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Battle for the Arctic


Feb 4, 2010
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Russian Federation
Russian Federation
ww3 is war on terror which is ending now ...

But with Russians trying to occupy the north regions (north poles for oil and resources) a conflict is bound to escalate

It would be great to know how the indian would align themsleves in case of well you know the Russians / Nato go at it - I mean it would be pretty fast affair , India is just too close to Russians

AZADPAKISTAN2009 raised an interesting topic, which will be useful to discuss in a new direction.

The main contenders in the dispute over energy resources in the Arctic are Russia, Canada, USA, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. NATO is unable to speak with one voice, because the main bickering takes place between the United States, Denmark and Canada.

I think in the political battle for the Arctic, India and China will support Russia because the victory of Russia will redirect energy resources in the Arctic to South-East Asia. This support can be in the form of joint investment in infrastructure construction on the Arctic coast (icebreakers, ice-class drilling platforms, liquefied natural gas). In the coming decades the world will face a shortage of energy, so the result of political confrontation in the Arctic is of great importance for the countries of South-East Asia.

The battle has already begun and one of the first moves of Russia in this chess game will be the promotion of India to the list of permanent members of the UN. :cheers:
The main weapon in the new "Cold War" for the Arctic (yea, there is very cold :lol:) will be nuclear-powered icebreakers. Who controls the ice, that controls the Arctic.

According to forecasts, the Northern Sea Route will be suitable for cargo from Europe to South-East Asia in the coming years. Perennial pack ice retreat and annuals are not dangerous for ice-class ships, accompanied by an icebreaker.

At the same time, the shortest route from Europe to Asia via the Red Sea is becoming increasingly dangerous. Pirates may make it economically viable.

This year, Russia will launch the Northern Sea Route first oil tanker. In full swing development drilling platforms of ice class, calculated on the predicted climatic conditions. This commercial projects, where you can have time to take part.

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The last couple of US presidents really dropped the ball when US allowed China and Russia to become closer to each other than each is to US.
i would 100% support a russian bid for the arctic. the US is not even a real arctic country, it has a tiny outpost in the arctic. neither is norway or denmark. Russia and Canada are the only ones with any significant landmass above the arctic circle.
India should stay neutral. However, if situation arises that we have to take sides, then imo India should/will support Russia:cheers:
AZADPAKISTAN2009 raised an interesting topic, which will be useful to discuss in a new direction.

The main contenders in the dispute over energy resources in the Arctic are Russia, Canada, USA, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. NATO is unable to speak with one voice, because the main bickering takes place between the United States, Denmark and Canada.

I think in the political battle for the Arctic, India and China will support Russia because the victory of Russia will redirect energy resources in the Arctic to South-East Asia. This support can be in the form of joint investment in infrastructure construction on the Arctic coast (icebreakers, ice-class drilling platforms, liquefied natural gas). In the coming decades the world will face a shortage of energy, so the result of political confrontation in the Arctic is of great importance for the countries of South-East Asia.

The battle has already begun and one of the first moves of Russia in this chess game will be the promotion of India to the list of permanent members of the UN. :cheers:

I was also interested in talking about that in other thread but for some reason that thread was locked it is a very interesting topic

Artic is melting and in 4-10 years that region will have passage for drilling companies to explore it and may be extract 2-3 times the oil that exist in Saudi Arabia
Artic is melting and in 4-10 years that region will have passage for drilling companies to explore it and may be extract 2-3 times the oil that exist in Saudi Arabia

4-10 years is the period during which expected to complete the melting of multiyear ice. Year ice reaches a thickness of 2.5-3 m, this thickness is passable for modern nuclear-powered icebreakers, but at the moment there is no drilling platforms that can withstand the ice situation.

Now navigate the Northern Sea Route is only possible within 1-2 months of the year. In the rest of the year swimming is very dangerous even for nuclear ice-breakers because possible collisions with pack ice 5-8 meters thick as it heads against the wall.

The year-round navigation require the construction of a large number of icebreakers.

In 2009, Russia began to develop the world's first ice-class drilling platform, capable of withstanding the Far North. Declared parameters:
- Commissioning: 2014
- Cost: $700 million
- Drilling depth up to 9 km (2 km of water and 7 km ground)
- Operating temperature up to -35 degrees
Nice and interesting scenario building up in the North....

Thanks Dron.ru and Azad for bringing this to notice. For once I have seen a interesting post from you Azad. Its appreciated.

If India is compelled to take sides it will be Russia and this will be along with China. Because, we do know that USA will try and control the resources in such a way that it benefits and nobody else. The same as in middle east. I do see some joint ventures with India and China with huge money to invest and Russia executing projects there. BUSINESS
I heard them canadians did not like the russian subs in canadian waters , what truth exists of that international incident ?

I heard Canadian armed forces have began to increase their army & navy and airforce budget since that incident

Obviously there is some disareement what are the limits of these borders , but what is the Russian take do they feel they own the region becasue they laid a flag on bottom of ocean ? or something like that I herd that a while ago ...
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