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Battle of Singapore, 80,000 British Soldiers Surrender to Japan


Oct 20, 2008
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February 15, 1942. Battle of Singapore, British Surrender. Lt.-Gen. Yamashita (seated, centre) thumps the table with his fist to emphasize his terms -- unconditional surrender. Lt.-Gen. Percival sits between his officers, his clenched hand to his mouth. (Photo from Imperial War Museum)

"World War II: Battle of Singapore"

Lt. Gen. Arthur Percival marches to surrender to the Japanese, February 1942
Photograph Source: Public Domain
Battle of Singapore - Conflict & Dates:

The Battle of Singapore was fought January 31 to February 15, 1942, during World War II (1939-1945).
Armies & Commanders


Lieutenant General Arthur Percival
85,000 men


Lieutenant General Tomoyuki Yamashita
36,000 men

Battle of Singapore - Background:

On December 8, 1941, Lieutenant General Tomoyuki Yamashita's Japanese 25th Army began invading British Malaya from Indochina and later from Thailand. Though outnumbered by the British defenders, the Japanese concentrated their forces and utilized combined arms skills learned in earlier campaigns to repeatedly flank and drive back the enemy. Quickly gaining air superiority, they inflicted a demoralizing blow on December 10 when Japanese aircraft sank the British battleships HMS Repulse and HMS Prince of Wales. Utilizing light tanks and bicycles, the Japanese swiftly moved through the peninsula's jungles.

Defending Singapore:

Though reinforced, Lieutenant General Arthur Percival's command was unable to halt the Japanese and on January 31 withdrew from the peninsula to the island of Singapore. Destroying the causeway between the island and Johore, he prepared to repel the anticipated Japanese landings. Considered a bastion of British strength in the Far East, it was anticipated that Singapore could hold or at least offer protracted resistance to the Japanese. To defend Singapore, Percival deployed three brigades of Major General Gordon Bennett's 8th Australian division to hold the western part of the island.

Lieutenant General Sir Lewis Heath's Indian III Corps was assigned to cover the northeastern part of the island while the southern areas were defended by a mixed force of local troops led by Major General Frank K. Simmons (Map). Advancing to Johore, Yamashita established his headquarters at the Sultan of Johore's palace. Though a prominent target, he correctly anticipated that the British would not attack it for fear of angering the sultan. Utilizing aerial reconnaissance and intelligence gathered from agents that infiltrated the island, he began to form a clear picture of Percival's defensive positions.

The Battle of Singapore Begins:

On February 3, Japanese artillery began hammering targets on Singapore and air attacks against the garrison intensified. British guns, including the city's heavy coastal guns, responded but in the latter case their armor-piercing rounds proved largely ineffective. On February 8, the first Japanese landings began on Singapore's northwest coast. Elements of the Japanese 5th and 18th Divisions came ashore at Sarimbun Beach and met fierce resistance from Australian troops. By midnight, they had overwhelmed the Australians and forced them to retreat.

Believing that future Japanese landings would come in the northeast, Percival elected not to reinforce the battered Australians. Widening the battle, Yamashita conducted landings in the southwest on February 9. Encountering the 44th Indian Brigade, the Japanese were able to drive them back. Retreating east, Bennett formed a defensive line just east of Tengah airfield at Belim. To the north, Brigadier Duncan Maxwell's 27th Australian Brigade inflicted heavy losses on Japanese forces as they attempted to land west of the causeway. Maintaining control of the situation, they held the enemy to a small beachhead.

The End Nears:

Unable to communicate with the Australian 22nd Brigade on his left and concerned about encirclement, Maxwell ordered his troops to fall back from their defensive positions on the coast. This withdrawal allowed the Japanese to begin landing armored units on the island. Pressing south, they outflanked Bennett's "Jurong Line" and pushed towards the city. Aware of the deteriorating situation, but knowing that the defenders outnumbered the attackers, Prime Minister Winston Churchill cabled General Archibald Wavell, Commander-in-Chief, India, that Singapore was to hold out at all costs and should not surrender.

This message was forwarded to Percival with orders that the latter should fight to the end. On February 11, Japanese forces captured the area around Bukit Timah as well as much of Percival's ammunition and fuel reserves. The area also gave Yamashita control of the bulk of the island's water supply. Though his campaign had been successful to date, the Japanese commander was desperately short of supplies and sought to bluff Percival into ending "this meaningless and desperate resistance." Refusing, Percival was able to stabilize his lines in southeast part of the island and repelled Japanese attacks on February 12.
The Surrender:

Slowly being pushed back on February 13, Percival was asked by his senior officers about surrendering. Rebuffing their request, he continued the fight. The next day, Japanese troops secured Alexandra Hospital and massacred around 200 patients and staff. Early on the morning of February 15, the Japanese succeeded in breaking through Percival's lines. This coupled with the exhaustion of the garrison's anti-aircraft ammunition led Percival to meet with his commanders at Fort Canning. During the meeting, Percival proposed two options: an immediate strike at Bukit Timah to regain the supplies and water or surrendering.

Informed by his senior officers that no counterattack was possible, Percival saw little choice other than surrender. Dispatching a messenger to Yamashita, Percival met with the Japanese commander at the Ford Motor Factory later that day to discuss terms. The formal surrender was completed shortly after 5:15 that evening.

Battle of Singapore - World War 2 Battle of Singapore

Many of these so-called British soldiers might come from the colonies, so they don't have to fight to death for their colonial master. :coffee:
Many of these so-called British soldiers might come from the colonies, so they don't have to fight to death for their colonial master. :coffee:

That doesn't appear to be true, 80,000 British troops surrendered that makes majority of the British Army in Singapore and they were originally from Britain. Britain had a total of 85,000 troops there 5,000 soldiers were likely from the colonies, i.e. Australia, NZ, Ind.
That doesn't appear to be true, 80,000 British troops surrendered that makes majority of the British Army in Singapore and they were originally from Britain. Britain had a total of 85,000 troops there 5,000 soldiers were likely from the colonies, i.e. Australia, NZ, Ind.

Wrong - About 40,000 are Indian soldiers who later became the INA under Netaji.
A large chunk of these soldiers must have been from the Subcontinent. Several relatives from my extended family participated on that front.
Okay what about the other 40,000? They were British, Australians, and New Zealanders.
Okay what about the other 40,000? They were British, Australians, and New Zealanders.

Out of the remaining 40,000 roughly about 11,000 were again Indians who perished due to extreme conditions. So claim the total no of Indians were 60,000 and about 15,000 perished. I could not find proper sources.
Say, what ever happened to the Japanese general who won this glorious victory?
Say, what ever happened to the Japanese general who won this glorious victory?

He was tried for war crimes and condemned to death after war but not for the atrocities he committed in Singapore.
Japan was some superpower militarily at that time.
They should have no regrets as they have managed to change well especially to keep their economy on par with the U.S
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