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Bavar-373 : Next Generation

Syrian Army has put Israeli Army in its Place for plenty of times. Although backstabbed by brotherhood, they are still the Most competent Arab Army. They are Standing against whole NATO and the brotherhood traitors who have their hands in Israeli hands. So i wouldnt agree that They are incompetent. A Lion surrounded by hyenas.

Btw, they can pay for it in Gold and other alternatives to US dollar. No need to use US printed toilet papers.
I don't call Syrian Army competent . there are competent element fighting in Syria but I believe they are not Syrian Army.
I don't call Syrian Army competent . there are competent element fighting in Syria but I believe they are not Syrian Army.
it was a shock how they suddenly collapsed how could this even happen ? how can a national army collapse all of a sudden like that is beyond me
there must be something like a syrian IRGC created from scratch. the current republican guards are a joke
Two questions: Has Iranian authorities announced that it is working on Sayyad-5 missiles with 400km range or it is just a speculation from the author?

Secondly, Is Iran working on any ABM system to counter ballistic missiles? Iranian success in Air-Defence systems should help her develop advanced protection against enemy missile strikes (both ballistic and cruise missiles). Any Iranian project in that regard?

well yes Iran already said they are building updated version of Bavar-373 and after that Iran said an entirely new long range air defense system is being built that is more powerful then S-400 (in all aspects ) but little less powerful than S-500 which indicate that's next system will have more then 400 km range of the S-400 IRGC today just announced they are building there own long range-long altitude air defense system, well Iran uses 18 layers of air defense to defend itself, Iran said they are actively using powerful top of the line leaser air defense systems to engage fighters and UAVs and missiles, for CMs Iran is going to unveil 2 home made short range system the first one is Oghab system an advance Iranian made Tor like system and the second one is Iranian made Pantsir like system.

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well yes Iran already said they are building updated version of Bavar-373 and after that Iran said an entirely new long range air defense system is being built that is more powerful then S-400 (in all aspects ) but little less powerful than S-500 which indicate that's next system will have more then 400 km range of the S-400 IRGC today just announced they are building there own long range-long altitude air defense system, well Iran uses 18 layers of air defense to defend itself plans that Iran said they are actively using powerful top of the line leaser air defense systems to engage fighters and UAVs and missiles, for CMs Iran is going to unveil 2 home made short range system the first one is Oghab system an advance Iranian made Tor like system and the second one is Iranian made Pantsir like system.

They gotta use another truck for Oghab as it needs to be more agile ... nice ps.

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