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Be ready for operations at short notice Air Chief B S Dhanoa


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
Air Chief B S Dhanoa writes to each officer: Be ready for operations at short notice
“In the present scenario, there is an ever persistent sub-conventional threat. Therefore, we need to be prepared for operations with our present holdings, at a very short notice.

IN AN unprecedented move, Air Chief Marshal B S Dhanoa, the Chief of Air Staff, has written a personal letter to each officer of the Indian Air Force (IAF), asking them “to be prepared for operations with our present holdings, at a very short notice”.

The letter, signed March 30, also covers a range of issues from “favouritism” in the force to “sexual harassment”. Written three months after ACM Dhanoa took over as IAF Chief, the letter is being posted and delivered to each of the nearly 12,000 officers of the force.

This is the first time that an IAF chief has written a personal letter to all officers, although two Army chiefs — Field Marshal (then General) K M Cariappa on May 1, 1950 and General K Sundarji on February 1, 1986 — have penned similar missives.

“In the present scenario, there is an ever persistent sub-conventional threat. Therefore, we need to be prepared for operations with our present holdings, at a very short notice.

Training needs to be focused towards this,” says the letter.

The “sub-conventional threat” is said to be a reference to the ‘proxy war’ by Pakistan, which is reflected in the increasing number of terror attacks on military camps and the rising public unrest in Jammu and Kashmir.

The mention in the letter of “our present holdings” is an indication of the severe shortfall in the number of fighter squadrons with the IAF.

The IAF is authorised 42 squadrons of fighter aircraft but its current holding is down to 33. A deal for 36 Rafale fighters, signed with France, and a decision to induct indigenous Tejas fighters will barely make up for the de-induction of the MIG series of fighters from the fleet.

Asking officers to be “combat effective professionals”, ACM Dhanoa writes that “there is no choice but to stay abreast of new technological advancements both own as well as that of our adversaries. Only then will we come out with war-winning, out of the box solutions.”

The letter also reminds officers that “in the recent past, there have been instances and occasions where lack of professionalism has shown the IAF in poor light”.

Indulging in uncharacteristic plainspeak, the IAF chief writes that “we have been witness to a few instances of ‘favouritism’ in selection of officers for prime assignments and promotions”.

“This is something we can ill afford,” the letter says.

Pointing out that “officers holding responsible appointments tend to display ‘Milk of Human Kindness’ while dealing with those involved in wrongful practices”, the letter warns that “abusive behaviour, resorting to physical intimidation and behaviour amounting to sexual harassment by seniors is not acceptable”.

The letter also lays to rest apprehensions about participation by the families of officers in activities of the Air Force Wives Welfare Association (AFWWA) and Ladies Club, calling them “voluntary”. The IAF chief wrote that “(IAF) stations are not judged by their performance in these activities but on operations”.

When contacted by The Indian Express, an IAF spokesperson described the letter as “internal communication” and refused to comment on its contents.
What now then? Are the Indian Armed Forces preparing to use air support to suppress the Kashmiri freedom movement?
What now then? Are the Indian Armed Forces preparing to use air support to suppress the Kashmiri freedom movement?

India is itching for some sort of air strikes in Pakistan to prove them self in domestic and international arena as a power but they are unable to do that due to vigilant vanguard of Pakistani military.
What now then? Are the Indian Armed Forces preparing to use air support to suppress the Kashmiri freedom movement?
In that case Pakistan should provide Soviet Afghan war Stinger missiles to Kashmiri fighter,

India can't use air force or jet fighters to attack militants since they are not holding ground, they are roaming in jungles and villages not staying at one place hence air force can't target them with collateral damage and at this time India can't afford any civilian casualties since valley and border already HOT.
Media going into overdrive over nothing.

All Commanders send out ' Keep your powder dry' type of communications all the time.

Only, this Chief has sent out a personal message to his officer which is nothing more than his style of communication.
A bored and 'waila' chief stating the obvious. Wastage of stationery. A special message on Part 1/2 order would have sufficed.
Nuclear erection.....believe me they will soon go down...the only thing saving you....and dont even speak about your conventional prowess..... doesn't suits you....peace

Try it, you no longer have that kind of an edge you had in earlier wars....pakistan always had better fighters, but you know what you have now....

Calm down, the thing will end with a war....its a good solution, may be a full blown war can solve the problem.... go for it..and then you will see prospered bangladesh, nepal, Afghanistan, sri lanka and iran.....but no India and pakistan, peace in the region for 1000 years...
Did you take your medicine today.....it's not the PAF Chief sending out the message.
BTW, even in last war, we mostly had Korean era F-86 Sabres.
Naa yaar i am not yet on medication.... thats why i know that PAF had brand new F86 sabres and the first planes to have AAM in Asia...cool, even then we took out few sabres and won the war....not battle, but war....i always appreciated my enemies skill and will to fight...PAF is one hell of an Air Force....
Korean era Sabres.....brand new in 1971....really.....what were MiG-21s equipped with then.
The Sabres even took out the MiG-21s and you won the war in East because there was a single PAF unit of F-86s facing Ten IAF squadrons....three of them with MiG-21s.
I am not here to fight with indian people.I am telling audience that threat is real.we can not talk about our nuclear weapons every time. India wants it in conventional way.India was planning air strikes since Mumbai drama.this situation depends on kulbhushan case.they are under pressure to do something against Pakistan in case of yadhav execution. With sams at right places and fighters on right positions, Pakistan can repel any Indian air force attack.we know they have better fighter planes but we can still repel their attack.we just need to believe ourselves.in terms of cruise missile strikes,capabilities are almost similar.we must not allow our enemy to breath.
Nuclear erection.....believe me they will soon go down...the only thing saving you....and dont even speak about your conventional prowess..... doesn't suits you....peace

Try it, you no longer have that kind of an edge you had in earlier wars....pakistan always had better fighters, but you know what you have now....

Calm down, the thing will end with a war....its a good solution, may be a full blown war can solve the problem.... go for it..and then you will see prospered bangladesh, nepal, Afghanistan, sri lanka and iran.....but no India and pakistan, peace in the region for 1000 years...

Pakistan got nukes in 80s but still India did not dare to attack till then, cowards only captured non military area of siachin.

I am not here to fight with indian people.I am telling audience that threat is real.we can not talk about our nuclear weapons every time. India wants it in conventional way.India was planning air strikes since Mumbai drama.this situation depends on kulbhushan case.they are under pressure to do something against Pakistan in case of yadhav execution. With sams at right places and fighters on right positions, Pakistan can repel any Indian air force attack.we know they have better fighter planes but we can still repel their attack.we just need to believe ourselves.in terms of cruise missile strikes,capabilities are almost similar.we must not allow our enemy to breath.

If you think Pakistan is sleeping then you are fooled, although we have corrupt governments but military still updating its equipment and doctrine, check out what equipment military have received and what doctrine they are training on. Things are bad but not bad as Indian member try to show.
What now then? Are the Indian Armed Forces preparing to use air support to suppress the Kashmiri freedom movement?

I think its more have to do with the situation on the East Borders of Republic of India.

BS Dhona.

Every name tells a story i guess.

Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa

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