a scared military

We mobilised 200,000 troops hundreds of su3mki fighters C17 globemasters Apache helicopters Mig29 T90 main battle tanks Barak Sam missles .

WE ARE NOT a poor african country or in deed a mere $260 billion GDP

WE ARE A regional military and economic power

What good is all that when the Chinese army have already cracked open the skulls of over 20 indian soldiers and splattered their brain matter all over the Galwan Valley?.........................:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:..........why is india too weak, powerless and scared to do anything about it?.....:azn:.......:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You think by making retarded videos and talking about the indian economy is going to change anything?......:lol:.......is india now going to become powerful and are the Chinese now going to become scared of india because you have posted such videos??????????............:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:...................is $520 billion forex reserve going to come to life and fight the Chinese??????????............:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Even the Somalians and Afghans who are the most impoversihed nations on earth fought better against the americans than the indians did against the Chinese............................:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:..........They both don't even have a $5 forex reserve let alone a $520 billion one...........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:..............:disagree:
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LOL at diplomacy. What kind of diplomacy is this where you lose soldiers and land.
100 chinease soldiers killed
They hiding their dead PLA veterens up in arms

Wht sort of ARMY hides its dead

WE gave our dead national burials and honoured our dead,

NEW YORK times Washington POST usa intel estimated at least 43 PLA soldiers died that night

PLA vetrens are saying 100+

CHINA now backing down feeling the heat

1, Indias massive deploymemt in Ladakh
2. USA 3 carriers in SCS
3. India Japan Austrlia ssending ships to malacca striaghts
4 India,s ban chinease apps now happeninmg in USA then Europe

INDIA has SHOWN THE WORLD this is how you stand up to bully CHINA

THE WORLD IS applauding india AND MODI

INCLUDING your own media
100 chinease soldiers killed
They hiding their dead PLA veterens up in arms

Wht sort of ARMY hides its dead

WE gave our dead national burials and honoured our dead,

NEW YORK times Washington POST usa intel estimated at least 43 PLA soldiers died that night

PLA vetrens are saying 100+

CHINA now backing down feeling the heat

1, Indias massive deploymemt in Ladakh
2. USA 3 carriers in SCS
3. India Japan Austrlia ssending ships to malacca striaghts
4 India,s ban chinease apps now happeninmg in USA then Europe

INDIA has SHOWN THE WORLD this is how you stand up to bully CHINA

THE WORLD IS applauding india AND MODI

INCLUDING your own media

good lord, you indians just can't stop lying can you? its already proven that the 100 dead figure is just another lie, and even if Jianli Yang really said that, how would a criminal whos been outside of china for 31 years know anything about chinese casualty figures? you gonna take my word that india lost 1 million troops like its fact too?

You all literally just make shit up then quote each other's fake news like nobody would ever find out. except we always do and laugh at your pitiful attempts to delude yourselves.

in addition, us and co. has not and will not fight anyone who can fight back unless its own territory was in danger. case in point, russia vs georgia or urkraine. the us certainly isn't going to fight china for a bunch of dirty indians. the us has been sailing ships in the scs for a while, its not new nor are they there to somehow support you silly indians other than cheap talk, furthermore, a border war with india isn't going to involve the navy so the PLAN is shadowing the USN like normal in the SCS.

China "back down" because the area it just took just got consolidated, the PLA went back to its initial position, while Indians have surrendered and cannot patrol where they use to, effectively the border has been shifted in china's favor without a single shot being fired. Modi even stated no chinese is in Indian territory and dare not even mention china by name.
I have no idea what China achieved from their recent fiasco?

Can anyone let me know?
CCP is running away with it's tail firmly tucked in.
They have lost more than 100 soldiers & hundreds more wounded.

So, exactly what have they achieved?

Oh wait, a permanent loss of India's trust and it's market.

well done...we have a winner.
I have no idea what China achieved from their recent fiasco?

Can anyone let me know?
CCP is running away with it's tail firmly tucked in.
They have lost more than 100 soldiers & hundreds more wounded.

So, exactly what have they achieved?

Oh wait, a permanent loss of India's trust and it's market.

well done...we have a winner.

Stupid pdf members don't understand the global credibility they have lost

Globally led by trump and Japan Australia etc China is being treated as aggressor. Threat to peace in all of Asia.

India stood strong banned apps and now
Usa will follow suit

Covid a dirty disease started by China has already lost then credibility and trade next few years China will start to decline.
They have peaked

They now resemble a frustrated spoilt big bully that has been checked by India first

India is getting applauded even in your own pak media

Modi 56 inch chest got bigger
We are minding our own business
You dont get FOREX resrves of $520 billion sitting on your fat hairy backsides

But you come trying redraw borders like China or Kargil 99 you know what you get

India is the BIG BOY now

And nothing will change that.

We will build infrastucure along LAC
We will issue Artcile 370
And yes we are not changing borders
Thats why we have massive GDP and massive military
Only the STRONGEST have a voice
Youre the trongest, so from now blaming to china you think u r strog. LOL cheap shit indian mentality.

Youre nothing but shut power mark my words

Where was ur power when china took over Galwan,
Where was ur power when bhutan stooped ur water
Where was ur power when NEpal killed indian

where was ur power when we took out your jet and cpatured ur pilotr ??

You dont get FOREX resrves of $520 billion sitting on your fat hairy backsides
LOL. Is that it ?

Is that all now check chinese Forex reservers 3.0 trillion +
So ur nothing but an empty black kettle that makes noise

India is getting applauded even in your own pak media

Though InDian PM moti like bheegi bili did state that none of the land was invaded and shamelessly stated that deaths on 20 soldier needs to be questioned were they aggressor or defending Indian terroroty, since no terority was invaded hence india was aggressor
[QUOTE="salarsikander, post: 12517826,

Youre nothing but shut power mark my words

Where was ur power

Is that all now check chinese Forex reservers 3.0 trillion +
So ur nothing but an empty black kettle that makes noise


Though InDian PM moti like bheegi bili did state that none of the land was invaded and shamelessly stated that deaths on 20 soldier needs to be questioned were they aggressor or defending Indian terroroty, since no terority was invaded hence india was aggressor[/QUOTE

Chineaae forex counted for nothing
What matters was the roar of su30mki mirage 2000 mig29 apache helo and massive c17 glob3masters

They saw the might and had lost 40 plus pls soldiers in bare hands combat

They ran home.

And you people are frustrated that you big boy did nothing caves into modi and India
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