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BATTLE REPORT #3 : Battle of Nicopolis 1396.

First and third are possible,lack of concrete info on second. 

I think first panipath was pretty brilliant by babur,trechnically.But yes,i still haven't yet started on the tactical masterpieces.Alesia,yarmouk,austerlitz,leuthen,cannae,kharkov,ilippa,dara etc.

1.Do hope you will be able to present the complete series eventually. The Panipath battles are of enormous interest to all in SA. The 2nd Battle, Nov 1556, was again a classic affair. Hemu,a rising Rajput general, had been a successful commander fighting the Mughals on behalf of his Afghan allies. While many in the Mughal camp had advised the Regent Gen Bairam Khan to avoid battle, this great military leader decided otherwise. Facing odds, the Mughals delivered a crushing defeat to the Hindu and Afghan combined army.

2. Often aspects of these three battles having interest to student of military history get lost perceiving these battles merely as Hindu-Muslim conflicts. The truth is, these were parts of the conflict for suzerainty over SA by the Mughal-Uzbeghs on the one hand and Afghan-Iranians on the other. We can notice the continuation of that conflict in the contemporary Pashtun-Northern Alliance tussle in Afghanistan.
1.Do hope you will be able to present the complete series eventually. The Panipath battles are of enormous interest to all in SA. The 2nd Battle, Nov 1556, was again a classic affair. Hemu,a rising Rajput general, had been a successful commander fighting the Mughals on behalf of his Afghan allies. While many in the Mughal camp had advised the Regent Gen Bairam Khan to avoid battle, this great military leader decided otherwise. Facing odds, the Mughals delivered a crushing defeat to the Hindu and Afghan combined army.

2. Often aspects of these three battles having interest to student of military history get lost perceiving these battles merely as Hindu-Muslim conflicts. The truth is, these were parts of the conflict for suzerainty over SA by the Mughal-Uzbeghs on the one hand and Afghan-Iranians on the other. We can notice the continuation of that conflict in the contemporary Pashtun-Northern Alliance tussle in Afghanistan.

Yes i can do it.I now have reliable articles from some seraching on all 3.Let me see what i can come up with.
Trench Warfare isn't a fascinating thing,which was used in First World War.pretty much wastage of resources and tactically blunt.also,First world War is a massive chapter to cover.some brilliant moves are definitely there,but you should study about Second World war,which is more dynamic and tactically more sound.

Yes. I have read Antory Beevor's WW II.It is enormous in size but breathtaking.
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