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Before the first flight of a new aircraft static test of the success of the whole mac


Sep 19, 2008
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Hay guys i got this thread saying China's new AC tested can some one please explain the article
At 14:30 on August 6, deputy general manager of China Aviation Industry Gengru light, Project Office Director Lu Jie, director of his party in the strength of Sun Xia-sheng, deputy director and chief designer strong Bao-ping, deputy secretary of Party Committee and other relevant personnel Meng Fanjun Accompanied by Yaozhou came to the test base, in relation to a first flight before the aircraft static test of the whole machine to conduct on-site inspection and guidance.

耿副总一行首先听取了强度所所长孙侠生关于某型飞机全机静力试验情况的工作汇报,所长孙侠生、副所长兼总师强宝平详细地回答了有关问题。 Geng, vice president and his entourage first listened to the strength of Sun Xia, director of Health on a certain type of aircraft, static test of the whole machine a work report, the Director Sun Xia-sheng, deputy director and chief Qiang Bao-Ping Shi answered questions in detail. 接着,耿副总一行在孙所长等陪同下来到试验现场,观看了某型飞机首飞前最后一项全机静力试验全过程。 Then, Sunsuo Zhang Geng, vice president and his entourage, accompanied by down to the test site, watched a certain type of aircraft, the last one before the first flight the whole plane static test the entire process. 当试验成功后,耿副总一行向三方参试人员表示祝贺并和参试人员合影留念。 When the test is successful, Geng, vice president and his party, said the three parties involved in the tests and involved in the tests congratulations and posed for pictures.

该机首飞前全机静力试验的完成将为其按期首飞提供有力保证。 The aircraft first flight before the full completion of static test aircraft will provide a strong guarantee for its first flight on schedule.

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