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Beautiful Okinawa , Japan !


May 29, 2014
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United States
The wonderful islands, and reefs around the Okinawa Prefecture ! :)

Some people will ask, "Do Okinawa people speak Japanese?" The answer is Yes, of course ! Just like every Japanese prefecture ! However, in Okinawa people also speak the native Okinawan Dialect(s) are known as Ryukyu-Shogo!

This is how Okinawan language sounds like ! Beautiful isn't it ? :) Yes , it is ! Yes , it is MELODIC!!!


Beautiful. Seems there is more traffic at night.

Yes, if i had to compare , the people in Okinawa are more --- direct, very happy and relaxed compared to people in northern Japan , where i am from. Also in Okinawa, since it is so close to the Philippines, Taiwan, and rest of Southeast Asia --- there is a presence of Southeast Asian culinary culture in the foods in Okinawa. The use of coconut milk , and even curry is very apparent. :)

It is a beautiful place, really. If you have not visited, i recommend you visit.
Beautiful pictures Nihonjin-san. Domo Arigato.

Okinawa Soba is very different from rest of Nippon I have heard....regular wheat instead of buckwheat. Almost like Udon with ramen soup.

Also Okinawa is land of Karate....and culturally quite linked to China (historically) I have heard.

Beautiful pictures Nihonjin-san. Domo Arigato.

Okinawa Soba is very different from rest of Nippon I have heard....regular wheat instead of buckwheat. Almost like Udon with ramen soup.

Also Okinawa is land of Karate....and culturally quite linked to China (historically) I have heard.

Actually, before the Ryukyu Kingdom was conquered by Dai Nippon Teikoku in the 19th century, for centuries the Ryukyu Kingdom had strong relations with the Kingdom of Shilla , which was a Korean Kingdom in the south of Korean peninsula. Also, yes, there was strong relations between Zhonguo (China) and Ryukyu. :)

Beautiful pictures Nihonjin-san. Domo Arigato.

Okinawa Soba is very different from rest of Nippon I have heard....regular wheat instead of buckwheat. Almost like Udon with ramen soup.

Also Okinawa is land of Karate....and culturally quite linked to China (historically) I have heard.

Even the Taiko drums used by Okinawans is very similar to that used in Korea. :)

the island shows only force can assimilate heterogeneous ethnic groups. dont cheated by the japan ID,
the traditional Ryuku clothing is not that in the picture.
the traditonal Ryuku clothing is Ming dynasty style -- han fu.
mostly of Ryuku peoples originate from fujian province,china.
because of Ming dynasty collapsed of civil war, manchu use the chance occupied china and build Qing dynasty.
Ryuku became a small independent country.it is still Retained the Ming Dynasty costumes, etiquette, tradition and china character.
because manchu is a nomadic barbaric regime, 19th century,it is last part of rule ,it became more and more corrupt ,so china missed the industrialization revolution. japan invade and annexed Ruyku.
after ww2,in accordance with the UN resolutions,the Ruyku managed by USA, and then it is should independence,but usa bias favor japan, because japan act a loyal maid role to Service the United States .
it is a old photo of Ruyku government official, it is ming dynasty style han fu,not japan clothing.
the self proclaimed , simply brushed ove of sovereignty of Ryukyu issuse under a false phrase " under provision of San Francisco treat". There is no provision that stipulates that the U.S. is to "return" Ryukyu to Japan. The future of Ryukyu is to be determined per "future U.N. resolution". There has never been a resolution passed in the U.N. on Ryukyu. Instead, the U.S., merely a trustee holder under U.N. mendate, unilaterally decided without U.N. consent transfered Ryukyu to its former " colonial occupier" Japan. The "Republic of China" in Taiwan, then still held the U.N. seat as well as as the permenant member of the security council protested vigorously with no avail.

1972 5.12 US handed Ryukyu to japan just . japan does not have any right over Ruykyu, that is why


How much of Ryukyu dialect can you understand?

Are you yourself a Tokyo (Kanto) Dialect by mother tongue or another one?

Ryukyu is a Japonic language, so it is not much different from Tokyo dialect. I would say Japanese can probably understand about 55% to 60% of Ryukyu dialect(s). I hope that helps explain.

This is one popular Okinawan folk song, @Nilgiri , beautiful melody, ...!!

The beauty of the Ryukyuan language comes to our ears...!!

Another very well known Okinawan Song "Asadoya Yunta"

Ryukyu is a Japonic language, so it is not much different from Tokyo dialect. I would say Japanese can probably understand about 55% to 60% of Ryukyu dialect(s). I hope that helps explain.

This is one popular Okinawan folk song, @Nilgiri , beautiful melody, ...!!

The beauty of the Ryukyuan language comes to our ears...!!

Another very well known Okinawan Song "Asadoya Yunta"

Thanks for the info. I only ask because over a few drinks, my good japanese friends started doing their impersonations of all the different varieties of Japanese...Hokkaido, Kanto, Kansai, Kyushu etc..plus all those areas peculiarities. A good subject for any country over a drinking game :). So I was wondering about Okinawa/Ryukyu too. Is it the hardest one for you to follow of all the dialects or is there one even tougher for you?

Thanks for this wonderful music btw....an extra bonus! You are too kind.

The folk music one reminds me of certain folk music genres in India we find in our villages.

Also reminds me of the ending of Seven Samurai when the farmers are singing while planting the rice ;) and the samurai contemplate in the distance.

The 2nd song is very pleasant to the ear as well.

Shamisen instrument family is a wonderful one...especially when accompanying such nice songs.

Are there any movies you recommend about Okinawa/Ryukyu or the idyllic Japanese countryside/traditional life?

Thanks again!

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